Chenopodium betaceum Andrzejowski (1862: 132)

Mosyakin, Sergei L., 2017, Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature of Chenopodium acerifolium and C. betaceum (C. strictum auct.) (Chenopodiaceae), Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 139-154 : 147-149

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.324.2.3

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chenopodium betaceum Andrzejowski (1862: 132)


Chenopodium betaceum Andrzejowski (1862: 132) View in CoL , as “ betaccum ” [typographical error correctable under Art. 60.1

of ICN: McNeill et al. 2012; Andrzejowski (see below) evidently compared his new species to Beta Linnaeus (1753:


Lectotype (designated here):— UKRAINE: Nizhyn (Ніжин in Ukrainian), Nizhyn District , Chernihiv (also Chernigov; Чернігів in Ukrainian) Region (KW-001002779!, Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 , image of the lectotype available at kw001002779).

Protologue:—“In arenosis humidis Savrań, Krasnenkie, in insulis Borysthenicis” [now Savran’ (Саврань in Ukrainian) in Savran’ District, Odesa (Odessa) Region; and Krasnen’ke (Красненьке in Ukrainian), see below; on the Dnipro (Dnieper) islands (probably in the former Kiev or Chernigov Governorate)] .

= Chenopodium album View in CoL L. var. striatum Krašan (1894: 255) View in CoL C. striatum (Krašan) Murr (1896: 32) View in CoL Chenopodium album View in CoL L. subsp. striatum (Krašan) Murr (1904: 222) View in CoL C. strictum Roth subsp. striatum (Krašan) Aellen & Iljin View in CoL (in Iljin & Aellen 1936: 35).

Lectotype (designated by Dvořák 1989: 198, 199, Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ):— AUSTRIA: Steiermark (Styria), Graz. (GZU-000273164, image of the lectotype available at

Protologue:—“…von allen ist striatum in und bei Graz die häufigste” (translation: “…of all [varieties—S.M.], striatum is most frequent in and near Graz”).

Misapplied name:

Chenopodium strictum Roth View in CoL (in Schultes 1920: 264; updated and expanded description: Roth 1821: 180).

Lectotype (designated by Dvořák 1989: 198, 201, Fig. 3):— INDIA: “Herbarium Paul Aellen. Chenopodium strictum Roth View in CoL (Orig.). India orientalis. 1814. Benj. Heyne” ( G!).

Protologue:—“ H. in India orientali. B. Heyne ”.

Note: —Judging from available information, there were several original specimens of Chenopodium betaceum in KW. At least, Iljin (1952: 308) mentioned the specimens from KW collected by Andrzejowski in the present-day Kiev or Cherkasy (Cherkassy) Region (on the Ros’ River) and in Odessa Region (Savran’ and Krasnen’ke). Probably some of these specimens were lost (sent on loan?). At present we were able to locate in KW only the specimen cited above, which was part of the loan recently returned from H (see Uotila & Lomonosova 2016). On the basis of the label data, this specimen was collected in Nizhyn, and this locality is not mentioned in the protologue. However, the article by Andrzejowski was mainly about the plants of the Podolian Governorate (Province) (ПОдОЛьсКаЯ губерниЯ in Russian) of the former Russian Empire and some parts of adjacent governorates/provinces (mainly those of Kiev and Odessa), and thus specific localities were mainly cited for these areas. The Podolian Governorate covered the territory which now mainly belongs to Khmel’nytsky, Vinnytsya (Vinnitsa), and parts of Odessa and Mykolayiv administrative regions (oblasts) of Ukraine, plus eastern parts of the present-day Moldova. Nizhyn in those times was within Chernigov Governorate (ЧернигОвсКаЯ губерниЯ in Russian), on the left bank of the Dnieper, bordering Kiev Governorate in the west. Probably Andrzejowski did not mention the locality in Nizhyn because it was far outside the area covered by his Enumeratio ( Andrzejowski 1862).

There are three towns and villages with the name Krasnen’ke within the former Podolian Governorate and adjacent areas: (1) on the Vyazovytsya River in Illintsi District, Vinnytsya Region of Ukraine, (2) in Kryve Ozero District of Mykolayiv Region of Ukraine, and (3) in Rybnitsa (Rîbnița in Moldovan/Romanian) District of Moldova. It was uncertain which one has been mentioned by Andrzejowski in the protologue. Iljin (1952) assumed that it was the village in Kryve Ozero District and reported it as located in Odessa Region. However, judging from its proximity to Yagorlyk (Iagorlîc) and Savran’, which are mentioned several times by Andrzejowski (1862), it was Krasnen’ke (Crasnencoe in Moldovan/Romanian) of Rîbnița District in Moldova. Moreover, Andrzejowski collected much in the area between the Southern Buh and the Dniester rivers and provided information on selected visited localities ( Andrzejowski 1823, 1830), which also points to the place in Moldova, near the present-day border with Ukraine.

All things stated, despite the fact that Nizhyn has not been mentioned in the protologue, the specimen selected here as the lectotype is definitely part of original material. According to Art. 9.3 of ICN ( McNeill et al. 2012), original material comprises, among other elements, “(a) those specimens and illustrations (both unpublished and published either prior to or together with the protologue) upon which it can be shown that the description or diagnosis validating the name was based”.

The lectotype designated here (KW-001002779) was collected in Nizhyn in 1839, well before the date of the protologue (publication date: 1862). The label of this specimen contains the description that is almost identical to the protologue. Certainly, that handwritten description was used by Andrzejowski when he was preparing his validating description. For comparison, I provide here both these texts.

Published description ( Andrzejowski 1862: 132):—“rubens, caule simplici erecto, foliis oblongo-hastatis, obtusis, dentatis, summis oblongis integerrimis, paniculae strictae oligoductae glomerulis densis sessilibus aphyllis, seminibus laevibus nitidis. Habitus Betae vulgaris; in arenosis humidis Savrań, Krasnenkie, in insulis Borysthenicis”.

Label (KW-001002779):—“Nieżyn 1839. Chenopodium betaceum Nob. fol. hastato-oblongis subdentatis, summis oblongis integerrimis, glomerulis densis sessilibus, spicis aphyllis paniculatis, sem. nitidis laevibus. Habitus Betae maritimae, at robustior!”.


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève














Chenopodium betaceum Andrzejowski (1862: 132)

Mosyakin, Sergei L. 2017

Chenopodium album

Iljin, M. M. & Aellen, P. 1936: 35
Murr, J. 1904: )
Murr, J. 1896: )
Krasan, F. 1894: )

Chenopodium betaceum

Andrzejowski, A. 1862: )

Chenopodium strictum

Roth, A. G. 1821: 180
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF