Colletes cyanescens ( Haliday, 1836 )

Ferrari, Rafael R., 2017, Taxonomic revision of the species of Colletes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) found in Chile, Zootaxa 4364 (1), pp. 1-137 : 43-49

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4364.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Colletes cyanescens ( Haliday, 1836 )


Colletes cyanescens ( Haliday, 1836) View in CoL

( Figs. 20A–F View FIGURE20 )

Andrena cyanescens Haliday, 1836: 321 .

Lectotype ♀ (examined). {NHM}. [hereby designated] Colletes View in CoL semi-nitida Spinola, 1851: 225; Vachal 1909: 54. [new synonymy] Syntype ♀ (not examined). {MRSN}.

Colletes cyanescens View in CoL ; Smith 1853: 5; Dalla Torre 1896: 40; Cockerell 1904: 257, 1917b: 478; Claude-Joseph 1926: 128; Jaffuel & Pirion 1926: 364; Gazulla & Ruiz 1928: 300; Ruiz 1944: 210; Stephen 1954: 161; Moure 1956: 203; Roig-Alsina 1991: 259; Toro 1986: 122, 1999: 27; Moure & Urban 2002: 7; Moure et al. 2007: 680; Montalva & Ruz 2010: 21; Ascher & Pickering 2017.

Colletes seminitidus View in CoL ; Dalla Torre 1896: 44; Claude-Joseph 1926: 130; Jaffuel & Pirion 1926: 364; Gazulla & Ruiz 1928: 300; Ruiz 1944: 217; Roig-Alsina 1991: 259; Toro 1999: 30; Moure & Urban 2002: 20; Vázquez & Simberloff 2002: 621; Packer et al. 2005: 197; Zayed et al. 2005: 1018; Moure et al. 2007: 687; Almeida & Danforth 2009: 293; Kuhlmann et al. 2009: 296; Montalva & Ruz 2010: 22; Almeida et al. 2011: 7; Ascher & Pickering 2017.

Colletes viridans Vachal, 1909: 55 .

Lectotype ♀ (examined). {MNHP}. [hereby designated]

Colletes seminitida ; Rojas & Toro 1993: 86.

Diagnosis. The combination of clypeal mid-longitudinal area depressed and not carinate, mesosomal pubescence with off-white and black hairs intermixed, and metasomal terga metallic greenish-blue is sufficient to diagnose both sexes of C. cyanescens .

Colletes cyanescens is most similar to C. musculus , however, the former is different by having metallic greenish-blue T1–T5 (T1–T5 opaque dark-blue in C. musculus ); and marginal zones of T1–T4 with the same colour as discs (marginal zones of T1–T4 dark-brown, contrasting with the opaque dark-blue discs, in C. musculus ).

Redescription. FEMALE ( Figs. 20A, 20C, 20E View FIGURE20 ): Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 9.8–11.2; head width 3.7–4.2; head length 2.8–3.2; intertegular distance 2.9–3.4; forewing length 8.2–8.9.

Colouration: Black except metallic greenish-blue on T1–T5 (T5 also with some golden hues). Metallic darkblue on discs of S2–S5. Dark-brown on tegula, wing veins (except basal veins of forewing black), stigma, distal 1/ 5 of dorsal surface of distitarsi, ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T1. Pale-brown on proximal 1/3 of tarsal claws, posterior margin of ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T3–T5, marginal zones of metasomal sterna. Reddish-brown on distal 2/3 of tarsal claws; marked on distal 1/4 of mandible. Pale-yellow on tibial spurs.

Structure: Labrum medially concave; concavity margined by lateral ridges. Clypeal mid-longitudinal area evenly deeply depressed on upper 3/4; depression narrow (0.4x MOD) on upper 1/4, broader (0.7x MOD) on middle 2/4; adjacent lateral area convex; apicomedial ridge absent. Malar area ~1.2x as long as basal depth of mandible (35:28). F1 ~1.6x as long as its apical width (26:16). UID:LID (77:80). Genal area concave behind upper summit of compound eyes in lateral view. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum modified into a spine. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum ~0.25x as long as metanotum (13:50); metapostnotal pits well-delimited; posterior transverse carina straight and complete. Posteromedial surface of front coxa without spine. Posterior hind tibial spur ciliate. Hind basitarsus 3.5x longer than broad (56:16). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws 1.8x as long as inner rami (18:10). Posterolateral area of S6 convex and lacking carina; marginal zone depressed.

