Papposphaera sagittifera

Thomsen, Helge A., Østergaard, Jette B. & Heldal, Mikal, 2016, Coccolithophores in Polar Waters: HOL Revisited Papposphaera sagittifera HET and, Acta Protozoologica 55 (1), pp. 33-50 : 45

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.16.005.4046


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Papposphaera sagittifera


P. sagittifera cfr. HOL ( Figs 44–48 View Figs 44–48 )

The holococcolithophore component of the combination coccospheres illustrated in Figs 38–43 View Figs 38–43 was also abundantly present in the holococcolithophore phase in the EPOS and ANT X/3 samples from the Weddell Sea ( Figs 44–48 View Figs 44–48 ). The keystone feature of this species is the pronounced asymmetry in the circum-flagellar holococcoliths where one side of the distal end of the tower is drawn out into a long lip-like structure that is offset from the tower itself at an angle of up to 55 degrees. Coccoliths elsewhere are fairly narrow and symmetrical and with a pronounced distal flaring. Cell dimensions in the Antarctic specimens range between 4–6 µm. The circum-flagellar holococcoliths typically reach 3 µm in length whereas those found elsewhere tend to be ca. 1 µm long. The hexagonal plates are of standard ‘ Turrisphaera ’ size. When measuring 37 individual plates from Fig. 48 View Figs 44–48 the mean value is 0.11 ± 0.014 µm and the overall range 0.06–0.14 µm. A central hole in the hexagonal plates is a typical feature of these cells. No underlayer scales have so far been observed.

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