Merizomena (Dichromenta) kabaki, Muilwijk & Felix & Anichtchenko, 2022

Muilwijk, Jan, Felix, Ron & Anichtchenko, Alexander, 2022, A taxonomic revision of the genus Merizomena Chaudoir, 1873 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 22 (1), pp. 1-54 : 47-50

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13203986

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Merizomena (Dichromenta) kabaki

sp. nov.

Merizomena (Dichromenta) kabaki sp. n.

( Figs. 9.1–9.3 View Fig )

Type material. Holotype, labelled: “ Chodshent // Reg. Mus. Hist. Nat. / Belg. I. G. 10294 // G. Fagel det. / Glycia / bicolor / Solsky // Merizomena (Dichromenta) kabaki sp. n. / Muilwijk , Felix & Anichtchenko, 2022 // Holotype (red) // Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B.”, RISNB.

Description. A small sized species, (BL 6.5 mm, BW 2.5 mm). Habitus as in Fig. 9.1 View Fig . Head brownish, pronotum brownish with yellowish lateral gutter, basal half of elytra and lateral elytral gutter yellowish, apex of elytra brown, with an extension anteriorly along the suture; small appendages yellowish. Ventral side of head and thorax yellowish, ventrites slightly darker. Dorsal side shiny.

Head. Narrower than pronotum (HW/PM: 0.90). Eyes convex. Tempora, half the length of an eye (T/E: 0.5). Frontal furrows surpressed. Frons with a small and shallow median impression. Vertex on each side with one seta diagonally behind the eyes. Frons and vertex covered with punctures, coarser on posterior side of vertex and very sparce hairs; base of frons with some punctures. Microsculpture consisting of micropunctures on frons. Antennomere 3 as long as antennomere 1.

Thorax. Pronotum cordate (PM/PL: 1.18), widest at approximately the end of anterior third, lateral sides regularly narrowed posteriorly, in basal sixth straight to the nearly straight hind angles (PM/ PS: 1.26, PM/PB: 1.27). Base lobed, oblique towards the hind angles. Lateral gutter narrow and unclear separated from the flat disc. Basal foveae slightly deepened, unified with lateral gutter. Median line impressed. Surface covered with punctures, denser along the lateral sides. Microsculpture consisting of very superficial irregular meshes. Metepisterna about 3.5 times as long as wide, narrowed posteriorly.

Abdomen. Elytra subrectangular, slightly elongated, moderately flat, (EL/EW: 1.63); widest at apical quarter. Regularly rounded to the suture. Sutural angle subrectangular, without dent. Disc moderately flat. Striae embedded, punctured. Interstriae slightly convex; with one row of punctures, only in the outer striae with a few fine

Muilwijk J., Felix R., Anichtchenko A.

setae. Microsculpture absent.Ventrites with yellow, decumbent hairs, denser on lateral sides and on anal ventrite. Anal ventrite with three pairs of marginal setae, incised at middle.

Legs. Moderately slender, with meso­ and metatibiae longer than corresponding tarsi. Ventral side of meso­ and metatarsi 1–4 with dense short bristles. Claws with 5 teeth.

Median lobe. Dorsal side in horizontal view curved with a more or less rectilinear part in the middle, ventral side slightly bisinuate ( Fig. 9.2 View Fig ). Length 1.15 mm. Endophallus with two copulatory pieces, one copulatory piece comma shaped and the other thin, short and straight. Right paramere with a wide basal part.

Female genitalia. Unknown.

Comparative notes. M. kabaki sp. n. differs from all other known species of this subgenus by the combination of small body size, more oblong elytra, inner elytral interstriae without hairs and two copulatory pieces in the median lobe.

Etymology. This new species is named after our friend and colleague, the entomologist Ilya I.

Kabak (St. Petersburg), who made an essential contribution to this manuscript.

Comments. This species was erroneously identified as Glycia bicolor Solsky. It is unknown why the label “ Holotype ” was added. ( Fig. 9.3 View Fig ).

Distribution. Only known from the type location in Tadzhikistan ( Map 9 View MAP 9 ).

Muilwijk J., Felix R., Anichtchenko A.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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