CICADINAE Latreille, 1802

Lee, Young June & Emery, David, 2014, Description of a new genus and species of the tribe Dundubiini (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae) from India, with taxonomic notes on Dundubiini including the description of two new subtribes, Zoosystema 36 (1), pp. 73-80 : 74-76

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scientific name

CICADINAE Latreille, 1802


Subfamily CICADINAE Latreille, 1802 View in CoL Tribe DUNDUBIINI Atkinson, 1886

DIAGNOSIS. — Pronotal collar usually dentate laterally. Wings hyaline. Timbal cover well developed. Male abdominal sternites thin and basically translucent if not coated with dark color(s) (as also seen in sister tribes like Cicadini and Leptopsaltriini ). Male abdominal sternites without tubercle-like projections. Uncus usually bifurcate, but in a few cases, fused and developed to a large uncus covering ventral side of pygofer. Aedeagus thin. Basal lobe of pygofer absent or indistinct.

INCLUDED GENERA. — Dundubia Amyot & Audinet- Serville, 1843, Macrosemia Kato, 1925 , Crassopsaltria Boulard, 2008 , Champaka Distant, 1905 , Lethama Distant, 1905 , Platylomia Stål, 1870 , Minilomia Lee, 2013 , Megapomponia Boulard, 2005 , Orientopsaltria Kato, 1944 , Ayesha Distant, 1905 , Sinosemia Matsumura, 1927 , Meimuna Distant, 1905 , Sinapsaltria Kato, 1940 , Sinotympana Lee, 2009 , Haphsa Distant, 1905 , Kaphsa Lee, 2012 , Zaphsa n. gen., and Khimbya Distant, 1905 (18 genera).

Moulds (2005) placed Mata Distant, 1906 in Dundubiini , but it cannot be placed in any of the following subtribes. Mata is transferred to Oncotympanina as Mata has the following common characters: medial pronotal collar very narrow; both wings hyaline; male operculum wider than long; male opercula widely separated; timbal cover prominently globose; timbal concealed by timbal cover in dorsal view; aedeagus thin.

REMARKS. — Dundubiini by Moulds (2005) was a similar concept to Cicadini by Lee & Hayashi (2003), Lee (2008, 2010a, 2010b, 2011, 2013a) and Lee & Hill (2010), except for the exclusion of Cicadina (currently monotypic). This is because his Dundubiini comprised most of the genera belonging to the subtribes Dundubiina , Cosmopsaltriina , Psithyristriina , Oncotympanina , Leptopsaltriina , and Tosenina in the sense as referred to in the first paragraph in Introduction of the present paper. The Dundubiini in the present paper is equivalent to Dundubiina by Moulds (2005) and thus should be a sister taxon of Cosmopsaltriina , Psithyristriina , Oncotympanina , Leptopsaltriina , Tosenina, and probably Cicadina , of which Leptopsaltriina was already elevated to Leptopsaltriini by Lee & Emery (2013).


1. Pronotal collar normal or broad posteriorly ................................................................ 2

— Pronotal collar very narrow posteriorly ....................................... Aolina Boulard, 2012

2. Male operculum usually narrow and long, at least longer than wider .......................... 3 — Male operculum about as long as wide ......................... Megapomponiina Lee n. subtr.

3. Pronotal collar very broad posteriorly; male abdomen usually distinctly longer than head and thorax together ......................................................... Dundubiina Atkinson, 1886

— Pronotal collar about normal posteriorly; male abdomen usually about as long as head and thorax together ....................................................... Orientopsaltriina Lee n. subtr.

Subtribe DUNDUBIINA Atkinson, 1886

Macrosemiaria Boulard, 2003a: 266. — Boulard 2003b: 98. Nomen nudum by Articles 13.1, 16.1, and 16.2 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN).

Crassopsaltriina Boulard, 2008: 7, 35. Nomen nudum by Articles 13.1, 16.1, and 16.2 of ICZN.