Pubescence: Mixed off-white and black, plumose, erect, moderately long on lateral slopes of clypeus and supraclypeal area, paraocular and interantennal areas, mesoscutum, scutellum, metepisternum; such hairs long on frontal and vertexal areas, metanotum, mesepisternum; very long on upper margin of lateral surface of propodeum. On genal area, mostly off-white (except area adjacently to outer margin of eye with black hairs) and moderately short (except very long towards proboscidial fossa). Off-white only, plumose, erect, moderately long on anterior surface of mid trochanter, ventral margin of mid femur, T1, S1; such hairs short on T2. Fulvous, erect, moderately short setae on dorsal surface of mid and hind basitarsi and hind tibia; such hairs moderately long on mandible, posterior margin of basitarsi (except long on hind one). Pale-yellow, suberect, short setae on dorsal surface of front and mid tibiae; thicker setae on ventral surface of mid and hind tarsi; fulvous, thickest towards distal margin. Paleyellow, suberect, very long hairs, which are branched only apically on anterior surface of hind femur and tibia. T2– T5 covered with off-white, sparse appressed hairs (on T2 restricted laterally and posteriorly); T3–T5 also with black, erect, moderately long setae (except short on T3). S2 with pale-yellow, erect, moderately short hairs, which are branched only apically. Discs of S3–S6 with pale-yellow, suberect, short setae; marginal zones with a line of plumose, erect, moderately short hairs.

Surface sculpture: Clypeal mid-longitudinal depression finely and moderately sparsely punctate (interspaces imbricate); adjacent convex area with moderately fine punctures near depression (interspaces smooth); lower 1/4 longitudinally striate. Malar area rugose. Supraclypeal area imbricate. Paraocular area densely and moderately finely punctate below; moderately densely and finely punctate above; interspaces imbricate throughout. Frontal area moderately densely and moderately finely punctate; interspaces rugose. Vertexal area with minute and fine punctures intermingled near eye (interspaces smooth); densely punctate near ocellus (interspaces rugose). Mesosomal and metasomal interspaces imbricate throughout. Mesoscutum and metanotum moderately coarsely and moderately sparsely punctate (except sparsely punctate on mesoscutal mid-posterior area). Scutellum coarsely and moderately densely punctate. Mesepisternum coarsely and densely punctate anteriorly to episternal groove and near scrobe; moderately densely punctate elsewhere. Metepisternum rugose above and below; obliquely striate medially. Lateral surface of propodeum imbricate. Upper area of vertical surface of metapostnotum transversely striate medially. Metasomal terga minutely and moderately sparsely punctate (except sparsely punctate on T1). Metasomal sterna finely and densely punctate.

MALE ( Figs. 20B, 20D, 20F View FIGURE20 ). As in female, except for usual secondary sexual characteristics and as follows:

Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 8.1–8.9; head width 3.4–3.7; head length 2.8–3.0; intertegular distance 2.3–2.8; forewing length 7.6–8.2.

Colouration: Dark-brown on vein C of forewing, dorsal surface of tarsi, S6 laterally. Pale-brown on midlongitudinal band of S2–S5.

Structure: Clypeal mid-longitudinal area deeply depressed on upper 3/5, depression shallow on lower 2/5; depression narrowest (0.5x MOD) on upper 1/3, broader (0.8x MOD) on middle 1/3; broadest (=MOD) on lower 1/ 3. Malar area ~2.1x as long as basal depth of mandible (64:30). F1 ~1.3x as long as its apical width (38:28). UID:LID (75:70). Dorsolateral angle of pronotum triangular acute. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum ~0.3x as long as metanotum (14:46); posterior transverse carina sinuous. Hind basitarsus ~ 4x longer than broad (54:14). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws ~1.6x as long as inner rami (22:14). Posterolateral area of S6 flat carina; marginal zone not depressed. S7, S8 and genital capsule as in Figs. 21A, 21B, 21C View FIGURE 21 , respectively.

Pubescence: Lateral slopes of clypeus with off-white hairs only. Legs with pale-yellow setae. Plumose hairs on T2 only slightly shorter than those on T1; appressed hairs restricted to marginal zone. Discs of S2–S5 covered with minute setae.

