Lophozozymus dodone (Herbst, 1801)

Alrasheedi, Sami M, Alrashdi, Mousa N, Alhumaidan, Lama S, Alkhdairi, Ahmad, Alzweihary, Ali M, Alhussaini, Omar M, Alharbi, Lama S, Albalawi, Amirah N, Almutairi, Turki F, Alharbi, Osama A G & Bashal, Afaf A M, 2024, Crabs of the Families Tetraliidae, Trapeziidae and Xanthidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) new to the Ogasawara Islands, Japan, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 50 (1), pp. 1-17 : 7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.50826/bnmnszool.50.1_1



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Lophozozymus dodone (Herbst, 1801)


Lophozozymus dodone (Herbst, 1801) View in CoL

[Jn: Hime-hiroha-ougigani]

( Fig. 3A–B View Fig )

Material examined. Chichi-jima Is. — Chichi-jima I., Futami Bay, in front of the Ogasawara Fisheries Center, 1♂ (NSMT-Cr 31528; cb 8.3×cl 6.4 mm), 11-IV-1975, Y. Kurata leg. ; Futami Bay , on buoy, 1 ♂ (NSMT-Cr 6857; cb 11.7×cl 7.9 mm), 17-V-1975, Y Kurata leg. ; Futami Bay, Kaname-iwa Islet (27°04′45″N, 142°12′06″E), 1 ♂ (NSMT-Cr 31529; cb 7.3×cl 4.9 mm), 9-XI-2013, H. Tachikawa leg. GoogleMaps ; Hyotanjima I. (27°07′46″N, 142°10′48″E), 15–20 m, 1 ♀ (NSMT-Cr 31530; cb 8.6×cl 6.0 mm), 28-VI-2014, H. Komatsu leg. GoogleMaps

Haha-jima Is.—Haha-jima I., diving site Shihon-iwa North (26°38′56″N, 142°08′37″E), 1 ♂ (NSMT-Cr 31531; cb 7.4×cl 4.8 mm), 2-VII-2015, H. Komatsu leg.; Imoto-jima I., Hirane (26°34′08″N, 142°12′49″E), 20–25 m, 1♂ (NSMT-Cr 31532; cb 15.6×cl 10.4 mm), 14-VII-2016, H. Komatsu leg.

Remarks. The fine figures and photographs were given by Adams and White (1849, in 1848– 1849, pl. 8 fig. 1, as Atergatis lateralis Adams and White ), Dana (1855, pl. 8 fig. 4, as Xantho nitidus Dana ), Heller (1865, pl. 1 fig. 3, as Atergatis elegans Heller ), De Man (1888, in 1887–1888, pl. 10 fig. 2), Edmondson (1962, fig. 3f), Guinot (1979, pl. 8 fig. 1), Serène (1984, pl. 24 fig. 1), Sakai (1976, pl. 146 fig. 2), and Maenosono (2022c, fig. 7A–C). According to Serène (1984), L. dodone recorded by Forest and Guinot (1961) is really referable to L. glaber Ortmann, 1893 . This species was first reported from Japanese waters by Sakai (1965), with a colored figure, in which the main part of the carapace dorsal surface is dark brick red. Recently, Mendoza (2023) gave three color photographs (Fig. 31B–D) to show the remarkable color variation in the specimens from Madagascar. The basic color pattern of the carapace of one of the three is similar to one of two photographs of the specimens from the Ogasawara Islands, bright reddish brown ( Fig. 2B View Fig , present paper) vs dark chochorate brown ( Mendoza, 2023, fig. 31D) with the whitish anterolateral surfaces of both sides. The photograph taken in the field of Hachijo Island, north of the Ogasawara Islands ( Kato and Okuno, 2001, p. 127, 1 unnumbered fig.) shows also the similar color pattern with the specimen from the Ogasawara Islands.

Distribution. Widely distributed in the whole Indo-West Pacific, from the western Indian Ocean to the western and southern Pacific.













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