Veronica krylovii Schischk.

Rojas-Andrés, Blanca M. & Martínez-Ortega, Montserrat, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Veronica subsection Pentasepalae (Veronica, Plantaginaceae sensu APG III), Phytotaxa 285 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.285.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Veronica krylovii Schischk.


5. Veronica krylovii Schischk. View in CoL in Krylov et al. (1939: 2457). ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 )

Stems 8–30 (35) cm long, slightly ascending to erect, covered by eglandular hairs (0.1) 0.3–0.5 (1.0) mm long, incurvate, ± appressed and antrorse, not arranged in 2 opposite lines along the stem; apical shoot bearing (1) 3–6 (13) pairs of leaves. Leaves (4.7) 8–35 (43) × (1.4) 2.0–7.0 (16.6) mm, opposite, sometimes the uppermost alternate, the basal and medium ones similar, ovate to lanceolate, rarely narrowly elliptic or elliptic, generally rounded at the base, sometimes cuneate to narrowly cuneate, crenate-serrate to serrate, sometimes subrevolute, sparsely to densely covered by hairs (0.07) 0.1–0.8 (1.0) mm long, usually covering more densely the abaxial face than the adaxial one, and usually the shortest hairs along the margin, or subglabrous, sessile or subsessile; apical shoot leaves opposite, linear-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, crenate-serrate to serrate, sometimes subrevolute. Racemes axillary, opposite or alternate, bearing (6) 12–25 (32) flowers, loosely arranged; peduncles 2.8–9.5 cm long, covered by the same type of indument as that of the stem; bracts (2.5) 3–8 (12) mm long, linear-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, entire, puberulous, puberulent or ciliate, and in this case bearing short hairs; pedicels (1.3) 7–9 (13.8) mm long. Calyx 3.7–6.7 mm long; 4 (5) sepals, the fifth sometimes lacking, if present usually longer than in the remaining species, lanceolate, shorter or longer than the capsule, subglabrous, puberulous or puberulent, with eglandular hairs. Corolla (9.5) 11–13 (14) mm in diameter, light blue, sometimes pink (after Borissova, 1955). Capsule (2.8) 4–5.5 (6.1) × (2.5) 3–4 (4.9) mm, longer than wide, elliptic, rounded and not much compressed at the base, emarginate, sinus up to 0.7 mm depth, glabrous. Style (2.7) 4–5 (5.3) mm long. Seeds 1–2 × 0.8–1.6 mm, ca. 20–25 per capsule.


Phytotaxa 285 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 33

Chromosome Number: —2 n = 16.

Habitat: —forests, dry shrublands, steppes, rocky places. 170–1,900 m.

Distribution: —C and N Asia; E Kazakhstan (Tarbagatai mountains) and Siberia (Altai Krai, Altai Republic, Khakassia Republic, and Irkutsk Oblast) ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ).

Phenology: —Flowering from May to July.

Specimens Examined: — KAZAKHSTAN. East Kazakhstan: In apricis montium Tarbagatai, 1840, Karelin & Kiriloff s.n. ( W0020501 ); the East Kazakhstan area, Urdzharsky distr. , ridge of Tarbagataj , 10 km on the northeast from village Kirovka , rocky exits, 47º09'N, 82º06'E, 15 May 2001, Smirnov S GoogleMaps ., German D., Antonyuk E. ( ALTB) .

RUSSIA. Altai Krai: Altai, East of Biisk, pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) forest, 170 m, 52.510ºN, 85.270ºE, 9 June 2013, D.C. Albach & P. Kosachev DA1246 (OLD); Altaiskii distr. 1 km west of the village Aja, top of the mountain, meadow steppefied, 51.948497ºN, 85.792866ºE, 14 July 2013, P. Kosachev s.n. (ALTB); Altaiskii distr., 8 km west of the village Verch-Aja, mount Wereskovaja, rocky steppe, 51.97210ºN, 85.56795ºE, 15 July 2013, P. Kosachev s.n. (ALTB); Perwomaiskii distr., near village Tokarevo, the left bank of the river M. Cheremshanka, on the railway embankment, 25 May 1999, Solomachin D.N. s.n. (ALTB); Чарышский р-н,окр. Пономарево, долина руч. Прямой, правый берег, каменистый склон, 28 May 2000, T.O. Strelnikova s.n. (ALTB); Курьинский р-н, западный макросклон массива Синюха, окрестности Мохового озера, 51º15'N, 82º33'E, 18 June 1999, Kamelin. R.V., Shmakov A.I., Chubarov I., Kostjukov S., Antoniuc E. & Kosachev P. AA Nº 151 (ALTB); Charyshsky distr., 4 km more low on the left river bank Charysh from a river Tulata mouth, 51º26'N, 83º20'E, 23 June 2002, Shmakov A.I., Smirnov S.V., Kutsev M.G., Chubarov I.N., Naumov I. (ALTB); Petropavlovsky distr., 2 km of village jugo-to the west Solovjiha, steppe and stony slopes, 466 m, 51º57'03.5''N, 84º04'52.8''E, 1 June 2007, Shmakov A.I., Vaganov A.V., Smirnov S.V., Frizen N.V., Kutsev M.G., Naumov I.V. (ALTB); Soloneshensky distr., village Karpovo vicinities, rocks, 604 m, 51º51'29''N, 84º31'47.6''E, 2 June 2007, Shmakov A.I., Vaganov A.V., Smirnov S.V., Frizen N.V., Kutsev M. G, Naumov I.V. (ALTB); Irkutsk Oblast: (illegible label), 1848, Alfarus s.n. (TU265978); Baikal, Kusnezow s.n. (TU265977); Flora Sibirica, bergabhange an der Kaja bei Irkutsk, june 88, illegible collector (PR801412); Republic Altai: Ulaganskii distr., vicin. of lake Choibekkel, 1889 m, 50º26'12.2''N, 87º35'37''E, 9 July 2006, Shmakov A. I., Smirnov S. V., Kutsev M. G., Vaganov A. V., Zubov R. A., Ivanova M. I., Kechaikin A. A., Shalimov A. P. (ALTB); 5 km north of Myjuta, south-exposed dry, shrubby slope, 802 m, 51º22'N, 85º39'E, 9 June 2013, D.C. Albach & P. Kosachev DA1265 (OLD); Chike-Taman pass, slope with Spiraea chamaedrifolia and Caragana arborescens , 1300 m, 50.672ºN, 86.340ºE, 9 July 2013, D.C. Albach & P. Kosachev DA1275 (OLD); Sibiria, Altai, distr. Maima, vicinitas latior oppidi Gornoaltaisk (Ulala), in declivibus collis Tugaya, 400–650 m, 08 July 1972, V. Vasak s.n. (PR370476); Sibiria, Altai, distr. Ongudai, vicinitas latior pagi Beliy Bom, 780–900 m, 26 July 1972, V. Vasak s.n. (PR370477); Republic of Khakassia: Bergabhange an der Kaja bei Irkutsk, June 88, illegible collector (PR801418); Sibiria: Güv. Jeniseisk, distr. Mimisinsk Askys- Abakansk, June 1914, H. Printz s.n. (C); dubious region: Altai, 1844, C. A. Meyer s.n. (TU265980); Altai, 1844, Fischer s.n. (TU265979); Altai, Ledebour s.n. (TU265982); Altai, Ledebour s.n. (W0020502); Altai, Endlicher s.n. (W0049263).


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Altai State University

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