Centaurea fenzlii Reichardt (1863: 1039)

Negaresh, Kazem & Rahiminejad, Mohammad Reza, 2018, A revision of Centaurea sect. Cynaroides (Asteraceae, Cardueae-Centaureinae), Phytotaxa 363 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-06 00:09:16, last updated 2024-09-06 03:31:46)

scientific name

Centaurea fenzlii Reichardt (1863: 1039)


10. Centaurea fenzlii Reichardt (1863: 1039) View in CoL . Type:— TURKEY. B8 Muş: in Kurdistaniae armenae provincial Musch ad radices montis Bimgoell (Bingöl Da.) prope pagum Gumgum , 1 July 1863, Kotschy s.n. (holotype W!: two sheets comprising one specimen). ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 )

Biennial plants, with thickened taproot, whole plant usually green or pale green, 40–120 cm tall; collar of fibrous petiolar remains present at stem base. Stem erect, often simple, 3–10 mm in diam. at base, cylindrical, with thin green striations, lower part loosely covered with hirsute-articulate hairs, other parts ± densely covered with grayish-arachnoid hairs. Leaves firm-coriaceous, undivided, basal and lower ones subglabrous to covered with sparsely hirsute-articulate hairs or scabrous, especially along midrib and veins, other ones ± loosely covered with arachnoid hairs. Basal leaves large, petiolate, ovate-rotundate or cordate, 20–30 × 7–12 cm, remotely serrulate, rounded or acute at apex. Lower cauline leaves with broadly winged petiole, ovate-rotundate or oblanceolate, (13–)18–23 × 4–12 cm, remotely serrulate or entire, rounded to acute at apex. Median cauline leaves sessile, elliptic, 6–10 × 2–4 cm, narrowly decurrent, entire, acute or apiculate at apex. Upper cauline leaves smaller, sessile, linear, not decurrent, entire, mucronate at apex. Capitula few, solitary at ends of a stem and branches, or arranged in a subraceme, peduncles very long, up to 40 cm long, with bracts similar to phyllaries with small stramineous and chaffy appendages. Involucres globose, 30–40 × 30–50(–55) mm. Phyllaries multiseriate, scarious-coriaceous, imbricate, yellowish-green, subglabrous. Appendages very large, chartaceous, totally concealing phyllaries, straw-coloured, orbicular, lacking spine, ciliate; cilia numerous, (15–)20–25 on each side, 1–3 mm long. Outer phyllaries shortly rectangular, ca. 2 × 5 mm, appendages 8–10 × 12–14 mm (including cilia). Median phyllaries rectangular, 11–14 × 9–11 mm, appendages 7–12 × 14–22 mm (including cilia). Inner phyllaries lanceolate to linear, 13–20 × 3–7 mm, appendages ciliate or lacerate. Flowers yellow; central florets hermaphroditic, 30–32 cm long, corolla 12–14 mm long, 5-lobed, lobes 6–7 mm long, style equal to corolla, stigma exserted part from corolla; peripheral florets sterile, slightly shorter than central ones, numerous (20–25 in each capitulum) and conspicuous, finely dissected, not radiant, 5-lobed, limb lobes linear, lobes 4–5 mm long. Achenes oblong, sometimes ovate-oblong, (4.5–) 5–6 mm long, 2.5–2.8 mm wide, pale brown to silver-bronze, sometimes dark brown, smooth, glabrous; insertion areole lateral, 1–1.2 mm long. Pappus double, persistent, multiseriate, scabrous, brown, 6–10 mm long, bristles of inner rows much shorter than others, ca. 2 mm long.

Nomenclatural notes: — Wagenitz (1960) treated one sheet at the herbarium W as lectotype and another as isolectotype. In Flora of Turkey (1975), he mentioned only the holotype . Our study showed that two sheets deposited at the herbarium W belong to a single specimen. Therefore, the lectotypification by Wagenitz (1960) should be rejected, and the relevant collection must be considered as a holotype .

Taxonomic and distribution remarks: — Centaurea fenzlii is endemic to Ağri, Bingöl, Erzurum, Mush and Malatya Provinces, SE to E Turkey ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 ). Its distribution is wider in comparison to the other species of C. sect. Cynaroides that are growing in Turkey. Centaurea fenzlii is an Irano-Turanian element, and grows in steppes, fallow fields and forests, at elevations of 1150–1850 m. It is a distinct species without close relatives. Its morphological characters that are very distinctive as: 1. capitula solitary at end of stem and branches, or arranged in a subraceme, peduncles very long, up to 40 cm long; 2. appendages lacking spine; and 3. having the greatest number of cilia ((15–)20–25) on each side).

Chromosome numbers: — Uysal et al. (2009), Polat (2009), Gedic et al. (2014) and Aksoy et al. (2016) reported the same chromosome number 2 n = 2 x =18 for Centaurea fenzlii .

Selected specimens examined:— TURKEY. B8 Mush: ad viam 35 km NW Mush versus Bingöl, 1500 m, 1 July 1975, Rechinger 53922 ( E!); 6 km S of Varto , 1600 m, 11 July 1966, Davis 46318 ( E!); road from Mush to Bingöl, 1200 m, 1972, Brown 761 ( E!); Bulanik to Muş, nr Hasangüran, 1820 m, Huber-Morath 10880 (Hb. Hub. - Mor.!) . B7 Malatya: 12 km from Arapkir to Kemaliye , 1160 m, 23 June 1949, Huber-Morath 9296 ( E!) . B9 Ağri: 2 km SW of Hamur ( Murat valley ), 1670 m, 1 June 1966, Davis 44077 ( E!) .

Gedic, O., Kursat, M. & Kiran, Y. (2014) Turkiye Icin Iki Endemik Tur Centaurea fenzlii Reichardt ve Origanum acutidens (Hand. - Mazz.) Ietswaart'in Karyolojik Ozellikleri. Aku Femubid 14: 23 - 28. [In Turkish]

Polat, M. (2009) Centaurea cadmea Boiss., Centaurea fenzlii Reichardt ve Centaurea rigida Banks & Sol. (Compositae) turlerinin karyotip analizi. Master Science thesis, Selcuk Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Orta Ogretim Fen Ve Matematik Alanlar Egitimi Anabilim DaliBiyoloji Ogretmenligi Programi. [In Turkish]

Reichardt, H. W. (1863) Ueber zwei neue Arten von Centaurea aus Kurdistan. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 13: 1039 - 1044.

Uysal, T., Ertugrul, K., Susanna, A. & Garcia-Jacas, N. (2009) New chromosome counts in the genus Centaurea (Asteraceae) from Turkey. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159: 280 - 286.

Wagenitz, G. (1960) Centaurea L. sect. Cynaropsis, eine neue Sektion der Gattung aus Vorderasien. Willdenowia 2: 469 - 494.

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FIGURE 22. Distribution of Centaurea charrelii (circles), C. doddsii (squares), and C. fenzlii (triangles).

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FIGURE 24. Centaurea fenzlii Reichardt (Kotschy s.n., W). A. habit with all details. B. close up of capitule. Scale B = 2 cm.


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Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History