Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937

Clarkson, Bruno, Albertoni, Fabiano Fabian & FIKÁýEK, Martin, 2014, Taxonomy and biology of the bromeliad-inhabiting genus Lachnodacnum (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54 (1), pp. 157-194 : 168-181

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Marcus (2021-08-27 21:09:02, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 00:37:58)

scientific name

Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937


Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937 View in CoL

( Figs 1 View Figs 1 í8, 11, 13í15, 19í33, 35, 37í75)

Lachnodacnum lüderwaldti Orchymont, 1937: 139 View in CoL .

Type locality. Brazil, São Paulo, São Sebastião, Ilha de Alcatrazes.

Type material examined. PARATYPE: 1 unsexed specimen ( BMNH): “Para- / type // Ilhadas Alcatra- / jes (São Paulo) / X.1920 (H. Lüderwaldt) // Brit. Mus. / 1937-180 // Para- / type // A. d’Orchymont det. / Lachnodacnum lüderwaldti m.”

Non-type adult specimens examined (206). BRAZIL: BAHIA STATE: 3 pinned spec. ( BMNH): “BRAZIL / Itabuna / Bahia / J. A. Wunder // ex: epiphytic bromeliads” . ESPÍRITO SANTO STATE: 8 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “ Linhares / Espirito Santo / Brasil 1í 8.II.1995 / H. Briski col” . RIO DE JANEIRO STATE: 26 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “ Angra dos / Reis RJ / 28.XII.1951 ” ; 1 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “ São João da Barra / RJ – Brasil / 16.VIII.1963 – W. Baker- / Mann col. – Em Bromélia ; 9 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “ Sernambetiba / Rio de Janeiro – GB / 13.VII. 1963, Vanzolini / e Reichardt col. / Em Bromélia . SANTA CATARINA STATE: 1 spec. in alcohol ( DZRJ): “ Brasil: SC, Blumenau / Parque Spitzkoft , / vegetação junto a represa (B05) / 19.I.2011 / Braga R. B. // Lachnodacnum / luederwaldti / Orchymont, 1937 / Clarkson, B. det.” ; 9 spec. in alcohol ( MZSP 010.257 View Materials ): “ Florianópolis, Joaquina, Restinga , Vriesea friburgensis (LANUFSC 88), 27.v.2003, A. Zillikens & J. Steiner col.” ; 2 spec. in alcohol ( MZSP 010.262 View Materials ): (one reared from pupa), same locality, but “ 10.iii.2009, F.F.Albertoni & J. Linemburg col.” ; 2 spec. in alcohol ( MZSP 010.256 View Materials ): “ Florianópolis, Restinga , Vriesea friburgensis // 11.x.2010, F. F. Albertoni col.” ; 1 J in alcohol ( MZSP 010.260 View Materials ): same locality and collector, but “ 04.xii.2009 ” ; 2 spec. in alcohol ( MZSP 010.258 View Materials ): “ Lagoa Pequena , 17.iii.2009, criação, F. F. Albertoni ” ; 14 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “ Campeche – Joaquina , 27.v.2003, A. Zillikens leg” . SÃO PAULO STATE: 94 adults in alcohol ( DZRJ): all with locality data “Brasil: SP, Ubatuba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Picinguaba” and identi¿cation label “ Lachnodacnum / luederwaldti / Orchymont, 1937 / Clarkson, B. det.” and following additional label data: Lote 1504: “ 03.VII.1999 / bromélia (Neuregelia, Aechmea and Bilbergia )” [2 spec.] ; Lote 1505: “ 27.XI.1999 / Água de Bromélia / Nicollini, L.” [2 spec.] ; Lotes 2708, 2710, 2933, 2934, 2936, 2937, 2938, 2940: “ 30.VI.2006 / Bromélia / Ferreira-Jr, N. & Braga, R. B.” [29 spec.] ; Lote 2712: “ 06-07.XI.2006 / Bromélia / Braga, R.B.; Ferreira-Jr, N.; / Clarkson, B.” [3 spec.] ; Lote 2767: “ 29.X.2004 / em Bromélia / Ferreira-Jr, N.& Braga, R. B.” [25 spec.] ; Lote 2780: “ 25.X.2004 / Bromélia na trilha do Tronco / Ferreira-Jr, N. & Braga, R. B.” [19 spec.] ; Lote 2797:“ 27.XI.1999 / Água de Bromélia / Nicollini, L.” [1 spec.] ; Lote 2801: “ 25.X.2007 / Bromélia , próx. ao camping Caracol / Ferreira-Jr, N.” [10 spec.] ; Lote 2946: “ 29.X.2004 / Em Bromélia / Ferreira-Jr, N. & / Braga, R.B. col.” [3 spec.] ; 10 pinned spec. ( SEMC): “ Brasil: SP, Ubatuba / Parque Estadual da / Serra do Mar / Núcleo Picinguaba / 30.VI.2006 / em Bromélia / Ferreira-Jr, N. & Braga, R. B. col.” ; 2 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “ Coll. Knisch / No. 20227 // São Paulo / Alcatrazes / x / Coelostoma / lüederwaldti m. / A. Knisch det. 1921 / nov. spec. // Lachnodacnum / lüderwaldti / Orch., 1937 / H. Reichards det. 1962 / 2.532” ; 5 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “ São Paulo / I. Alcatra-/ zes. / Coelostoma / lüederwaldti Km. / Knisch det. 21 // Lachnodacnum / lüderwaldti / Orch., 1937 / H. Reichards det. 1962 / 2.533” ; 3 pinned spec. ( MZSP): “Brasil, SP, Ubatuba / Parque Estadual / da Serra do Mar , / Núcleo Picingua / 30.06.2006 // Em Bromélia / Ferreira-Jr, N. & / Braga, R.B. col. // Lachnodacnum / luederwaldti / Orchymont, 1937 / Clarkson, B. det.” ; 10 pinned spec. ( NMPC): “ Brasil: SP, Ubatuba / Parque Estadual da / Serra do Mar / Núcleo Picinguaba / 30.VI.2006 / Bromélia / Ferreira-Jr, N. & Braga, R. B. // Lachnodacnum / luederwaldti / Orchymont, 1937 / Clarkson, B. det.” ; 4 spec. ( NMPC, alcohol collection): “ Brasil: São Paulo / Ubatuba, P. E. Serra / do Mar , 22.VI.2013, núcleo Picinguaba / Bromelia / Clarkson B. coll. // Lachnodacnum / luederwaldti / Orchymont, 1937 / Clarkson, B. det.”

