Thrissina baelama (Fabricius, 1775)

Hata, Harutaka, Mandagi, Ixchel F. & Masengi, Kawilarang W. A., 2023, Resurrection of nominal species previously regarded as junior synonyms of Thrissina baelama (Fabricius, 1775) and their re-descriptions (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, pp. 279-302 : 282

publication ID 10.26107/RBZ-2023-0022

publication LSID

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scientific name

Thrissina baelama


Key to species previously identified as Thrissina baelama View in CoL by Whitehead et al. (1988)

Note: Thrissina baelama sensu Whitehead et al. (1988) was diagnosed by a short maxilla posteriorly not reaching the preopercle posterior margin, and total ventral scutes fewer than 18 and ending anteriorly below the pectoral fin ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

1. 1TGR ≤ 36 ........................... T. samam ( Japan to New Guinea)

– 1TGR ≥ 38 (36–40 in T. baelama View in CoL ) ........................................2

2. Several distinct black blotches on anterior part of dorsal fin .. ........................................................ T. tuberculosa ( Mauritius)

– Distinct blotches on dorsal fin absent.....................................3

3. 1TGR 41 or more .................................................................... .... T. polynemoides (eastern coast of Africa and Madagascar)

– 1TGR 40 or less......................................................................4

4. Pre-dorsal-fin length greater than 50.6% of SL; snout longer than 4.9% of SL ........................ T. evermanni ( Fiji to Tonga)

– Pre-dorsal-fin length shorter than 50.4% of SL; snout shorter than 4.8% of SL .................................... T. baelama View in CoL (Red Sea)

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