Neofavolus subpurpurascens (Murril) Palacio & Robledo, 2019

Palacio, Melissa, Silveira, Rosa Mara Borges Da & Robledo, Gerardo Lucio, 2019, Neofavolus subpurpurascens comb. nov., with new records from the Neotropics, Phytotaxa 405 (4), pp. 180-186 : 183-184

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.405.4.1


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scientific name

Neofavolus subpurpurascens (Murril) Palacio & Robledo

comb. nov.

Neofavolus subpurpurascens (Murril) Palacio & Robledo View in CoL comb. nov.

MycoBank MB 826917

Basionym: Hexagonia subpurpurascens Murrill View in CoL , North American Flora 9(1): 51 (1907).

Synonyms: Polyporus subpurpurascens (Murrill) Ryvarden, Mycotaxon View in CoL 23: 181 (1985); Favolus subpurpurascens (Murrill) Sacc. & Trotter, Syll. View in CoL fung. (Abellini) 21: 357 (1912).

Description:—Basidiome annual, fragile, centrally to laterally stipitate, solitary or clustered in small groups (2–3 basidiomes); pileus circular to reniform, centrally depressed, up to 2 cm diam., 0.1 cm thick, glabrous, azonate, light purplish, slightly tessullate when living, purplish ochraceous and tessellate when dry; stipe up to 2 cm long., 0.3 diam., light yellowish brown to purplish, with reddish dyes, more purplish and thicker towards the base, with a whitish attachment disc, smooth to longitudinally rugose when dry; margin acute, incurvated when dry; context thin (0.2 mm thick) to absent. Pore surface light brown yellowish, pores 1–2/mm, angular, hexagonal, radially elongated, decurrent, with hyphal pegs. Hyphal system dimitic: generative hyphae clamped, hyaline, thin walled, 3–6 μm diam., skeletobinding hyphae arboriform, hyaline to yellowish, thick walled, with a wide lumen 3–6 um diam. (in the principal stalk) or 2–3 μm diam. (in the branches), IKI–. Hyphal pegs 23–26 μm diam., composed of generative hyphae. Pileipellis present as a cutis composed of light brown, parallel, agglutinated, thick-walled generative hyphae, distinct from the contextual hyphae, which are hyaline, interwoven and non-agglutinated ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Basidia 18–22 × 6–8 μm, 4-sterigmate, clavate. Basidiospores 9–12 × 2,5–4 μm, Q= 3.2, n= 100/5, narrowly cylindrical, with a slightly supraapicular depression, smooth, thin walled, hyaline, guttulate, IKI-.

Geographical distribution:— Neofavolus subpurpurascens is a rare species, described from Jamaica and also recorded in Brazil ( Coelho & Silveira 2014). This is the first record from Argentina and Bolivia.

Remarks:— Neofavolus subpurpurascens is a species recognized by its purplish basidiomes, compared to other Neofavolus taxa, which are white to cream or brownish ( Sotome et al. 2013; Seelan et al. 2015). The specimens under study match the macro and microscopical descriptions based on the type collection provided by Ryvarden (1985) and ( Coelho & Silveira 2014). Also we examined type material through NY virtual herbarium. Additionally, we found that the pilear surface is a cutis composed of light brown, parallel, agglutinated, thick-walled generative hyphae ( Fig. 2c View FIGURE 2 ). Specimens:— ARGENTINA. Jujuy: Ledesma, Parque Nacional Calilegua, Mesada de las Colmenas, La Cascada trail, on dead twig, 1170 m, 23°42’1.5’’S, 64°51’56.8’’W, 6 March 2005, Robledo 383 (CORD); Robledo 385 (CORD); Robledo 390 (CORD);— BOLIVIA. La Paz: Nor Yungas, Rio Yariza, 23 February 1956, Singer B1346 (LIL);— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria, Seminários São José, 23 March 2007, Coelho & Cortez 624–1 (ICN); Coelho & Cortez 624–2 (ICN).














Neofavolus subpurpurascens (Murril) Palacio & Robledo

Palacio, Melissa, Silveira, Rosa Mara Borges Da & Robledo, Gerardo Lucio 2019

Polyporus subpurpurascens (Murrill)

Ryvarden 1985: 181

Hexagonia subpurpurascens

Murrill 1907: 51
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