Immature stages examined (37): BRAZIL: SANTA CATARINA STATE: Florianópolis city: 5 egg cases in alcohol ( MZSP 010.258 View Materials ): “Restinga, Vriesea friburgensis // 17.iii.2009, F.F.Albertoni col” ; 2 larvae (one 1st instar - hatched and ¿xed on 23.x.2010 and one 2sd instar - ¿xed on 03.xi.2010) in alcohol ( MZSP 010.259 View Materials ): same locality, additional label data: “reared from egg collected on 11.ix. 2010 in association with adults, hatched on 23.x.2010, F. F.Albertoni col” ; 1 larva of 1 st instar [reared from eggs collected in association with adults, dried and coated by gold for SEM] ( MZSP): same locality, additional label data: “ 11.x.2010, ¿xed 16.x.2010, F. F. Albertoni col.” ; 1 larva of 3 rd instar ( MZSP): same locality,additional label data:“ 17.iii.2009, ¿xed on 30.ix.2009 ” ; 2 pupae in alcohol [reared from larvae] ( MZSP): same locality, additional label data: “ 11.x.2010, pupation on 14.x.2010 and 20.x.2010, F. F. Albertoni col.” ; 1 larva of 3 rd instar,dried and coated by gold for SEM] ( MZSP):same locality, additional label data: “ 11.x.2010, F.F.Albertoni col.” ; 3 larvae in alcohol [reared from eggs] ( MZSP): additional label data: “ Restinga, Lagoa Pequena , Vriesea friburgensis , 04.xii.2009, ¿xed on 22.xii.2009, F. F.Albertoni col.” . SÃO PAULO STATE: 6 egg cases, 6 larvae of 1 st instar, 2 larvae of 2 nd instar [reared from eggs], 3 larvae of 3 rd instar [reared from eggs] all in alcohool ( DZRJ) (Lotes 5700, 5701, 5702, 5703, 5704, 5705, 5707):“BRASIL: São Paulo / Ubatuba, P. E. Serra / do Mar, N.Picinguaba / 15.viii.2011 / Clarkson, B. col.” with identi¿cation label:“ Lachnodachnum/ luederwaldti / Clarkson,B. det.” and additional label data:“criação” ; 1 larva of 2 nd instar, ( DZRJ) ( Lote 5706): same data, additional label data “praia da Fazenda / ” ; 1 egg case, 2 larvae of 1 st instar, 1 larva of 3 rd instar, all in alcohol ( NMPC): “BRASIL: São Paulo / Ubatuba, P. E. Serra / do Mar , N. Picinguaba / 15.viii.2011 / Clarkson, B. col.”