DIAGNOSIS. — Pronotal collar broad posteriorly.Fore wing with or without infuscations on radial and radiomedial crossveins. Male operculum obconical or uptriangular; narrow and very long, with length about or more than three times the width (with exceptions in two species in Champaka and in Minilomia ). Male abdomen usually long obconical. Uncus usually bifurcate, but in a few cases, fused and developed to a large uncus covering the ventral side of the pygofer. Basal lobe of pygofer distinct or indistinct.

INCLUDED GENERA. — Dundubia , Macrosemia , Crassopsaltria , Champaka , Lethama , Platylomia , and Minilomia .

Subtribe MEGAPOMPONIINA Lee n. subtr.

Megapomponiina Boulard, 2008: 7 View in CoL , 36. Nomen nudum by Articles 13.1, 16.1, and 16.2 of ICZN.

TYPE GENUS. — Megapomponia Boulard, 2005 , by present designation.

DIAGNOSIS. — Pronotal collar very broad posteriorly. Fore wing with infuscations on radial and radiomedial crossveins. Male operculum uptriangular, about as long as wide, extending slightly beyond posterior margin of sternite II. Male abdomen cylindrical or obconical. Uncus bifurcate. Basal lobe of pygofer absent.

INCLUDED GENERA. — Megapomponia .

Subtribe ORIENTOPSALTRIINA Lee n. subtr.

Orientopsaltraria [sic] Boulard, 2003a: 270; 2008: 7, 32. Nomen nudum by Articles 13.1, 16.1, and 16.2 of ICZN.

TYPE GENUS. — Orientopsaltria Kato, 1944 , by present designation.

DIAGNOSIS. — Pronotal collar more or less broad posteriorly. Fore wing with or without infuscations on radial and radiomedial crossveins. Male operculum very long, with length about 2.5 to 3 times the central width; usually with fuscous patch medially and posteriorly. Male abdomen obconical. Uncus bifurcate. Basal lobe of pygofer absent.

INCLUDED GENERA. — Orientopsaltria and Ayesha .

Subtribe AOLINA Boulard, 2012

Aolaria Boulard, 2003c: 172. Nomen nudum by Articles 13.1, 16.1, and 16.2 of ICZN.

Aolina Boulard, 2012: 5 View in CoL .

TYPE GENUS. — Aola Distant, 1905 (junior synonym of Haphsa Distant, 1905 ).

DIAGNOSIS. — Pronotal collar narrow posteriorly. Fore wing usually with infuscations on radial and radiomedial crossveins. Male operculum basically obconical or up- triangular, with length about or less than two times the width. Male abdomen long, obconical. Uncus bifurcate. Basal lobe of pygofer absent or indistinct.

INCLUDED GENERA. — Sinosemia , Meimuna , Sinapsaltria , Sinotympana , Haphsa , Kaphsa , and Khimbya . The new genus Zaphsa n. gen. described below also belongs to Aolina .

REMARKS. — Although the present concept of the subtribe with above mentioned characters is quite different from the original concept of Aolina Boulard, 2012 , the name Aolina is used as long as Aola Distant, 1905 (junior synonym of Haphsa ) belongs to this group.


1. Body broad, shorter than 3.2 times as wide as abdominal tergite 3 ............................. 2

— Body slender, longer than 3.5 times as wide as abdominal tergite 3 ............................ 6

2. Timbal cover narrow with concave inner margin, making substantial opening between timbal cover and cruciform elevation ................................ Sinosemia Matsumura, 1927

— Timbal cover normal, only with minimal gap between timbal cover and cruciform elevation ............................................................................................................................ 3

3. Male abdomen distinctly longer than head and thorax together ................................. 4 — Male abdomen slightly longer than or about as long as head and thorax together ..........

