Lispe patersoni, Vikhrev, 2021

Vikhrev, Nikita E., 2021, Lispe (Diptera, Muscidae) of Africa, Amurian Zoological Journal XIII (3), pp. 369-400 : 382-383

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-3-369-400

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scientific name

Lispe patersoni

sp. nov.

Lispe patersoni View in CoL sp. nov.


Lispe patersoni patersoni

Figs 30–35 View Figs 30–35

Holotype: male, TANZANIA, Mtwara reg., Mtwara, 10.30 ° S 40.15 ° E, 21–22 December 2015, N. Vikhrev ( ZMUM). GoogleMaps

Paratypes, 17♂, 31♀: EGYPT, Sinai, Ras Burha (South Sinai ≈ 27.8 ° N 34.2 ° E): 5 September 1976, A. Freidberg GoogleMaps , 2♂; 23 September 1977, Kugler, 1♂ ( TAUI and ZMUM) .

TANZANIA: Lindi reg., Lindi env., 9.95 ° S 39.72 ° E, 23–26 December 2015, N. Vikhrev, 10♀; Mtwara reg., Mtwara, 10.259 ° S 40.166 ° E, 21–22 December 2015, N. Vikhrev, 14♂, 21♀ ( ZMUM). Other material GoogleMaps : MADAGASCAR, Nosy Be Isl., Ambatoloaka beach (13.398 ° S 48.206 ° E), 4–7 April 1991, A. Freidberg, F. Kaplan, 1♂ (see Remarks) GoogleMaps .

Description. Male. Body length 4.1– 4.6 mm. Head with frons, face, parafacials and gena black; fronto-orbital plates and frontal triangle dark brown ( Fig. 31 View Figs 30–35 ); occiput darkgrey. Parafacialia and gena narrow, so is frontal triangle. Fronto-orbital plates with 3 long inclinate setae and with 5–6 setulae in outer row. Antennae black, postpedicel rather long, falling of mouth margin by 1/3 of its own length. Aristal hairs as long as width of antenna. Vibrissae indistinct from setae around it. Palpi black, only moderately and gradually widened at apex.

Thorax black, with weak brownish-grey pollinosity; dc 2+3, all well distinct; meron bare; anepimeron with 8–10 setulae. Wings darkened at apex between veins R2+3 and R4+5 ( Fig. 30 View Figs 30–35 ), calypters white, halters black. Legs dark, basal 1/4 of tibiae and tarsi yellowish. The ventral spines on femora characteristic for the L. caesia group are absent. t1 without submedian seta. f2 with 4–5 fine v setae in basal half and 2 p preapical. t2 with 1 pv below middle. Hind coxa with seta on posterior margin. f3 with a complete row of 7–8 av seta and 3–4 fine v setae in basal half. t3: ad below middle and preapical d fine and long (about 0.4x as long as length of tibia); ground ad setulae in basal half distinctly elongated; a to av surfaces with 7–8 setae in apical half. Hind tarsus slightly modified: tar3-1 with av and pv rows of waved setulae ( Fig. 34 View Figs 30–35 ).

Abdomen grey dusted, tergites 1+2 to 4 with a large black triangular median spot each, tergite 5 mostly grey with some black pattern antero-laterally ( Fig. 32 View Figs 30–35 ). Male cercal plate as shown in Fig. 33 View Figs 30–35 , cercal plate heartshaped, typical for the L. caesia group.

Female differs from male as follows: body length 4.2–4.7 mm. Vibrissae strong. Wings less distinctly darkened at apex. f3 with av setae weaker but more numerous (9–10) and with strong preapical av. t3 with ad and apical d shorter but stronger and with only 1(2) av seta. Hind tarsus unmodified.

Etymology. Named in honour of a South African dipterologist H. E. Paterson and to apprise his contribution to the taxonomy of African Lispe .

Habitat. Flies were found on the stony littoral zone of the Indian Ocean, the exact collecting site of the type series in Mtwara is shown in Fig. 35 View Figs 30–35 .

Remarks. Specimens in the type series of L. patersoni from Tanzania and Egypt are uniform, while the single Madagascan male differs as follows:

— t 3 in apical half with 3 long (about 0.6x as long as length of tibia) and waved ad setae, (other setae on t3 also longer than in L. patersoni ). f3 with av setae about 2x as long as femur width; wing only indistinctly darkened at apex.......................................... male from Madagascar

— t 3 in apical half with only 1 long (about 0.4x as long as length of tibia) and not waved ad setae. f3 with av setae shorter at most 1.5x as long as femur width; wing distinctly darkened at apex.............................. males from Tanzania and Egypt

I suppose that Madagascan population has a taxonomic rank of subspecies but for reasonable conclusions, more specimens are needed.


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy













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