Redescription of adult. Body length 6.8í 7.5 mm, body width 4.1í 4.5 mm. Entirely black in dorsal and ventral views; maxillary and labial palps dark brown, maxillary palpomere 4 reddish in distal third; antennae pale brown. Coxae, femora and tibiae black, tarsi brown.

Head. Clypeus and frons ¿nely punctate, the punctures about a third the width of one ommatidium, interstices of the clypeal disc without microsculpture, anterior and lateral margins with a narrow area bearing ¿ne microsculpture consisting of transverse ridges (Fig. 31). Frons with a distinct transverse microsculpture posteriorly, lacking microsculpture in anterior portion. Labrum about 0.4× as wide as maximum width of head. Maxillary palpomere 1 minute, palpomeres 2 and 4 subequal in length, slightly longer than palpomere 3; palpomere 2 slightly widened distally; palpomere 3 narrower than distal portion of palpomere 2, slightly curved inwards and widened distally; palpomere 4 narrowest. Antennal scapus rather long and thick, about as long as pedicel and antennomeres 3í6 combined.

Prothorax. Pronotal interstices lacking microsculpture on whole surface, including lateral portions.

Mesothorax. Preepisternal plate narrow, arrow-shaped ( Fig. 33 View Figs 33 ), weakly produced sidewards, bare; median longitudinal portion broad, bearing sparse long setae in ventral view, widely attaching metaventral process. Lateral margin of elytron with bead throughout, very narrowly explanate on posterior half ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1 ). Outer bare portion of epipleuron (= “pseudepipleuron”) about 0.3× as wide as inner pubescent portion (= “epipleuron”) in basal third, about 0.7× as wide as inner pubescent portion in distal two-thirds.

Male genitalia. Aedeagus 1.0í 1.1 mm long ( Fig. 15 View Figs 15 ). Phallobase ca. 0.7× as long as paramere, with only distinctly de¿ned basal manubrium. Paramere wide throughout, slightly sinuate on lateral margin, apical portion pronouncing into slightly prolonged apex. Median lobe slightly shorter than parameres, narrowing apicad, indistinctly constricted in apical third; basal portion with a deep emargination medially; gonopore distinct, subapical.

Description of egg case. Egg case rounded to elliptical in shape, about 2.5–3.5 mm wide, 3.0– 3.5 mm long (Fig 19). Flat, made of two thin layers of silk, ¿rst layer attached to the leaf, second layer covering the egg, mast absent; egg case attached to the surface of leaf bases in the central part of bromeliad rosette, usually at water-saturated (but not necessarily submerged) places near the micro-pool, sometimes attached to the detritus accumulated in the rosette. Each egg case with one egg. Individual eggs white and elongate, about 1.5–1.8 mm long.D Description of larva. General morphology. Third instar. Body slender, almost parallelsided (Figs 4í5); living specimens usually covered with slime-like matter. Membranous part greyish to brownish white. Sclerotized parts dark to light brown.

