Onycholyda xanthogaster Shinohara, 1999

Shinohara, Akihiko, Kakuda, Tsuneo, Wei, Meicai & Kameda, Yuichi, 2018, DNA Barcodes Identify the Larvae and Unassociated Male of Three Onycholyda Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) from China, Zootaxa 4403 (1), pp. 123-132 : 126-127

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.1.7

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scientific name

Onycholyda xanthogaster Shinohara, 1999


Onycholyda xanthogaster Shinohara, 1999

( Fig. 2 View FIGURE2 )

Onycholyda xanthogaster Shinohara, 1999: 66 ; Shinohara & Xiao, 2006: 288.

Distribution. China (Sichuan [new record], Shaanxi).

Host plant. Rubus inopertus (Focke) Focke.

Field observations (by Shinohara). Sichuan Province, Mt. Emeishan, approximately 32 km west of Baoguosi.

In May, 2014, larvae were found on bushes of Rubus inopertus along a narrow unpaved car road at about 1600 m above sea-level. On May 24, four larval abodes were collected (three of them Fig. 2A–C View FIGURE2 ), each containing one larva, and one egg ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE2 ). Two larvae matured on May 30 ( Fig. 2J View FIGURE2 , sample nos. 606, 607) and two on June 2 (sample nos. 637, 638), whereas the egg did not hatch. On May 25, three larval abodes with solitary larvae were found. One of them died in a few days, one matured on June 2 (sample no. 634) and the third one matured on June 6 (sample no. 635). On May 30, one larval abode was found. The larva matured on June 8 (sample no. 636). All the mature larvae were fixed in ethanol.

The remains of the egg shells were often not located, probably because the larva had already consumed the part of the leaf with the egg shell, but, when found, they were always on the under surface of the leaf. The eggs were deposited on or close to the main or lateral vein ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE2 ). The larval abodes were always on the under surface of the leaf. The larval abodes were rather irregular in shape ( Fig. 2A–C View FIGURE2 ).

Larva. Early instar ( Fig. 2D, E View FIGURE2 ): Head black; antenna whitish; trunk creamy white; blackish spot on dorsal surface of prothoracic shield; cervical sclerite black; thoracic legs and subanal appendage whitish. Middle to late instar ( Fig. 2F–I View FIGURE2 ): Similar to early instar, but head mostly pale brown with irregular black areas along posterior margin, frons and mouth parts. Mature larva ( Fig. 2J View FIGURE2 ): Similar to the preceding, but antenna pale brown and trunk, including thoracic legs and subanal appendage, vivid pale green.

Remarks. Onycholyda xanthogaster was first described based on a single male specimen from Shaanxi Province ( Shinohara 1999), and the female was described later by Shinohara & Xiao (2006) also from Shaanxi Province. The two adult males used for molecular work are from Shaanxi Province and agree well with the holotype ( Shinohara 1999), except that the large pale mark on the mesepisternum is missing. The larval material from Sichuan Province agreed with the Shaanxi adults in DNA barcodes and we determine them as O. xanthogaster . This is the first record of O. xanthogaster from Sichuan Province.

The mature larva of this species is characterized by the largely pale brown head and the almost entirely pale green trunk. A similar color pattern is known for the mature larvae of O. minomalis (Takeuchi, 1930) and O. similis Shinohara, 1987 , from Japan (Shinohara & Kojima 2013; Shinohara & Ibuki 2014), and O. fulvicornis (see below). The mature larvae of the four species are not at present distinguishable, except by their different host plants.














Onycholyda xanthogaster Shinohara, 1999

Shinohara, Akihiko, Kakuda, Tsuneo, Wei, Meicai & Kameda, Yuichi 2018

Onycholyda xanthogaster

Shinohara, 1999 : 66
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