Suipinima flavumtuberculata, Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., Botero, Juan Pablo & Bravo, Freddy, 2016

Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., Botero, Juan Pablo & Bravo, Freddy, 2016, Checklist of the Cerambycidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) from central Bahia State (Brazil), with the description of two new species and new geographic records, Zootaxa 4109 (5), pp. 555-568 : 561-564

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.5.4

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scientific name

Suipinima flavumtuberculata

sp. nov.

Suipinima flavumtuberculata View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 11–13 View FIGURES 11 – 16. 11 – 13 )

Holotype. Male. Integument brown, darker at areas behind upper eye lobes, at dorsal face of scape and antennomeres X–XI, antennomeres IV–IX with orange integument. Pronotum tubercles and prosternal process with integument yellowish. Integument dark brown in other areas of pronotum. Elytra dark-brown at basal third and gradually lighter towards apex. Femora bicolor, blackened at base and yellowish at remainder area. Tibiae and tarsomeres blackened.

Upper eyes lobes with eight rows of ommatidia; distance between them about twice width of an upper lobe. Antennal tubercles slightly elevated. Antennae reaching elytral apex at antennomere VII, with short bristles on outside and slightly elongated on internal side; scape and pedicel together subequal in length to antennomere III.

Prothorax longer than wide. Pronotum covered by yellowish pubescence with two triangular areas of darker pubescence, first one from anterior margin to posterior third and second, smaller, in posterior third; surface of pronotum with short bristles densely distributed and long bristles distributed more sparsely. Prosternal and mesosternal process about 1/3 as width as pro- and mesocoxal cavity, respectively. Elytra almost six times as long as prothorax; yellowish hair covering entire surface. Ventral region covered with whitish pubescence. Internal teeth of tarsal claws shorter than external ones.

Measurements, in mm. Holotype, male, total length, 9.0; prothorax length, 1.2; largest width of prothorax, 1.4; elytral length, 7.0; humeral width, 1.8. Paratypes, male/female. n= 2/3, total length, 8.5–9.2/ 9.2–9.3; prothorax length, 1.3–1.4/ 1.3–1.5; Largest width of prothorax, 1.2–1.4/1.2–1.4; elytral length, 6.3–6.8/ 7.0–7.3; humeral width, 1.3–1.4/1.4–1.5.

Etymology. The specific epithet is based on the Latin flavum = yellow and tuberculata = with tubercles; referring to the yellow tubercles in pronotum.

Type material. Holotype male, BRAZIL, Bahia: Milagres (Fazenda Salinas, 12°54’18’’ S 39°50’46’’ O, 780 m. s.n.m.), 2.IX.2013, Carvalho, J.R.; Bravo, F.; Menezes, E. & Nascimento, F.E. leg. ( MNRJ). Paratypes: 1 male and 3 females, the same date of holotype (1 female MNRJ, 1 male and 2 females UEFS); Ceará, Quixadá (Serra do Estevão), male, IV. 2014, Carvalho, J.R.; Cordeiro, D.; Bravo, F.; Menezes, E. & Nascimento, F.E. legs. ( UEFS).

Remarks. In the key published by Martins & Galileo (2004) to the species of Suipinima , we can recognize two groups of species (see couplet 1): One group of species in which the prothorax is longer than wide and with lateral gibbosities ( S. flavumtuberculata sp. nov. belongs to this group), and the group with species that have the prothorax wider than long and with rounded sides. Among the species of the first group, S. flavumtuberculata is similar to S. pitanga by the integument which is blackened at the outside area of the scape and at X–XI antennomeres and by the light suture margin of the elytra sutural of the elytra. This species is distinguished by the dark brown integument at head and prothorax, by the pronotum with yellowish tubercles, by the sides of pronotum without white strip pubescence, and by the dark brown elytra in basal third and light brown in the remaining two thirds. In S. pitanga , the head and pronotum are reddish, the pronotum does not have yellow tubercles, the sides of pronotum have a white strip of pubescence, and the elytra are totally black.


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Laboratorio de Ictiologia

















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