Head capsule subquadrate (Figs 7í8), strongly compressed dorsoventrally ( Fig. 37 View Figs 37 ); maximum width 1.02í 1.07 mm (n = 4). Cervical sclerites present, suboval. Frontal lines more strongly marked in posterior half, lyriform, fused at base of head capsule, coronal line very short. Surface of head capsule smooth. Each anterolateral part of head with six stemmata, four anterior larger and largely fused, two posterior small, separated from remaining ones; stemmata not protuberant. Nasale slightly asymmetrical, distinctly projecting anteriad mesally, tridentate; middle tooth the biggest, lateral teeth smaller, asymmetrically inserted on each side, the right one projecting further than the left one. Epistomal lobes nearly symmetrical, indistinctly angulate at apex, projecting almost as far as nasale.

Antenna ( Figs 65 View Figs 65 í66) three-segmented, rather thin and long, but much shorter than mandible. Antennomere 1 ca. twice as long as antennomere 2, antennomere 2 twice as long as antennomere 3, ca. as long as antennal sensorium SE1.

Mandibles (Fig. 71) symmetrical; tridentate, with long and slender distal tooth and two retinacular teeth; distal retinacular tooth slightly larger than basal one; basal retinacular tooth smallest and slightly curved backwards. Inner face of retinacular and distal teeth without denticles; inner basal portion of mandible with strong cuticular spines directed backwards.

Maxilla (Figs 67í68) elongate, longer than mandible; cardo small, subtriangular; stipes ca. 2.5× longer than palpomeres 1–4 combined; distal part of stipes with a large sharp sclerotized spine on inner face; laterodorsal portion of stipes with numerous trichoid cuticular projections. Maxillary palps rather short and stout, palpomeres 1–4 subequal in length, palpomere 1 ca. twice as wide as palpomere 2, incompletely sclerotized dorsally. Inner appendage longer than wide, shorter than palpomere 2, partly sclerotized.

Labium (Figs 69í70) well developed, ligula present. Submentum fused to head capsule, subpentagonal, distinctly wider than mentum. Mentum slightly wider than long, wider than prementum, with slightly arcuate lateral margins, dorsal surface with large cuticular teeth. Prementum subquadrate. Ligula weakly sclerotized, shorter than labial palpi. Labial palpi two-segmented, ca. as long as prementum.

Thorax (Figs 7í8). Prothorax slightly wider than head capsule. Proscutum formed by one large plate subdivided by a sagittal line, its anterior portion membranous, lacking series of marginal setae; surface with sparse seta, surroundings of some setal articulations less pigmented. Prosternum with large multisetose sclerite subdivided mesally by sagittal line in posterior part. Mesonotum ca. 0.75× as long as pronotum, with large subrectangular plate subdivided by sagittal line, bearing few stout setae with less pigmented articulations. Metanotum ca. 0.75× as long as mesonotum, with strongly sclerotized anterior trapezoid portion, posterior portion less sclerotized with exception of a pair of small strongly sclerotized patches. Meso- and metasternum not sclerotized. Legs short, 5-segmented, all three pairs equal in size; prothoracic legs separated by less than length of the leg, meso- and metathoracic legs separated by almost 2× the leg length; trochanter in anterior view with series of 9 moderately long spine-like setae.

Abdomen (Figs 4í5) 10-segmented, membranous, covered with very densely arranged microtrichia. Segments 1í7 similar in shape and size, each subdivided into longer anterior and shorter posterior fold, with few long setae laterally. Anterior lobe of segment 1 anteriorly with a pair of transverse subquadrate sclerites, segment 2í7 without sclerotized plates. Anterior fold of segments 2í7 with a pair of prolegs bearing numerous setae and ¿ne apically curved spines (Fig. 39).