Surface sculpture: Clypeal convex area smooth throughout. Punctation on frontal area difficult to discern from the overall rugose integument. Interspaces on vertexal area imbricate near eye. Scutellum moderately coarsely punctate. Mesepisternum moderately densely punctate. Upper area of vertical surface of metapostnotum rugose medially. T2–T5 finely punctate.

Material studied. Primary type specimens: Lectotype ♀ of Andrena cyanescens— “Type”. “B. M. TYPE; HYM.; 17.a535”. “ Andrena ; cyanescens Hal :”. “SYN-; TYPE”. “63; 43”. “♀; Chil”. “albopilosus Spinola.”. “Collected by Capt’n; King: presented by the; Linnean Society; BMNH (E) 1863-43”. “LECTOTYPE; Andrena cyanescens ♀; Haliday, 1836; designated R. Ferrari, 2017”. {NHM}. [hereby designated]. Lectotype ♀ of C. viridans —“CHILE; CONCEPC; 22.10.1904; P. HERBST”. “MUSEUM PARIS; Coll. J. VACHAL 1911”. “LECTOTYPE; Colletes viridans ♀; Vachal, 1909; designated R. Ferrari, 2017”. [hereby designated]. {MNHP}.

Secondary type specimens: Paralectotypes ♀♀ and ♂♂ of C. viridans— CHILE— 1863, 1♂, {MNHP}; idem, except no date indicated, 2♀♀. Region V: Quillota, 1♀1♂, {MNHP}. Region VIII: Ñuble, 25/ix/1900, 1♂, {MNHP}.

