Tetranychus lambi Pritchard & Baker, 1955

SEEMAN, OWEN D. & BEARD, JENNIFER J., 2011, Identification of exotic pest and Australian native and naturalised species of Tetranychus (Acari: Tetranychidae), Zootaxa 2961 (1), pp. 1-72 : 37

publication ID




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Felipe (2021-08-23 16:30:01, last updated 2023-11-09 23:59:22)

scientific name

Tetranychus lambi Pritchard & Baker, 1955


Tetranychus lambi Pritchard & Baker, 1955 View in CoL

( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 )

Non-type specimens examined, Australia: Queensland: 2 females, Kairi R.S., 4.viii.1966, RJ Elder, ex Centrosema plumieri (Fabaceae) , det. J.J.D. (N2215); 1 male, Atherton, 4.vii.1966, R.J. Elder, ex Ctenanthe sp. (Marantaceae) , det. J.J.D. (N2160); 1 male, Atherton, 16.viii.1966, R. Elder, ex Desmodium intortum (Fabaceae) , det. J.J.D. (N2234); 2 females, 1 male, Minbun, 16.viii.1966, R. Elder, ex Glycine javanica (Fabaceae) , det. J.J.D. (N2235, two slides). 1 female, 2 males, Mission Beach, 3.xii.1968, L. Payton, ex Banana, Musa sp. (Musaceae) , det. J.J.D. (N3205, two slides). 4 females, 1 male, Tully, 6.xi.1968, L.R. Payton, ex leaves Banana, det. J.J.D. (N3172, two slides). 4 females, 2 males, Euramo, 28.xi.1968, L. Payton, ex Banana, det. J.J.D. (N3198, three slides). 1 female, 1 male, Nambour, 16.vi.1965, J.J. Davis, ex Banana, det. H.B.B. (N1476, two slides). All in QDPI. 5 females, 6 males, The Gap, Brisbane, 27°26’S 152°57’E, 2.v.2005, J.J. Beard, ex Drymaria cordata cordata (Caryophyllaceae) . In UQIC. Torres Strait: 2 females, 1 male, Murray Island, 11.vi.2009, ex Cassava Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae) . In QDPI, Cairns. Tasmania: 1 female, Nubeena, 7.iii.1964, ex Goodenia ovata (Goodeniaceae) , det. L.W. Miller 1964 (pencilled “not lambi” on identification) (K155, 67988); 3 females, 2 males, Lindisfarne, 22.vii.1963, ex Amperea sparlioides (Euphorbiaceae) , det. L.W. Miller 1964 (K143, 67976; K144, 67977; K146, 67979; K147, 67980; K149, 67982). All in TDPIC. Victoria: 4 females, 1 male, Otway Mountains, Wild Dog Rd, 25.v.1992, ex leaf of Hedycarya angustifolia (Monimiaceae) , D.E. Walter. In UQIC. Western Australia: 3 females, 5 males, Albany, 22.iii.2005, S. Micac, ex pasture grasses. In QM. 5 females, 2 males, Kimberley Research Station, 2.xi.1959, K.T. Richards, ex Cassava. In QDPI.

New Zealand: 1 female, 1 male, no locality (probably New Zealand), 19.ii.1958, A. Mitchell, ex leaves Granny Smith Apple Malus domestica (Rosaceae) ; 1 female, 1 male, Auckland, i.1961, E. Collyer, ex leaves Strawberry Fragaria sp. (Rosaceae) , det. K.P.L .; 5 males, Oratio, Auckland, 10.iii.1953, D. McKenzie, ex leaves Apple, “ type collection”. All in Landcare Research , Auckland, New Zealand .

Comparative specimens examined (aff. T. lambi ): 6 females, 3 males, Pompuraaw, entry to crocodile farm, 14º54.2538'S 141º37.1036'E, 26.v.2009, S. Cowan, ex Cassava. In QDPI, Cairns GoogleMaps .

Pritchard, A. E. & Baker, E. W. (1955) A Revision of the Spider Mite Family Tetranychidae. Pacific Coast Entomological Society, San Francisco, 472 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 18. Tetranychus lambi Pritchard & Baker, female. (a) Pretarsus IV; (b) Tarsi I, dorsal and ventral view, dashed line indicates level of proximal duplex setae; (c) Diamond-shaped pattern of dorsal striae between setae e and f; (d) Pregenital striae, with lobes. Male. (e) Empodium I; (f) Empodium III-IV; (g) Aedeagus.


Queensland Department of Primary Industries


University of Queensland Insect Collection


Queensland Museum