Spiracular atrium (Figs 13í14, 38). Abdominal segment 8 with a pair of dorsal sclerotized plates; inner part of spiracular atrium with a part of subtrapezoid sclerites (ventral plates of segment 8) between spiracles; posterior part of atrium (segment 9) with a pair of large mesal and a pair of smaller sublateral sclerites, procerci setose, situated laterad of the lateral pair of sclerites. Urogomphus large, strongly sclerotized, situated posteriorly of the median pair of sclerites; posterior margin with one large sclerite on median lobe, and a pair of smaller sclerites on lateral lobes. Acrocerci present, cone-like.

Second instar. Similar to third instar, slightly less sclerotized, with sclerotized parts brown to light brown; maximum width of head capsule 0.75í 0.77 mm (n = 2). Frontal lines lyriform, well developed throughout head length, reaching lateral margin of antennal sockets. Antenna relatively shorter and thicker. Mandibles relatively slightly shorter and wider basally than in third instar. Labium with mentum slightly narrower than in third instar, prementum ca. half as long as mentum. Spiracular atrium: Dorsal plate subdivided medially, similar to that of third instar.

First instar (Figs 6, 40í62). Similar to third instar larva, but less sclerotized, sclerotized parts yellowish brown; maximum width of head capsule 0.50í 0.55 mm (n = 8). Thorax and abdomen ca. as wide as head. Body pubescence proportionally longer and darker. Frontal lines (Fig. 52) lyriform, well developed throughout head length, reaching lateral margin of antennal sockets. Antenna (Figs 49, 54í55) relatively shorter and thicker than in third and second instars. Mandibles (Figs 43, 45, 60) relatively shorter and wider basally than in third instar; cuticular spines directed backwards on inner basal face more evident. Maxilla (Figs 44, 49í50, 56í57): spine on anteromesal margin of stipes relatively shorter and stouter than in third instar. Labium (Figs 44, 48, 58í59) with mentum distinctly longer than wide; prementum ca. half as long as mentum; ligula relatively longer than in third instar, ca. as long as prementum. Thorax (Fig. 41): legs of equal size and very similar shape as in third instar; median and posterior legs separated by less than the leg length; anterior legs slightly closer; trochanter with the same chaetotaxy as in third instar. Spiracular atrium (Fig. 42): Abdominal segment 8 with a single sclerotized dorsal plate.

Chaetotaxy of head. First instar, primary chaetotaxy. Frontale (Figs 52í53) altogether with 38 primary sensilla. Central part with three pairs of sensilla (FR1–3) divergent posteriad; FR1 moderately long seta close to the frontal line; FR2 pore-like, situated anteriorly of FR1; FR3 short seta anteromesally of FR2. Pore-like sensillum FR4 and setae FR5–6 and FR9 situated in line posteromesally of antennal socket; FR5 and FR9 moderately long setae; FR6 long seta. Moderately long seta FR7 situated on inner face of antennal socket; long seta FR10 situated between FR7 and FR9. Basal portion of each epistomal lobe with three sensilla (FR11–13); FR12 a short seta situated anteromesally of FR10; FR11 and FR13 pore-like, situated more or less in a row between FR12 and the emargination between nasale and epistomal lobe. FR14 absent. Anterior margin of each epistomal lobe with two short stout sensilla directed mesally (gFR2). Nasale with a pair of long setae (FR8) basally, and a pair of pore-like sensilla (FR15) anteromesally of FR8; anterior margin of nasale with six stout sensilla (gFR1) situated slightly ventrally (i.e. below anterior margin of head): four setae on both sides of median tooth of nasale, one seta in emargination between nasale and each epistomal lobe.

