Capillipedium alpinum H. Sun & Boufford, 2016

Denchev, Teodor T., Sun, Hang, Denchev, Cvetomir M. & Boufford, David E., 2016, A new smut fungus on a new grass: Sporisorium capillipedii-alpini (Ustilaginales) sp. nov. infecting Capillipedium alpinum (Poaceae) sp. nov., from Sichuan, China, Phytotaxa 252 (3), pp. 217-227 : 218-220

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.252.3.4

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Capillipedium alpinum H. Sun & Boufford

sp. nov.

Capillipedium alpinum H. Sun & Boufford View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURES 2–3 )

[ Capillipedium alpinum L. Liou , in sched. (nom. inval.)]

ṘƜüffiff, gaoshan xibingcao

Type: — CHINA. Sichuan Province: Xiangcheng Xian, Siqu ; meadow, 3500 m, 11 August 1981, leg. Qinghai-Tibet Expedition Team 4564 ( KUN, holotype; PE, isotype) .

Diagnosis: —Differing from other species of Capillipedium ( Poaceae ) in its diminutive size, to 25 cm tall, short, narrow inflorescence, 1–5 × 0.4–1 cm and sessile spikelet 3–3.2 mm long.

Etymology: —Epithet derived from the high elevation habitats (2700–3650 m) in the Hengduan Mountains, China, where it occurs.

Herbs, perennial. Culms tufted, 5.5–25 cm tall, unbranched; nodes bearded. Leaf sheaths spreading or slightly reflexed hispid, densely ciliate at mouth; leaf blades 1.5–12 × 1.5–3.5 mm, scaberulous, with tubercle-based long hairs, trichomes more tufted at base of blade, becoming sparse apically, base merging smoothly with sheath, tapering smoothly to apex; ligules scarious 0.3–0.5 mm long. Inflorescences thyrsoid panicles, 1–5 × 0.4–1 cm; branches erect or ascending, glabrous, green with purple streaks or wholly purple; nodes with few long hairs or glabrous; racemes composed of 1 or 2 spikelet pairs below terminal triad, purple; rachis internodes and pedicels glabrous. Sessile spikelets 3–3.2 mm long; lower glume lanceolate, grayish purple, slightly glossy, dorsally 3- or faintly to conspicuously 5- or 7- veined, scarcely depressed along midline, glabrous or with ascending stiff trichomes, glabrous above middle, margins scarious, apex gradually tapering, acute; upper glume ciliate or glabrous along margins; awn of upper lemma 4–15 mm long, twisted, slightly to conspicuously scaberulous. Pedicellate spikelets equaling sessile spikelets, staminate or bisexual. Chromosome number unknown.

Phenology: —Flowering and fruiting: summer. Distribution and habitat: —China, Sichuan Province; dry, open slopes and meadows, 2700–3650 m (Fig. 26). Additional specimens examined: — CHINA. Sichuan Province: Xiangcheng Xian, vicinity of the town of Reda, 29°6′11″N, 99°37′55″E, 3450–3650 m. Dry slopes with cut over Quercus , Pinus , Berberis , Cotoneaster . Open meadow, 15 July 1998, D.E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, C.Y. Chen, M.J. Donoghue, R.H. Ree, H. Sun & S.K. Wu 28703 (A, CAS, KUN); Sichuan Province: Xiangcheng Xian, Xiarewu, on road between Xiangcheng and Daxue Shan

(road to Zhongdian from Xiangcheng), 28°47′32″N, 99°50′14″E, 2700 m. Spinescent shrub community on dry, stony slopes above Souqu River. Meadow near marshland, 22 July 1998, D.E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, W.Y. Chen, M.J. Donoghue, R.H. Ree, H. Sun & S.K. Wu 29019 (A, CAS, KUN).

Comments: — Capillipedium alpinum is much smaller than its congeners in mainland China, which range from half a meter to over three meters tall. The closest in stature to C. alpinum in China is C. kwashotense (Hayata) C.C. Hsu , which is restricted to seaside habitats in eastern Taiwan and to Iriomote Island in southern Japan.


Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences













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