.................................................................................................... Haphsa Distant, 1905

4. Male operculum very long, extending much beyond posterior margin of sternite IV .....

................................................................................................ Meimuna Distant, 1905 — Male operculum not extending beyond posterior margin of sternite IV ...................... 5

5. Male operculum extending beyond posterior margin of sternite III; opercula well

separated ................................................................................. Sinapsaltria Kato, 1940 — Male operculum very short, not reaching posterior margin of sternite III; opercula slightly

overlapped or slightly separated ................................................ Sinotympana Lee, 2009

6. Fore wing and hind wing without any infuscations along hind margin; male operculum

with roundish apex; male abdomen more or less obconical ......................................... 7 — Fore wing and hind wing with linear infuscation along hind margin; male operculum

triangular; male abdomen long, slender, and cylindrical ........... Khimbya Distant, 1905

7. Male opercula separated with gap much less than half as wide as operculum; uncal lobes without appendages or projections ................................................... Kaphsa Lee, 2012

— Male opercula separated with gap more than half as wide as operculum; uncal lobes with a pair of projections protruding ventrally .............................................. Zaphsa n. gen.

BOULARD M. 2003 a. - Statut taxonomique et acoustique de quatre cigales thailandaises, dont deux restees inedites jusqu'ici (Rhynchota, Cicadoidea, Cicadidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (nouvelle serie) 20: 259 - 279.

BOULARD M. 2003 b. - Ethologie sonore et statut acoustique de quelques cigales thailandaises, incluant la description de deux especes nouvelles (Hemiptera: Auchenorhyncha, Cicadoidea, Cicadidae). Annales de la Societe entomologique de France (nouvelle serie) 39: 97 - 119.

BOULARD M. 2003 c. - Contribution a la connaissance des cigales thailandaises incluant la description de quatre especes nouvelles (Rhynchota, Cicadoidea, Cicadidae). Revue francaise d'Entomologie (nouvelle serie) 25: 171 - 201.

BOULARD M. 2008. - Les cigales thaies. Liste actualisee incluant la description de deux nouveaux genres, de sept especes nouvelles et les Cartes d'Identite Acoustique (CIA) de Chremistica siamensis Bregman et de Leptopsaltria samia (Walker) (Rhynchota, Cicadomorpha, Cicadidae). Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes, Biologie et Evolution des Insectes 18: 1 - 112.

BOULARD M. 2012. - The Cicadas of Thailand. Volume 2. Taxonomy and Sonic Ethology. Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes, Biologie et Evolution des Insectes 19: i-xii, 1 - 406, 97 colour plates. Accompanied by: 1 audio memory card.

LEE Y. J. & HAYASHI M. 2003. - Taxonomic Review of Cicadidae (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) fromTaiwan, Part 1. Platypleurini, Tibicenini, Polyneurini, and Dundubiini (Dundubiina). Insecta Koreana 20: 149 - 185.

LEE Y. J. 2008. - A checklist of Cicadidae (Insecta: Hemiptera) from Vietnam, with some taxonomic remarks. Zootaxa 1787: 1 - 27.

LEE Y. J. 2010 a. - A checklist of Cicadidae (Insecta: Hemiptera) from Cambodia, with two new species and a key to the genus Lemuriana. Zootaxa 2487: 19 - 32.

LEE Y. J. 2010 b. - Checklist of cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Luzon, Philippines, with six new species and revised keys to the species of Oncotympana Stal and Psithyristria Stal. Zootaxa 2621: 1 - 26.

LEE Y. J. & HILL K. B. R. 2010. - Systematic revision of the genus Psithyristria Stal (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with seven new species and a molecular phylogeny of the genus and higher taxa. Systematic Entomology 35: 277 - 305.

LEE Y. J. 2011. - New genus and two new species of Oncotympanina stat. nov. (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadini) and the erection of Sonatini new tribe. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14: 167 - 171.

LEE Y. J. & EMERY D. 2013. - New genera and species of Leptopsaltriini (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae) from India and Tibet, with the descriptions of five new subtribes. Zoosystema 35 (4): 525 - 535. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5252 / z 2013 n 4 a 6

MOULDS M. S. 2005. - An appraisal of the higher classification of cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea) with special reference to the Australian fauna. Records of the Australian Museum 57: 375 - 446.









