Odontocorynus procerus Prena, 2008

Prena, Jens, 2008, Review ofOdontocorynusSchönherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae) with Descriptions of Four New Species, The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (2), pp. 243-277 : 243-277

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/1074.1

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scientific name

Odontocorynus procerus Prena

sp. nov.

Odontocorynus procerus Prena View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 22 View Figs , 39 View Figs )

Holotype male, labeled: ‘‘ MEXICO, Coah [uila], Hwy./ 57, 15 mi. SE. Saltillo,/ 7000’ 12 Sept. 1982 C. &/ L. O’Brien & G. Wibmer’ ’, ‘‘ HOLOTYPE / Odontocorynus / procerus/ Prena’ ’ (California Academy of Sciences, on longterm loan to CWOB) .

Paratypes 2 males, 4 females: Mexico, Coahuila, 15 mi [24 km] SE Saltillo, 7000’ [2135 m], 12.9.1982, C.W. & L. O’Brien, G. Wibmer ( CWOB 1 , USNM 1 About USNM ); Nuevo León, Hwy. 58, 32 mi [51 km] W Linares, 6000’ [1830 m], 11.9.1982, C.W. & L. O’Brien, G. Wibmer ( CWOB 2 , JPPC 2 ) .

Description. Total length 4.2–4.8 mm, standard length 3.9–4.4 mm; body elongate, derm black, scales elongate, dingy white, not forming pattern ( Fig. 22 View Figs ); pronotal punctures dense, interspaces with trend to longitudinal ridges; prosternum channeled, its lateral edge interrupted by subapical constriction; elytral apices rounded conjointly and covering pygidium. Male: rostrum curved weakly and rather evenly, flank punctate coarsely throughout, anteantennal portion 0.33X length of rostrum; scape lamellate and gradually widened, first desmomere approximately 1.5X longer than second, distal desmomeres increasingly asymmetrical, dorsally expanded and lamellate, club elongate-ovate, as long as width of eye, basomere excised and with distinct conical process; anterolateral margin of pronotum with tubercle; ventrite 1 depressed, without setose fascicle; tibiae normal, without additional subdistal tooth; tarsomeres normal, without specialized setae; aedeagus as in Fig. 31 View Figs , apex pointed, basal portion of internal sac one-half as long as apodemes, median and distal portions with armature consisting of numerous anvil-shaped denticles. Female: rostrum curved moderately at base, distal portion less curved, glabrous, flank with punctures gradually decreasing in size toward apex, anteantennal portion 0.47X length of rostrum; first desmomere approximately 1.5X longer than second, club ovate, approximately as long as first desmomere; tibiae normal, without additional subdistal tooth.

Distribution. Northeastern Mexico, Sierra Madre Oriental: Coahuila, Nuevo León ( Fig. 39 View Figs ).

Temporal occurrence. September [2 dates].

Plant association. None recorded.

Specific epithet. A regular Latin adjective, first and second declension, meaning elongate.

Discussion. Odontocorynus procerus is very closely related to O. falsus , which occurs further north. These species differ chiefly in male character states of the antenna, i.e., size of the club and shape of the scape. I have seen another undescribed species of this complex that is intermediate between O. procerus and O. latiscapus . Females may be identified by their dingy white vestiture (usually yellow in O. falsus ) and distributional range.

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