Papposphaera sagittifera

Thomsen, Helge A., Østergaard, Jette B. & Heldal, Mikal, 2016, Coccolithophores in Polar Waters: HOL Revisited Papposphaera sagittifera HET and, Acta Protozoologica 55 (1), pp. 33-50 : 39-41

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.16.005.4046


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scientific name

Papposphaera sagittifera


P. sagittifera combination coccospheres ( Figs 17–22 View Figs 17–22 )

Two new occurrences of combination coccospheres from West Greenland are shown in Figs 17, 19 View Figs 17–22 . The cell shown in Fig. 17 View Figs 17–22 is particularly appealing because here the two groups of coccoliths have become partly separated to clearly show the morphological characteristics of each of them.

With reference to the combination coccospheres of P. sagittifera and T. borealis there is one issue of particular concern. It has become apparent that in each of the combination coccospheres illustrated by Thomsen et al. (1991) and also in the two new images reproduced here, the P. sagittifera HET calyx is in fact different from what is typically found in P. sagittifera HET when not forming part of a combination coccosphere. In the P. sagittifera combination coccosphere the four-winged rosette comprises wings that are fairly narrow, hardly ever stepwise elaborated on the inside, and with an angle proximally between the exterior edge of the wing and the connecting line between the two edges of the wing that leads to a much less flaring rosette in comparison with that generally found in P. sagittifera HET ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). The line distally connecting the exterior and interior edges of the wing deviates a few degrees from being perpendicular ( Figs 18, 20 View Figs 17–22 ). In Fig. 22 View Figs 17–22 the wings of the individual rosette have been pushed apart only to confirm the description of the individual wing provided above. A stepwise elaboration of the distal inner edge of the individual wing is occasionally observed ( Figs 18, 20, 22 View Figs 17–22 ; arrows). The design of the individual wing and the reduced overall flaring of the rosette cause the individual rosette to appear with an overall triangular outline when viewed in a TEM ( Figs 18, 20–21 View Figs 17–22 ). The very same features as described above are evident when consulting Thomsen et al. 1991 (loc. cit. Figs 2–4, 9 View Figs 1–2 View Fig View Figs 4–9 ).

A search among images of P. sagittifera HET has fortunately unveiled rare occurrences of this particular type of calyx scattered among others with the traditional stepwise and flared rosette design. First and foremost it should be mentioned that in the illustrations accompanying the type description ( Manton et al. 1976a, loc. cit. Fig. 3 View Fig ) there is in fact a single calyx among more than 15 ‘normal’ ones that fairly closely resembles those that occur in combination coccospheres. However, this feature was not specifically commented on in the type description. Also the SEM image of a Svalbard cell ( Fig. 14 View Figs 10–16 with enlargements in Figs 15–16 View Figs 10–16 ) displays at least one calyx that resembles those that occur in combination coccospheres ( Fig. 16 View Figs 10–16 ) in between more typical P. sagittifera HET rosettes ( Fig. 15 View Figs 10–16 ). It must also be noticed that there is typically a size difference between the two types of rosettes. The ‘triangular’ rosette ( Fig. 16 View Figs 10–16 ) is thus close to 1 µm in length, whereas the ‘flaring’ rosette ( Fig. 15 View Figs 10–16 ) is only 0.6 µm in length which is typical for this kind of rosette (ca. 0.65 µm in e.g. Fig. 13 View Figs 10–16 ). The size range among rosettes in Fig. 17 View Figs 17–22 is 0.8–0.9 µm which equals measurements from previously published combination coccospheres ( Thomsen et al. 1991; mean value 0.75 ± 0.09 µm / range: 0.65–1.00 µm / n = 12).

We have at present no explanation to offer with respect to these observations. Based in particular on the few findings referred to above of a combination coccosphere rosette type among ‘normal’ ones in genuine heterococcolithophore stages, but also on the fact that we have never observed a heterococcolithophore with a P. sagittifera central area calcification pattern and exclusively ‘triangular’ rosettes, we strongly believe that the heterococcolithophore forming part of combination coccospheres, such as those illustrated here in Figs 17, 19 View Figs 17–22 , is in fact P. sagittifera sensu stricto. Somehow the explanation behind these anomalies must be an integrated part of events taking place during a phase transition. However, it is very obvious that we are lacking in understanding the phenomenon of phase shift to the extent that this remains unexplainable for the time being. In our minds it makes most sense to think of combination coccospheres with these differing rosette features as representing stages in the haploid to diploid phase shift and that the ‘triangular’ rosette is thus a de novo feature of a ‘new-born’ diploid individual.

The holococcoliths forming part of a combination coccosphere appear to be closely similar to those described from Turrisphaera borealis ( Manton et al. 1976b) . Holococcoliths in Fig. 17 View Figs 17–22 measure 3.0–3.5 µm in length and ca. 0.7 µm in width at the most narrow part of the tower. There are 5–6 plates of crystallites spanning the width of the tower and they each have an edge-to-edge distance of ca. 0.09 µm (type material: 0.15 µm).

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