Parietale ( Figs 51 View Figs 51 í52). Dorsal surface with a longitudinal series of ¿ve sensilla (PA1–5) posteromesally; PA1–2 and PA4–5 very short setae; PA3 pore-like, situated slightly more laterally. PA6 pore-like, situated posteromesally, ca. at midlength between coronal line and the group of PA1–5. PA7+12+13 forming a sublateral group ca. at midlength of head, consisting of two long and one moderately long seta. PA8 long seta situated behind antennal socket ca. at level of FR2, closer to frontal line than PA7. PA10 pore-like, situated lateral of PA8. Very long seta PA9 situated on outer face of antennal socket. Lateral portion of parietale with one pore-like sensillum dorsally (PA19) and three long setae (PA20–22) ventrolaterally on anterior margin, one short seta (PA11) on the level of PA8, one long seta and one pore-like sensillum (PA14 and PA15, respectively) slightly anteriad of the group of PA7+12+13. Ventral surface with tree pore-like sensilla (PA23–25) situated close to the ventral mandibular articulation, PA23 most laterally, PA25 most mesally. Anterior third with a longitudinal group of three sensilla (PA26–28) situated close to each other: anterior one (PA26) long seta, median one (PA27) pore-like, posterior one (PA28) long seta.A group comprising of a pore-like sensillum (PA17) and a long seta (PA16) situated lateral of the group of PA26–28 and ventrad of the lateral pores (PA15+PA11/14). Posterior half of ventral surface with one por-like sensillum (PA29) at midwidth of parietale, one long seta (PA18) and one pore-like sensillum (PA30) sublaterally.

Antenna ( Figs 54 View Figs 54 í55). Antennomere 1 with ¿ve pore-like sensilla (AN1–5); AN1 dorsally in posterior ¿fth, AN 2 in anterior third; AN3 on outer face of intersegmental membrane, AN4–5 on inner face of intersegmental membrane. Antennomere 2 with one dorsal pore-like sensillum (AN6) situated on distal part of sclerite; setae AN7–8 and AN10–11 and sensorium SE1 on intersegmental membrane between antennomere 2 and 3, AN9 absent. AN7–8 and SE1 on lateral face, AN7–8 minute setae, SE1 long and thin, slightly longer than antennomere 3; AN10 long seta, AN11 short seta, both on inner face close to each other. Antennomere 3 without sensilla on sclerite, with apical sensilla (gAN) in apical membranous area.

Mandible (Fig. 60) with 6 primary sensilla. MN1 moderately long seta situated laterally ca. on mandibular midlength. Pore-like sensilla MN2–4 situated anteriorly of MN1, forming a triangle; MN3 close to base of apical retinacular tooth, MN2 ca. at midlength between MN1 and MN3. MN5 minute pore-like sensillum situated subapically on outer face, MN6 minute pore-like sensillum situated on inner face at midlength of the apical mandibular tooth.

Maxilla (Figs 56í57). Cardo with one long ventral seta ( MX 1). Stipes with a row of ca. 25–30 short stout setae along the inner face; setae separated by larger distance distally, becoming closer to each other basally, the basalmost seta slightly more distant from the others (likely homologous to MX 7). Ventral surface of stipes with two pore-like sensilla, one situated ca. at midlength ( MX 2), the other in distal third ( MX 3). Sensilla MX 4–6 forming a group laterally on distal margin of the sclerite; MX 4 pore-like, MX 5–6 long setae. Dorsal surface of palpomere 1 with one moderately long seta ( MX 16). Three sensilla ( MX 12–14) situated lateroventrally in distal half of palpomere 1; MX 12 pore-like, MX 13–14 moderately long setae. Pore-like sensilla MX 15 and MX 17 situated on membrane below inner appendage, MX 17 dorsally, MX 15 ventrally. Inner appendage with few setae (gAPP) of which two are long setae and one short and stout seta. Palpomere 2 with one minute basal seta ( MX 27) and one distal pore-like sensillum ( MX 18) on outer face, and with one pore-like sensillum ( MX 19) on inner face on membrane between palpomeres 2 and 3. Palpomere 3 with four sensilla; pore-like MX 20 and moderately long seta MX 23 on outer face close to distal margin of sclerite, pore-like MX 22 on ventral surface ca. at midlength, and moderately long seta MX 21 distally on inner surface of sclerite. Palpomere 4 with moderately long seta ( MX 24) basally, and a digitiform sensillum ( MX 25) and a pore-like sensillum ( MX 26) distally on lateral face. Apical membranous area of palpomere 4 with several minute setae (gMX).

