Tylopus flavolineatus, Likhitrakarn & Golovatch & Panha, 2016

Likhitrakarn, Natdanai, Golovatch, Sergei I. & Panha, Somsak, 2016, The millipede genus Tylopus Jeekel, 1968 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae), with a key and descriptions of eight new species from Indochina, European Journal of Taxonomy 195, pp. 1-47 : 3-6

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Valdenar (2020-05-21 14:25:40, last updated 2025-01-16 13:58:18)

scientific name

Tylopus flavolineatus

sp. nov.

Tylopus flavolineatus View in CoL sp. nov.


Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig , 26 View Fig


Differs in the presence of middle and lateral yellow stripes on the body, by the sterna bearing evident cones caudally near each coxa, and in ♂ femur 5 showing a large distovental adenostyle, coupled with the gonopods being rather slender, with a quite large, slightly curved and pointed process h.


To emphasize the middle and lateral yellow stripes on the body; adjective.

Material examined


THAILAND: ♂, Wat Tham Santisuk, Nong Muang , Lopburi, 15°12'10" N, 100°39'50" E, 145 m a.s.l., 7 Jun. 2008, leg. C. Sutcharit & N. Likhitrakarn ( CUMZ).



THAILAND: 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ ( CUMZ), same data as for holotype.



MEASUREMENTS AND COLOUR. Length 13.8–16.4 (♂) or 14.2–16.5 mm (♀), width of midbody pro- and metazonae 0.83–0.92 and 1.21–1.33 mm (♂) or 1.19–1.28 and 1.68–1.73 mm (♀), respectively. Coloration of alcohol material after six years of preservation dark brown; a pair of paramedian longitudinal stripes flanking a narrow, sometimes vague, brown, axial line; paraterga and area of pleurosternal carinae contrasting light yellow to yellowish; legs and venter dark brown to dark yellow ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

HEAD. Clypeolabral region densely, vertex sparsely, setose; epicranial suture distinct. Antennae rather short ( Fig. 1B View Fig ), clavate (antennomere 6 highest), extending behind body segment 3 (♂) or 2 (♀) when stretched dorsally. In width, segment 2 = 3 <head <collum <segment 4 <5–15; thereafter body gently and gradually tapering. Collum with three transverse rows of very small setigerous tubercles: 6+6 anterior, 4+4 intermediate and 5+5 posterior; with a small lateral denticle at about 1/3 collum length in front of caudal corner; the latter very broadly rounded anteriorly, declined ventrad, caudal corner not surpassing rear tergal margin.

BODY. Tegument smooth and shining, prozonae and surface below paraterga largely finely shagreened, metaterga rather smooth and leathery, posterior halves faintly rugulose, surface below paraterga finely microgranulate ( Fig. 1 View Fig A–G). Postcollum metaterga with four transverse rows of very small setigerous tubercles or setae: an anterior transverse row of 4–6+4–6, intermediate transverse rows (one pre-sulcus, the other post-sulcus) of 3–4+3–4, and a posterior transverse row of 5–7+5–7; tergal setae long, strong, slender, about 2/3 of metatergal length ( Fig. 1A, D, F View Fig ). Axial line visible both on pro- and metazonae. Paraterga well-developed ( Fig. 1A, D, F View Fig ), especially so in ♂, lying rather high (at upper 1/3 of body height), anterior edge rounded and narrowly bordered, fused to callus; caudal corner very narrowly rounded to pointed. Paraterga 2 and 3 each with two evident setigerous incisions at lateral edge ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Following poreless segments with two evident setigerous incisions; following pore-boring segments often with one incision in front of pore ( Fig. 1C – D View Fig ). Calluses on paraterga delimited by a sulcus both dorsally and ventrally. Ozopores evident, lateral, lying in an ovoid groove at about 1/4 metatergal length in front of posterior edge of metaterga. Transverse sulcus usually distinct ( Fig. 1A, D, F View Fig ), slightly incomplete on segments 4 and 19, complete on segments 5–18, rather wide, line-shaped, rather deep, not reaching bases of paraterga, beaded at bottom. Stricture between pro- and metazonae evident, wide and rather deep, ribbed at bottom down to base of paraterga ( Fig. 1A View Fig , C–F). Pleurosternal carinae complete crests with a sharp caudal tooth on segments 2 and 3, thereafter increasingly reduced and broken, remaining as a front bulge and a caudal tooth until segment 10 (♂) or 6 (♀), on following segments retained as a small caudal tooth until segment 18 (♂) or absent starting with segment 7 (♀). Epiproct ( Fig. 1 View Fig E–G) conical, flattened dorsoventrally, with two evident, small, rounded apical papillae; tip subtruncate; pre-apical lateral papillae evident, lying close to tip. Hypoproct roundly subtriangular, setigerous knobs at caudal edge small and well-separated ( Fig. 1G View Fig ).

