Macrocypraea cervinetta (Kiener, 1843)

Simone, Luiz Ricardo L. & Cavallari, Daniel C., 2020, A new species of Macrocypraea (Gastropoda, Cypraeidae) from Trindade Island, Brazil, including phenotypic differentiation from remaining congeneric species, PLoS ONE (e 0225963) 15 (1), pp. 1-26 : 20

publication ID 10.1371/journal.pone.0225963

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scientific name

Macrocypraea cervinetta (Kiener, 1843)


Macrocypraea cervinetta (Kiener, 1843) View in CoL

Fig 12A–12F View Fig 12

Synonymy see [ 3]. Complement:

Cypraea cervinetta Kiener, 1843 : pl. 6, Figs 1 View Fig 1 and 2.

Macrocypraea cervinetta View in CoL : Meyer, 2003[ 16]: 411; 2004[ 20]: 135; Simone, 2004[ 3]: 39, Figs 5 View Fig 5 and 6, 71, 144–153; Paulay & Meyer, 2006[ 21]: 273, Table 2; Soriano, 2006[ 22]: 49, Table 3; Guevara-Fletcher et al., 2011[ 17]: 8, Table 5; Torreblanca-Ramírez et al., 2012[ 23]: 286,

Table 1; Landa-Jaime et al., 2013[ 24]: 1125, Table 1; Torreblanca-Ramírez et al., 2014[ 25]: 555,

Table 1, Fig 2J (17); Lorenz, 2017[ 2]: 289, text. figure., pl. 60; Torreblanca-Ramírez et al., 2017 [ 26]: 86, