Termitozophilus Silvestri, 1901

Silva, Ruan Felipe Da, Zilberman, Bruno & Carvalho-Filho, Fernando Da Silva, 2022, Hidden Brazilian Amazon diversity: four new species, redescription and notes on natural history of Termitozophilus Silvestri, 1901 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), Zootaxa 5209 (5), pp. 501-534 : 532-533

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5209.5.1

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scientific name

Termitozophilus Silvestri


Key to species of Termitozophilus Silvestri View in CoL

1. Inner and outer paratergites of abdominal segments IV–VII free ( Figs. 27A–E View FIGURE 27 ).................................... 2

- Inner and outer paratergites of abdominal segments IV–VII fused............................................... 5

2. Head subquadrate; four bristles on vertex distributed as two pairs close to each other on anterior region right before the eye (see figs. 27–28, 55–57 in Zilberman (2019)); inner and outer paratergites of abdominal segment III partially fused; outer paratergites of segments III–VII partially fused to sternites ( Figs. 27A–E View FIGURE 27 ); associated with Cornitermes pugnax View in CoL .............................................................................................. T. mirandus (Mann) View in CoL

- Head elongate; four to six bristles on vertex ( Figs. 5A View FIGURE 5 , 15A View FIGURE 15 , 21A View FIGURE 21 ), if four, one pair on anterior region right before the eye and other on posterior region far from the eye; inner and outer paratergites of abdominal segment III free; outer paratergites of segments III–VII not fused to sternites ( Figs. 27A–E View FIGURE 27 ); associated with Cornitermes pilosus View in CoL or Cornitermes spp. (other than C. pugnax View in CoL )............................................................................................ 3

3. Head with vertex bearing six bristles ( Fig. 11A View FIGURE 11 )........................................... T. parapilosus sp. nov.

- Head with vertex bearing four bristles ( Figs. 5A View FIGURE 5 ; 15A View FIGURE 15 ; 21A View FIGURE 21 )................................................... 4

4. Tergite VIII with four bristles along posterior margin ( Fig. 6G View FIGURE 6 ); sternite VIII with two bristles along posterior margin ( Fig. 6H View FIGURE 6 ); associated with Cornitermes species other than C. pilosus View in CoL ...................................... T. favachoi sp. nov.

- Tergite VIII with six bristles along posterior margin ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ); sternite VIII with four bristles along posterior margin ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ); associated with Cornitermes pilosus View in CoL ................................................... T. pilosus View in CoL sp. nov.

5. Paratergites fused to tergites; abdomen barely physogastric, with almost no membranous area exposed (see figs. 29–36 in Zilberman, 2019); associated with Cornitermes silvestrii View in CoL ...................................... T. belleae Zilberman View in CoL

- Paratergites fused to sternites; abdomen remarkable physogastric, with large membranous area exposed; associated with Cornitermes species other than C. silvestrii View in CoL ................................................................ 6

6. Color dark brown ( Figs. 19–20 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20 ); antennomeres V–X almost moniliform; pores on sternites III–VII distributed in circular clusters; associated with Cornitermes pilosus View in CoL ................................................ T. tenebrus sp. nov.

- Color light brown (see figs. 1—5 in Zilberman, 2019); antennomeres V—X filiform (see figs. 58—60 in Zilberman, 2019); pores on sternites III—VII scattered; associated with Cornitermes bequaerti View in CoL , C. cumulans View in CoL , C. incisus View in CoL , C. snyderi View in CoL , and possibly C. villosus View in CoL ............................................................................. T. laetus Silvestri View in CoL











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