Striatoandrius barriosi (Medianero and Nieves- (Medianero and Nieves- Aldrey, 2019)

Cuesta-Porta, Víctor, Arnedo, Miquel A., Cibrián-Tovar, David, Barrera-Ruiz, Uriel M., García-Martiñón, Rosa D., Equihua-Martínez, Armando, Estrada-Venegas, Edith G., Clark-Tapia, Ricardo, Romero-Range, Silvia & Pujade-Villar, Juli, 2020, A New Genus of Oak Gall Wasp, Striatoandricus Pujade-Villar (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) from America with Descriptions of Two New Mexican Species, Zoological studies (Zool. Stud.) 59 (8), pp. 1-21 : 6-10

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2020.59-08

publication LSID


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scientific name

Striatoandrius barriosi (Medianero and Nieves-


Striatoandrius barriosi (Medianero and Nieves-

Aldrey 2019) n. comb.

R e c e n t l y d e s c r i b e d s p e c i e s f r o m P a n a m a ( Medianero and Nieves-Aldrey 2019). Morphologically, it has the second metasomal segment striated as S. georgei , S. nievesaldreyi and S. sanchezi n. sp. and the notauli are percurrent as S. nievesaldreyi . Striatoandricus barriosi differs from S. nievesaldreyi in that its second mesosomal tergite completely sculptured, without smooth dorso-lateral area with longitudinal striae strong, well-marked and visible, almost reaching posterior margin of metasomal tergite (usually with a dorso-lateral area smooth and shiny with striae weak, slightly marked and incomplete, not reaching margin of metasomal tergite in S. nievesaldreyi ), mesoscutum longer than broad (as long as broad in S. nievesaldreyi ), dorsal area of mesopleuron weakly sculptured to smooth (entirely sculptured in S. nievesaldreyi ), forewing venation strongly pigmented (brown veins in S. nievesaldreyi ) and Rs + M vein conspicuously connected to lower half of basal vein (Rs + M vein not connected to basal vein in S. nievesaldreyi ).

The gall is a fused mass of larval chambers as also occurs in S. georgei , S. nievesaldreyi and S. sanchezi n. sp. Galls of S. barriosi occurs in Q. bumelioides Liebm. and Q. insignis M. Martens and Galeotti (section Quercus ).

Remarks: In Medianero and Nieves-Aldrey (2019) mention that this species can also be differentiated from S. nievesaldreyi by its color (black in S. barriosi and ambarine in S. nievesaldreyi ). Nevertheless, after studying long series of S. nievesaldreyi , the coloration is very variable in this species including specimens completely ambarine, specimens ambarine with variable black marks or specimens completely black.

Also, the authors of the same paper mention that the gall of S. barriosi is similar to that of Andricus guatemalensis ( Cameron 1883) ; this species has been considered incertae sedis by Pujade-Villar et al. (2011) because is not possible to differentiate the species according to the morphology of galls. In the original description, Cameron (1883: 71) mentions that the gall of Cynips guatemalensis is a hard mass covered of a long pilosity, but the adults obtained corresponds to an inquiline Synergus dorsalis Cameron (see the dissertation in Ritchie and Shorthouse 1987).













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