Cyranozetes, Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2003

Mahunka, S. & Mahunka-Papp, L., 2003, Contribution To The Knowledge Of The Hungarian Oribatida Fauna (Acari) I., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (4), pp. 255-260 : 257

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587001


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Cyranozetes View in CoL gen. n.

Diagnosis – With characters of Ceratozetidae . Rostrum divided, rostral apex large, nasiform, strongly projecting anteriorly. Lamellae tapering, with long free lamellar cusps, well converging anteriorly. Bothridium large, inner part sharply pointed. Tutorium large and broad, its distal end straight and serrate. Pedotectum I large, covering insertion of leg I. Genal tooth large. Discidium normal, custodium long, reaching over pedotecta II–III. Horizontal fold over acetabula II and III absent. Notogaster narrow, much longer than wide, slightly convex medially, covering the insertion of interlamellar setae. Pteromorphae immovable, bent downwards. Posterior notogastral tectum divided. Four pairs of hardly observable porose areas. Ten pairs of notogastral setae. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3. Genitoanal setal formula: 6–1–2–3. All legs tridactylous. Anterodorsal apophysis on tibia II absent.

Type species – Cyranozetes nasalis sp. n.

Remarks– The new taxon belongsto the family of Ceratozetidae GRANDJEAN, 1963 and on the basis of the broad and dentate tutorium it resembles the genus Cyrtozetes BEHAN-PELLETIER, 1985 and Ceresella PAVLITSHENKO, 1993 . It stands nearer to Cyrtozetes (posterior notogastral tectum undivided), but it differs from the latter by the presence of the divided rostrum, the translamella and the long custodium.

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