Additional specimens: ARGENTINA—Chubut: 8km N of Sarmiento , (-45.512, -69.057), 265m, 26/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 3♀♀, { PCYU} . 8km S of Rada Tilly , (-45.984, -67.605), 35m, 24/xi/2003, 1♀, { PCYU} . INTA Trevelin site 1, (-43.127, -71.562), 386m , 24/x/2005, [A.Gravel], 1♀1♂, {PCYU}; idem, except 24/x/2006, 1♂; idem, except 3/xi/2006, [M.Gravel], 2♂♂. INTA Trevelin site 2, (-43.099, -71.542), 481m, 26/x/2005, [A.Gravel], 1♀, {PCYU}; idem, except 2/xii/2005, [M.Hollmann], 3♀♀; idem, except 25/x/2006, [M.Gravel], 1♂; idem, except 8/xi/2006, [M.Gravel], 4♂♂. INTA Trevelin site 3, (-43.114, -71.590), 688m, 17/xi/2006, [A.Gravel], 2♂♂, {PCYU}. INTA Trevelin site 4, (-43.100, -71.552), 539m , 1/xi/2005, [A.Gravel], 18♂♂, {PCYU}; idem, except 9/ xi/2005, [M.Hollmann], 5♂♂; idem, except 2/xi/2006, [M.Gravel], 6♂♂; idem, except 22/xi/2006, [M.Gravel], 2♂♂. Santa Cruz: 0.5km E of Los Antiguos , (-46.558, -71.591), 232m , 17/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 11♀♀4♂♂, {PCYU}; idem, except 16/xi/2003, 1♀. 5km E of Los Antiguos , (-46.598, -71.493), 308m, 17/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 1♂, { PCYU} . 20km E of Los Antiguous , (-46.609, -71.357), 229m, 17/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 1♂, { PCYU} . 23km W of Las Heras , (-46.613, -69.639), 395m, 16/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 6♀♀, { PCYU} . 25km S of Los Antiguos , (- 46.710, -71.673), 656m, 22/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 4♂♂, { PCYU} . 35km E of Los Antiguous , (-46.601, -71.197), 244m, 17/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 2♀♀ 1♂, { PCYU} . 39km E of Los Antiguous , (-46.601, -71.129), 387m, 16/xi/ 2003, [L.Packer], 1♀, { PCYU} . 43km E of Perito Moreno , (-46.434, -70.364), 534m , 16/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 1♀, { PCYU}. Cueva de Los Manos , (-47.158, -70.660), 545m , 20/xi/2003, [L.Packer], 1♀. { PCYU}. CHILE — Region III: Chañar de Aceituno, (-28.953, -71.347), 276m , 18/ix/2003, [A.Ugarte], 2♀♀1♂, {PCYU}. Highway C- 13 km 15, (-26.395, -70.388), 322m, 16/ix/2010, [L.Packer], 4♀♀6♂♂, {PCYU}. Road to Mina Caserones , (- 28.174, -69.803), 1849m, 30/ix/2013, [L.Packer], 1♀, { PCYU}. Region IV: 1.1km S of Tololo , (-30.305, -70.815), 1555m , 11/x/2009, [J.Gibbs], 2♀♀, { PCYU}. Cuesta Buenos Aires, (-29.562, -71.253), 517m , 13/x/2013, [Postlethwaite & Monckton], 1♀, {PCYU}. Las Mercedes, (-29.935, -70.537), 926m, 15/ix/2010, [L.Packer], 1♀, {PCYU}. Los Lobos, (-31.922, -71.518), 21m, 11/v/2010, [Packer & Fraser], 1♀, {PCYU}. Los Molles, (-30.749, -70.648), 1179m, 12/x/2013, [S.Monckton], 1♀, {PCYU}. Los Vilos, (-31.918, -71.511), 18m, 25/ix/1966, [E.Schlinger], 1♀, {EMEC}. N of Los Hornos, (-29.581, -71.241), 402m, 8/x/2002, [Grixti & Zayed], 3♀♀, {PCYU}; idem, except 9/x/2002, 1♀; idem, except 25/ix/2002, 1♀; idem, except 7/x/2002, 1♀. Parque Nacional Fray Jorge, (-30.637, -71.597), 259m, 13/x/2000, [L.Packer], 9♀♀, {PCYU}; idem, except 7/x/2001, 1♀; idem, except 20/x/2001, [Packer & Fraser], 3♀♀; idem, except 11/x/2002, [Grixti & Zayed], 2♀♀; idem, except 12/x/ 2002, [Grixti & Zayed], 9♀♀; idem, except 10/x/2009, [J.Gibbs], 2♀♀1♂. Puente Samo Alto, (-30.413, -70.927), 643m, 13/x/2002, [Grixti & Zayed], 2♀♀, {PCYU}. Punta de Lobos, (-31.948, -71.524), 16m, 11/x/2013, [S.Monckton], 1♀, {PCYU}. S of Los Vilos, (-31.931, -71.513), 15m, 11/x/2013, [S.Monckton], 3♀♀, {PCYU}. Region V: Colliguay, (-33.138, -71.149), 502m, 6/x/2000, [L.Packer], 3♀♀, {PCYU}; idem, except 4/x/2001, [Packer & Fraser], 2♀♀1♂. Nogales, (-32.733, -71.266), 267m, 1/viii/1966, [E.Schlinger], 1♂, {EMEC}. Region Metropolitana: 7km S of Tiltil , (-33.145, -70.913), 550m, 28/x/2002, [Grixti & Zayed], 1♀, { PCYU} . 10km NW of Tiltil , (-33.000, -70.983), 1090m , 11/x/2010, [Almeida & Packer], 1♀1♂, {RPSP}. Caleu, (-33.008, -70.996), 1201m, 26/x/2010, [L.Packer], 1♂, {PCYU}; idem, except 3/x/2000, 1♀; idem, except 6/x/2010, [Packer & Fraser], 1♂; idem, except 8/xi/1997, 5♀♀. La Vega, 3/x/2000, [L.Packer], 4♂♂, {PCYU}. Las Canteras, (-33.308, -70.699), 531m, 9/x/2013, [S.Monckton], 1♀, {PCYU}. Pichicuy, (-32.341, -71.466), 42m, 17/x/2002, [Grixti & Zayed], 1♀, { PCYU}; idem, except 9/x/2000, [L.Packer], 1♀. Region VIII: 20km W of Caramavida , (-37.699, - 73.575), 173m , 13/i/1967, [E.Schlinger], 1♂, {EMEC}. Las Trancas, (-36.913, -71.500), 1225m, 17/xii/1976, [Peck & Howden], 1♀6♂♂, {KUNHM}. Region IX: Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, (-37.791, -73.001), 1325m, 27/ xi/1997, [L.Packer], 1♀, {PCYU}; idem, except 31/x/2001, [Packer & Fraser], 4♀♀11♂♂.

Range. Argentina (Chubut, Santa Cruz), Chile (Regions III–IX). See also Fig. 19B View FIGURE19 .

