Centaurea amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada (Jaub. & Spach) Negaresh, 2018

Negaresh, Kazem & Rahiminejad, Mohammad Reza, 2018, A revision of Centaurea sect. Cynaroides (Asteraceae, Cardueae-Centaureinae), Phytotaxa 363 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-06 00:09:16, last updated 2024-09-06 03:31:46)

scientific name

Centaurea amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada (Jaub. & Spach) Negaresh

stat. nov.

3b. Centaurea amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada (Jaub. & Spach) Negaresh View in CoL , stat. nov. ( Figs. 10 View FIGURE 10 and 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Phaeopappus gymnocladus Jaubert & Spach (1847: 15) View in CoL . Phaeopappus decurrens var. gymnocladus (Jaub. & Spach) Bornmüller (1914: 413) View in CoL . Tomanthea gymnoclada (Jaub. & Spach) Takhtajan (1939: 243) View in CoL . Centaurea amadanensis var. gymnoclada (Jaub. & Spach) Wagenitz (1963: 191) View in CoL . Type:— IRAN. In Mesopotamia (verisimiliter erronee), 1837, Aucher-Eloy 3197 (holotype P!: three sheets comprising one specimen).

Phaeopappus decurrens var. anoplos Bornmüller View in CoL in Koeie (1945: 30). Type :— IRAN. Prov. Lurestan: 50 km E Khorram Abad, 1300 m, 31 May 1937, Koeie 807 (holotype C!).

Median phyllaries acute or with a short mucro, 0.5–3 mm long.

Taxonomic and distribution remarks: — Centaurea amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada is endemic to Isfahan, Lurestan , Kermanshah and Kurdistan Provinces, W and near Central part of Iran ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). This subspecies prefers elevations higher than those of C. amadanensis subsp. amadanensis .

Chromosome numbers: — Centaurea amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada is a diploid taxon with the chromosome number of 2 n = 2 x = 18 ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 and Table 1). Our results agree with Parishani et al. (2014) who reported the chromosome number 2 n = 2 x = 18 for C. amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada collected from Iran, Kurdistan, Saqqez to Marivan, after Soote village.

Selected specimens examined:— IRAN. Prov. Kurdistan: Chehel Chashmeh Mountains , 15 km E Marivan (Dezh Shahpur), 1400 m, Rechinger 42977 ( W!) ; 6 July 1971, Lamond 4568 ( E!) . Prov. Lurestan: Oshtoran Kuh, 20 km SE Dow Rud, near Saravaneh , 2000–2200 m, 6 June 1974, Rechinger 48112 ( E!) ; Dow Rud, Saravand bifurcate, 2127 m, 18 June 2011, Ranjbar & Negaresh 26965 ( BASU!) ; Ranjbar & Negaresh 29121 ( BASU!) . Prov. Kermanshah: Kamyaran-Ravansar road, 5 km after Alak village , 1428 m, 14 June 2012, Ranjbar & Negaresh 30545 ( BASU!) ; Ranjbar & Negaresh 30548 ( BASU!) ; Kamyaran to Ravansar, 5–15 km after Alak , 1418 m, 30 May 2012, Ranjbar & Negaresh 29687 ( BASU!) ; 5 km to Ravansar, Bave Geh village , 1418 m, 30 May 2012, Ranjbar & Negaresh 29909 ( BASU!) ; Ranjbar & Negaresh 29911 ( BASU!) ; Baghala Olya village , 1880 m, 19 May 2012, Ranjbar & Negaresh 29622 ( BASU!) ; Paveh toward Bayangan, 5 km to Bayangan , 1330 m, 29 May 2014, Negaresh & Asadbegy 128 (herb. Negaresh!); Javanroud toward Ravansar, 5 km to Ravansar, 1430 m, 27 May 2014, Negaresh & Asadbegy 152 (herb. Negaresh!). Prov. Isfahan: in mountains near Golpayegan, Strauss s.n. ( B!) .

Bornmuller, J. F. N. (1914) Zur Flora des Libanon und Antilibanon. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 32 (2): 413 - 418.

Jaubert, H. F. & Spach, E. (1847) Illustrationes plantarum orientalium, vol. 3. Roret, Paris, 336 pp.

Koeie, M. (1945) Beitrage zur Flora Sudwest-Irans I. In: Jessen, K. & Sparck, R. (Eds.) Danish Scientific Investigations in Iran, part 4. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, pp. 9 - 55

Parishani, M. R., Rahiminejad, M. R., Mirtadzadini, M. & Saeidi, H. (2014) New chromosome counts of six taxa of Cardueae (Asteraceae) in Iran. Iranian Journal of Botany 20 (1): 29 - 35.

Takhtajan, A. (1939) A synopsis of the genus Tomanthea DC. In: Trudy Molodykh Nauchnykh Rabotnikov, Posvyaschennye XX Godovschine Leninskogo Komsomola. Erevan, pp. 239 - 243. [In Russian]

Wagenitz, G. (1963) Die Eingliederung der ' Phaeopappus' - Arten in das System von Centaurea. Botanischer Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 82: 137 - 215.

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FIGURE 5. Distribution of Centaurea amadanensis subsp. amadanensis (circles), C. amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada (squares), and C. amadanensis subsp. ranjbarii (triangles).

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FIGURE 9. Somatic metaphases of Centaurea spp. A. Centaurea amadanensis subsp. amadanensis (2n = 18). B. C. amadanensis subsp. gymnoclada (2n = 18). C. C. nemecii (2n = 18). D. C. regia var. regia (2n = 18). E. C. regia var. purpurea. Scale A˗E = 2 μm.

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FIGURE 10. Centaurea amadanensis Schultz Bipontinus subsp. gymnoclada (Jaub. & Spach) Negaresh (Aucher-Eloy 3197, P). A. inflorescence. B. basal leaves. C. phyllaries and achenses. D. lower part of habit. Scale A˗D = 2 cm.

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FIGURE 11. Centaurea amadanensis Schultz Bipontinus subsp. gymnoclada (Jaub. & Spach) Negaresh (Ranjbar & Negaresh 30545, BASU). A. capitula. B. inflorescence. C. habit and habitat. D. leaves. Scale A = 1 cm, B = 3 cm, C = 10 cm, D = 6 cm.


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