Hypselothyrea paralanigera, Papp, 2003

Papp, L., 2003, New Species And Records Of Hypselothyrea De Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (4), pp. 271-294 : 283-284

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586958

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Hypselothyrea paralanigera

sp. nov.

Hypselothyrea paralanigera View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 17–19 View Figs 17–23 )

Holotype male ( MHNG): N Thailand 330, Chiang Mai Prov., Chiang Mai (Suandok), 18.79N / 98.97E, 29. X. 2000, B. MERZ. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 6 males, 2 females ( MHNG, 3 m, 1 f in HNHM): same data as for the holotype GoogleMaps ; 2 males ( MHNG, HNHM): ibid GoogleMaps ., 18. X.; 2 males, 1 female ( MHNG): 350, Chiang Mai ( Univ. ), 18.80N / 98.95E, 31. X GoogleMaps .; 4 males, 3 females ( MHNG, 1 m, 1 f in HNHM): 900, Chiang Mai Prov., Doi Suthep-Pui N.P., What Phrathat , 18.80N / 98.92E, 16. X. 2000, B. MERZ & SCHWENDINGER leg GoogleMaps .; 2 males ( MHNG): ibid GoogleMaps ., 950/1100, 17./27. X.; 1 male, 3 females ( MHNG, 1 f in HNHM): 4–800, Chiang Mai Prov., Doi Suthep-Pui N.P., Palad Trail , 18.79N / 98.93E, 16. X., B. MERZ & SCHWENDINGER leg GoogleMaps .; 1 male ( MHNG): Mae Hia , 18.77N / 98.94E, 18. X., 400 m, B. MERZ leg GoogleMaps .; 2 males ( MHNG, HNHM): What Suandok , 18.79N / 98.97E, 19. X., 330 m GoogleMaps ; 2 males, 1 female ( MHNG): Doi Suthep-Pui N.P., 18.79N / 98.93E, 16. X., B. MERZ leg GoogleMaps .; 1 female ( MHNG): ibid GoogleMaps ., 18.80N / 98.92E, 17. X. 1 female ( MHNG): MALAYSIA: Kedah, Langkani Island, Beringin Beach , 6.17.50N/99.51.39E, 3. XII. 2001, P. SCHWENDINGER leg .

Measurements in mm: body length 2.30 (holotype), 2.05–2.45 (paratypes), wing length 1.85 (holotype), 1.80–1.90 (paratypes), wing breadth 0.55, 0.52–0.58.

Head black, cheeks and subocular part of genae grey dusted. Thorax mainly, abdomen wholly black. Anterior part of mesonotum, incl. notopleura yellowish brown and also parts of anepisternum and katepisternum similarly lighter. Metanotum, caudal part of anepisternum and meron dark but grey dusted.

Frontal shield much longer than broad. Orbitals confluent with vertical lateral plates, bright shiny. Arista with (5)–6 dorsal and (3)–4 ventral long curved rays behind long curved apical fork. Facialkeelflatdorsally,broad(0.06–0.07mmatbroadest),nose-likeinprofile,downto2/3offace.

Mesonotum granulose. Two pairs of dorsocentrals, no acrostichals. Basal scutellar present but small (0.075–0.09 mm) and fine. Ventral surface of scutellum without dense white setulae, contrary to H. lanigera .

Wing slightly reduced and rather strongly narrowed, clear, light greyish, veins yellow, basal veins ochre. C index (holotype) 0.85 mm / 0. 47 mm, i.e. 1.81. Halter reduced, dirty yellow, medial section darker.

Fore femur with a row (about 20) peg-like anteroventral thornlets and with a row of 4–5 thick and acute posteroventral setae. Apical half of fore femur, basal 2/3 of fore metatarsus, fore and hind tibiae black (or very dark brown), fore coxa, basal half of femora, mid tibia, most parts of fore tarsomeres and mid tarsus yellow (or even whitish in some specimens), hind tarsomeres brown. Fore femur dark in its whole length in some specimens.

Abdomen without macrochaetae. Caudally directed (subterminal) tergites not covered with short dense white setulae, as typical for H. lanigera . Male genitalia comparatively small, surstylus ( Fig. 17 View Figs 17–23 ) not large, with 10 prensisetae, not in one row. Both phallus and phallapodeme ( Fig.18 View Figs 17–23 ) short and thick, medial parameral setae rather strong, lateral ones medium-sized.

Female oviscapt ( Fig. 19 View Figs 17–23 ) rather long and apical part narrowed, ventral marginal setae (pegs) partly acute, dorsal setae strong (thick) and acute.

H. paralanigera sp. n. keys to H. lanigera DUDA in OKADA’ s (1980) key. Its shiny frontal shield and lack of dense white setulae on ventral surface of scutellum and on caudal tergites makes it easily separable from H. lanigera (New Guinea).

( Figs 17, 20 View Figs 17–23 ), 0.1 mm ( Figs 18–19, 21–23 View Figs 17–23 )


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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