Labium ( Figs 51 View Figs 51 , 58í59). Submentum with two pairs of setae (LA1–2), LA1 long, situated in lateral corner of submentum, LA2 short, on anterior margin laterally of articulation of mentum. Ventral surface of mentum with two pairs of sensilla, LA3 long seta at ca. midlength of sclerite, LA4 pore-like at anterior margin. Ventral surface of prementum with three pairs of sensilla; short setae LA5 close to proximal margin, long setae LA 6 in anterior third of sclerite slightly mesally of LA5, pore-like LA7 at anterior margin of sclerite. Dorsal surface of prementum with a sub-basal pair of pore-like sensilla (LA8). Membranous base of ligula with two pairs of dorsal (LA9–10) and one pair of ventral (LA11) sensilla; LA9 pore-like, situated on small cone-like projections, LA10 long seta situated distally of LA9, LA11 porelike, situated at same level as LA10. Apical portion of ligula with a pair of cone-like sensilla (LA12) dorsally. Labial palpomere 1 with one pore-like sensillum (LA13) basally on ventral surface and one pore-like sensillum dorsally on intersegmental membrane between palpomere 1 and 2. Palpomere 2 with one distal pore-like sensillum (LA15) and a group of sensilla in the apical membranous area (gLA).

Second instar. More similar to the third instar than to the ¿rst, but not studied in detail. Lateral face of mentum with series of secondary long setae, lateral face of stipes with numerous long secondary setae, dorsolateral face of stipes with long but still not articulated cuticular projection (compare to third instar).

Third instar. Frontale (Fig. 64) with two pairs of secondary setae, each laterally of FR2 very close to remnants of frontal lines. Parietale ( Figs 63 View Figs 63 í64) with two short secondary setae anteriorly of PA6 close to remnants of frontal line, one secondary pore between PA9 and PA19, one secondary short seta posteromesally of PA9, one secondary short seta anteriorly of PA8. Lateral portion with 2í3 short secondary setae dorsally of PA16. Antenna ( Figs 65 View Figs 65 í66) without secondary sensilla. Mandible (Fig. 71) with one secondary seta and two pores on basal lateral face, and with numerous secondary micropores in apical portion. Maxilla (Figs 67í68): stipes with two secondary moderately long setae scattered between this group and MX 2; lateral face of stipes with numerous very long secondary setae, dorsolateral face with densely arranged secondary short but stout setae which seem to be homologous to cuticular projections observed in this area in ¿rst instar. Palpomere 1 with secondary short seta mesally of MX 14. Digitiform sensillum ( MX 25) of palpomere 4 relatively much shorter than in ¿rst instar. Labium (Figs 69í70): Mentum with a pair of moderately long setae ventrally between both LA4, and with a series of six extremely long setae in anterior half of lateral face.

Description of pupa ( Figs 72 View Figs 72 í74). Exarate and adectic. Length: 5.8í 6.3 mm. Maximum width: 3.1í 3.6 mm (n = 2). Color white (slightly yellow after ¿xation). Head. Not visible on dorsal view; with two pairs of supraorbital styli; mandibles and maxillae apparent under labrum; eyes of the same color as remaining parts of head during majority of pupal stage, brown in pharate imago; clypeolabral suture weakly marked. Thorax. Prothorax strongly convex dorsally; with 12 styli on each side, all visible in dorsal view: one longitudinal row of ¿ve styli near posterior margin and one row of ¿ve styli near anterior margin (marginal styli – Ms), one stylus medially near midline and one between Ms2 and Ms3 (closest from the later one) near anterior margin (discal styli – Ds); mesonotum with one stylus on each side of an elevated triangular scutellar shield; metanotum subtrapezoidal, posterior margin slightly projecting posteriad mesally, with one pair of styli more distant from each other than on mesonotum. Legs. Pro- and mesothoracic legs folded over wingpads, lacking apical spur; metathoracic legs covered by wingpads, metatibia bearing few tubercles and with a short apical spur. Abdomen with nine visible segments in dorsal view; segment 8 as long as segment 1, but almost 3× narrower, strongly convex dorsally; sternites 3í6 with one long stylus on each lateral margin; tergites with two conspicuous patterns of styli: a long stylus on each lateral margin of each segment, and short styli (ca. 0.5× shorter than lateral styli) on medial portion of each tergite. Tergite 1 with one pair of medial styli, tergites 2í7 with two pairs of medial styli on each side. Lateral styli on tergites situated near to those on sternites; tergite 8 with one pair of styli near apex. Segment 9 strongly bilobed.