STERNA. Densely setose, with a small, but evident cone caudally near each coxa, rear cones being a little larger than fore ones ( Fig. 2E View Fig ); an entire, large, tongue-shaped sternal lobe between ♂ coxae 4 ( Fig. 1H, I View Fig ). Legs rather long and slender, midbody ones ca 1.2–1.3 (♂) or 0.9–1.0 (♀) as long as body height ( Fig. 2G View Fig ); ♂ femora 5 ( Fig. 2F View Fig ) each with a very strong, distovental, densely pilose adenostyle in distal 1/3, ♂ prefemora 10–12 each with a small parabasal adenostyle ( Fig. 2G View Fig ); ♂ prefemora 2 until segment 12 each with microgranulations; tarsal brushes present until ♂ leg 6.

GONOPOD. Rather simple ( Figs 2 View Fig A–D, 3); coxa slightly curved caudad, sparsely setose distoventrally. Prefemur as usual, densely setose, about 1/3 as long as femorite + postfemoral part. Femorite slightly curved and rather slender, with an evident mesal groove and a strong distolateral sulcus demarcating a postfemoral part; lobe l rather small, rounded apically, process h large, slightly curved and pointed; solenophore (sph) clearly curved mesad, long, vaguely bifid, lamina medialis supporting a long flagelliform solenomere (sl).


In the normal condition, the solenomere is sheathed by the solenophore ( Fig. 2 View Fig A–D), broken off in Fig. 3 View Fig .

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Tylopus flavolineatus sp. nov., holotype, Ƌ (A, C–I), paratype, Ƌ (B). A–B. Anterior part of body, dorsal and lateral views, respectively. C–D. Segments 10 and 11, dorsal and lateral views, respectively. E–G. Posterior part of body, lateral, dorsal and subventral views, respectively. H–I. Sternal cones between coxae 4, caudal and sublateral views, respectively.

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Fig. 2. Tylopus flavolineatus sp. nov., holotype, Ƌ, left gonopod. A–D. Mesal, lateral, caudal and suboral views, respectively. E. Sterna of segment 10. F. Leg 6. G. Leg 10. Scale bars = 0.5 mm. Abbreviations are explained in the text.

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Fig. 3. Tylopus flavolineatus sp. nov., holotype, Ƌ, right gonopod. A–B. Mesal and lateral views, respectively. C–F. Distal part, subcaudal, subcaudal, suboral and sublateral views, respectively. Scale bars = 0.2 mm.

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Fig. 26. Distribution of the new eight species of Tylopus. Filled triangle. T. punctus sp. nov. Filled circle. T. acuminatus sp. nov. Crossed circle. T. acuminatus sp. nov., T. dorsalis sp. nov. Crossed square. T. acuminatus sp. nov. T. retusus sp. nov. Open circle. T. retusus sp. nov. Open triangle. T. baenzigeri Golovatch & Enghoff, 1993. Filled square. T. hongkhraiensis sp. nov. Open diamond. T. thunghaihin sp. nov. Inverted filled triangle. T. flavolineatus sp. nov. Open square. T. moniliformis sp. nov.


Cameroon University, Museum of Zoology















