Rodentanema, Smales, 2016

Durette-Desset, Marie-Claude & Digiani, María Celina, 2023, Revision of the genera of Heligmonellidae (Nematoda, Heligmosomoidea), parasitic in Muridae from New Guinea, Parasite (Paris, France) 30 (63), pp. 1-34 : 18

publication ID 10.1051/parasite/2023058

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3.6 RODENTANEMA Smales, 2016 View in CoL ( Fig. 6 View Figure 6 )

Type species: Rodentanema aenigma Smales, 2016 .

Hosts: Muridae , Murinae ( Rodentia ).

Host site: small intestine.

Distribution: Papua New Guinea.

Original diagnosis: Heligmonellidae . Nippostrongylinae . Synlophe well developed with 6-7 continuous pointed longitudinal ridges mid body. Buccal capsule relatively well developed, without lips or teeth. Cephalic vesicle present. Bursa dissymmetrical, right lobe larger, dorsal lobe short; pattern of lateral rays 1-4; dorsal ray divided close to distal end. Spicules simple, filiform. Female monodelphic; small number eggs in utero; tail without terminal spike. Parasites of murine rodents indigenous to the island of New Guinea [ 38].

3.6.1 Analysis of data and difficulties encountered Rodentanema aenigma

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