Gelotolabis tanganyikae Brindle, 1964 : 754

Miles, Claire, 2015, The Earwig Collection (Dermaptera) of the Manchester Museum, UK, with a complete type catalogue, European Journal of Taxonomy 141, pp. 1-138 : 110

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2015.141


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Gelotolabis tanganyikae Brindle, 1964 : 754


Gelotolabis tanganyikae Brindle, 1964: 754 View in CoL , figs 1–2, 15.

Type material

1 ♂, holotype, F3233.1416 ( Fig. 21 View Figs 19–27 ); 3 ♀♀, paratypes, F3233.1317–1319; dried, mounted on card.

Type locality

Njombe / 6000–6500 ft. / Tanganyika / I. II.1957 W. P.

Locality labels

As type locality except date: F3233.1317–1318, 26 Feb. 1957; F3233.1319, 21 Aug. 1952, Dr W. Peters.


Anisolabididae , Anisolabidinae , Gonolabis tanganyikae ( Brindle, 1964) .


1. Transferred by Steinmann (1978: 193).

2. The date of the holotype does not match that given for the material examined by Brindle in the original description, i.e., ‘26.ii.57 (holotype, allotype)’, although the rest of the locality data matches. There is no reference to female paratypes examined except the allotype. The female specimens F3233.1317– 1319 have ‘Paratype’ on Brindle’s determination labels.

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