Biology. See below.

Distribution ( Fig. 75 View Fig ). The distribution corresponds with the range of the Atlantic rain forest which originally extended along the Brazilian coast. The species occurs from the state of Santa Catarina in the southern region of Brazil to the state of Bahia in the northeast of Brazil; it is also recorded from the states of São Paulo (in which type locality is situated), Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo States in southeastern Brazil.

ORCHYMONT A. d' 1937: Sphaeridiini bromeliadicoles nouveaux (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae, Sphaeridiinae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 10 20: 127 i 140.

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Figs 1í10. General habitus of adults and larvae of Lachnodacnum Orchymont, 1937. 1í3 – adults of L. luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937 (1 – dorsal view, 2 – lateral view, 3 – dorsal view of the head). 4í8 – larva of L. luederwaldti (4 – third instar larva in dorsal view; 5 – same in ventral view; 6 – ¿rst instar in dorsal view; 7 – detail of head and thorax of third instar, dorsal view; 8 – same, ventral view). 9í10 – adults of L. saundersi Orchymont, 1937 (9 – dorsal view, 10 – lateral view).

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Figs 15í17. Aedeagus. 15 – Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937; 16 – L. saundersi Orchymont, 1937; 17 – Phaenostoma urichi (Scott, 1912).

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Figs 33í36. Mesoventral elevation of Lachnodacnum Orchymont, 1937, SEM micrographs. In ventral (33í34) and lateral (35í36) views. 33, 35 – L. luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937; 34, 36 – L. saundersi Orchymont, 1937 (arrow indicates the anepisternal suture).

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Figs 37í39. Third instar larva of Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937, SEM micrographs. 37 – head in lateral view; 38 – abdominal segment 8 in dorsal view; 39 – abdominal proleg.

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Figs 51í53. Head capsule of the ¿rst instar larva of Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937. 51 – ventral view; 52 – dorsal view; 53 – detail of anterior margin of head capsule, dorsal view.

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Figs 54í62. First instar larva of Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937. 54í55 – antenna (54 – dorsal view, 55 – ventral view); 56í57 – maxilla (56 – ventral view, 57 – dorsal view); 58í59 – labium (58 – ventral view, 59 – dorsal view); 60 – right mandible, dorsal view; 61 – prosternum; 62 – mesothoracic leg, anterior view.

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Figs 63í64. Head capsule of the third instar larva of Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937. 63 – ventral view, 64 – dorsal view.

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Figs 65í71. Mouthparts of the third instar larva of Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937. 65í66 – antenna (65 – dorsal view; 66 – ventral view); 67í68 – maxilla (67 – ventral view, 68 – dorsal view); 69í70 – labium (69 – ventral view, 70 – dorsal view); 71 – right mandible, dorsal view.

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Figs 72í74. Pupa of Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937. 72 – dorsal view; 73 – ventral view; 74 – detail of pronotal stylus. Abbreviations: Ms – stylus of pronotal margin; Ds – stylus of pronotal disc; Ab – abdominal segment.

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Fig. 75. Distribution of Lachnodacnum luederwaldti Orchymont, 1937, L. saundersi Orchymont, 1937 and Phaenostoma urichi (Scott, 1913).


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


National Museum Prague