Biogeographic distribution. Andean region: Central Chilean sub-region (Coquimban and Santiagan provinces); Subantarctic sub-region (Maule province); Patagonian sub-region (Patagonian province). Central Chilean and southern Argentinean species distributed at altitudes of 0–1900m a.s.l.

DNA barcode. Available. BOLD: ABY2997 (8♀♀13♂♂), BOLD: ACW1675 (1♀), BOLD: AAC8707 (2♀♀). Barcoded specimens cover the latitudinal range of the species fairly well, including both northernmost (Region III, Chile) and southernmost (Santa Cruz, Argentina) records. The distances between the northernmost and southernmost records for BINs BOLD: AAC8707 and BOLD: ABY2997 are approximately 920km and 2240km, respectively; representatives of both occur sympatrically in Region IV. Females of BINs ACW1675 and AAC8707 are sympatric (see Table 1). Distance amongst BINs: 0.84–3.64%. Distance from the nearest neighbour ( C. musculus ): 1.73–4.04%.

Floral hosts. Anacardiaceae— Schinus patagonica (Phil.) I. M. Johnst. ex Cabrera (this paper). Celastraceae— Maytenus boaria Molina ( Claude-Joseph 1926) . Compositae— Taraxacum campylodes G. E. Haglund (this paper). Elaeocarpaceae— Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz [ Claude-Joseph 1926; Toro 1999 (as Aristotelia macqui L’Hér )]. Grossulariaceae— Ribes magellanicum Poir. (this paper). Leguminosae— Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link (this paper). Loasaceae— Loasa tricolor Ker Gawl. (this paper). Proteaceae— Lomatia hirsuta (Lam.) Diels (this paper). Rhamnaceae— Colletia spinosissima J. F. Gmel [ Claude-Joseph 1926; Toro 1999 (as Colletia ferox Gillies & Hook )]; Retanilla trinervia (Gillies & Hook.) Hook. & Arn. [ Toro 1999 (as Trevoa trinervis Miers )]; Talguenea costata Miers ( Claude-Joseph 1926) . Zygophyllaceae— Porliera hygrometrica Ruiz & Pav. ( Claude-Joseph 1926) .

Comments. Colletes cyanescens is probably the most common species of the genus found in central Chile, where it visits a wide range of plant species (at least 12 species from 10 different families).

The interpretation of C. cyanescens ’ identity by this study is different from that by various previous authors (see synonymy list, above). Examination of the female lectotype revealed that the actual C. cyanescens matches the species that has been traditionally identified as C. seminitidus by numerous bee taxonomists. Therefore, I am herein proposing that C. seminitidus is a junior synonym of C. cyanescens , even though I have not examined the type specimen of the former. In addition to the vast, previously identified material that I had access to, this synonymy is also supported by the fact that Spinola’s description of C. seminitidus fully matches the lectotype of C. cyanescens . Toro’s proposition of synonymy involving C. viridans (type material studied) and C. seminitidus further endorses the nomenclatural act made in this paper.

As will be seen below, the species commonly acknowledged as C. cyanescens is herein treated under the name C. cyaniventris .


The Packer Collection at York University
















Colletes cyanescens ( Haliday, 1836 )

Ferrari, Rafael R. 2017

Colletes seminitida

Rojas 1993: 86

Colletes viridans Vachal, 1909 : 55

Vachal 1909: 55

Colletes seminitidus

Almeida 2011: 7
Montalva 2010: 22
Almeida 2009: 293
Kuhlmann 2009: 296
Moure 2007: 687
Moure 2002: 20
Vazquez 2002: 621
Toro 1999: 30
Roig-Alsina 1991: 259
Ruiz 1944: 217
Gazulla 1928: 300
Claude-Joseph 1926: 130
Jaffuel 1926: 364
Dalla 1896: 44

Colletes cyanescens

Montalva 2010: 21
Moure 2007: 680
Moure 2002: 7
Roig-Alsina 1991: 259
Toro 1986: 122
Moure 1956: 203
Stephen 1954: 161
Ruiz 1944: 210
Gazulla 1928: 300
Claude-Joseph 1926: 128
Jaffuel 1926: 364
Cockerell 1904: 257
Dalla 1896: 40
Smith 1853: 5

Andrena cyanescens

Haliday 1836: 321
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