Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) amputata, Papp, 2003

Papp, L., 2003, New Species And Records Of Hypselothyrea De Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (4), pp. 271-294 : 286-288

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586958

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scientific name

Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) amputata

sp. nov.

Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) amputata View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 24–27 View Figs 24–31 )

Holotype male ( MHNG): Indonesie, Sumatra (Lac Maninjau): Garonggong , sur le versant du lac, 22. VII. 1984, leg. J. ROBERT (W), No. 18 [extraction par appareil Winkler-Moczarski].

Measurements in mm: body length 1.75, wing length 1.18, wing breadth (at broadest, i.e. subapically) 0.15.

Body much fainted in alcohol, now light brown (probably dark brown when alive).

Frontal shield trapezoid, smooth and shiny. Carina only on 1/2 of facial plate. Anterior fronto-orbital pair proclinate and slightly lateroclinate, distinctly shorter than posterior one; ocellar and vertical setae strong. First flagellomere joins pedicel ventrally, first flagellomere with 0.02 mm long bars: 0.4 mm ( Fig. 24 View Figs 24–31 ), 0.05 mm ( Figs 25–26, 29 View Figs 24–31 ), 0.1 mm ( Figs 27–28, 30–31 View Figs 24–31 )

cilia. Palpus with strong apical seta. Arista with 6 dorsal and 2 ventral long branches (rays) behind apical fork.

Mesonotum not granulated. Scutellum short, 0.12 mm long, 0.175 mm broad, not upright, but apical scutellars rather perpendicularly upright, 0.21 mm long; basal scutellars present only as 0.035 mm long setulae. Dorsocentrals in 2 pairs. Other thoracic setae: 1 anterior notopleural (posterior one present only as a small hair), 2 supra-alar (anterior one lateroclinate, posterior one upright and slightly inclinate), 1 postalar (only 1/2 as long as posterior dc and much thinner); 1 normal katepisternal pair of setae. Two rows of minute acrostichals.

Legs light brown, tarsi even paler. Fore femur without anteroventral spinules, 1 strong posteroventral seta only

Wing reduced, not only shortened, but also cubital and anal regions almost completely lost ( Fig. 24 View Figs 24–31 ). C-index 0.41. Halteres smaller than normal.

Malegenitaliabasicallyasinotherspeciesof Deplanothyrea ,e.g.surstylarthornsneverinone row and much larger than in H. ( Hypselothyrea ): they are not prensisetae. Epandrium with at least 3 longandthicksetaeventrally.Surstylus( Figs25–26 View Figs 24–31 )withstrong,mostlyverythickthornsonalmosttheir medialsurface.Phallusbroad( Fig.27 View Figs 24–31 ),phallapodemethin,lateralsetaeofparameresextremelylong.

Female unknown.

Distribution. Indonesia (Sumatra).

Hypselothyrea amputata sp. n. is a strongly reduced-winged species. It is probably related to H. vanarasiensis GUPTA (2 pairs of dorsocentrals, wing hyaline, etc.). However, not only its wing reduction but also details of male genitalia make it easily identifiable (another note under H. (D.) longimana sp. n.).


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