Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) formosana, Papp, 2003

Papp, L., 2003, New Species And Records Of Hypselothyrea De Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (4), pp. 271-294 : 289-290

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586958

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) formosana

sp. nov.

Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) formosana View in CoL sp. n.

( Fig. 28 View Figs 24–31 )

Holotype female ( HNHM): TAIWAN, Nantou Hsien: Shuili , forest undergrowth, Sep 30, 2000, leg. L. PAPP, No. 12.

Paratypes: 1 female ( TFRI): Kaohsiung Hsien, Liukuei, Shan-Ping LTER site, along a creek, April 3, 2003, No. 19, L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI ; 1 female ( HNHM, genitalia prep. in a microvial with glycerol): ibid., over/along a creek, April 2–3, leg. L. PAPP, No. 15 .

Measurements in mm: body length 2.45 (holotype), 2.48, 2.74 (paratypes), wing length 2.40 (holotype), 2.40, 2.66 (paratypes), wing breadth 0.91, 0.88, 0.92.

Body black.

Frons rather narrow, only 0.275 mm above ptilinum (head 0.82 mm broad). Frontal shield deeply granulose. Orbitalia narrow, shiny. Face black, shiny, carina on 2/3 of facial height, rounded ventrally, 0.12 mm at widest. Fronto-orbitals well developed, pro- and reclinate, a minute reclinate hair between them. No postocellars, minute setulae in that position only 0.01 mm long. Vibrissa medioclinate and upcurving. Palpus normal but its apical bristle very long, 0.15 mm. Arista with 3 dorsal and 2 ventral very long branches behind apical fork: they are most similar to those of H. (D.) aptera L. PAPP, 1979 (fig. 1).

Mesonotum black subshiny, granulose. Scutellum not upright, granulose, only 0.225 mm long, apical scutellars cruciate 0.40 mm long. Dorsocentrals in 2 pairs, both strong. Two rows of fine acrostichals. Anterior scutellars thin and only 0.15 mm. Pleura black granulose with a 0.275 mm long katepisternal.

Legs mostly yellow, fore coxa shiny blackish brown, fore femur and apical 1/3 of hind femur brown. Fore femur anteroventrally with a row of small black thornlets.

Wing patterned in a unique way. There is a large central brown spot between R 2+3, dM-Cu and hind wing margin, leaving cell r 2+3, wing apex, a narrow hind margin and dM-Cu area clear. A diffuse unshaped brown spot from R 1 apex down to apex of Cu and another small spot from R 2+3 towards R-M, joining the large spot behind R-M but leaving R-M clear. C-index 2.65, C3 fringe 0.48 (!). Halteres brown.


Female genitalia: oviscapt ( Fig. 28 View Figs 24–31 ) shiny black with narrowly rounded apex. Ventral marginal pegs comparatively small, dorsal (lateral) setae rather long and acute. Actually armature of oviscapt is massively different from that of H. (D.) subaptera sp. n. and also from that of H. (D.) breviscutellata DUDA (see fig. 19C of OKADA 1980)

Distribution. Taiwan.

Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) formosana View in CoL sp. n. is a peculiar species. I think it a true Deplanothyrea although its wing is patterned and abdomen not much narrowed basally. It cannot be a Tambourella species, since its has no postocellars but there are two rows of acrostichals on it. In any case, it is not close to H. (D.) notabilis (LAMB) View in CoL and H. (D.) vanarasiensis GUPTA, whose wings are hyaline. It is probably closer to H. (D.) aptera PAPP, 1979 View in CoL . It is unusual to describe a species based on females in drosophilids. However, the body characteristics are unique enough to recognise this species easily.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute














Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) formosana

Papp, L. 2003

Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) formosana

Papp 2003

(D.) aptera PAPP, 1979

L. PAPP 1979
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF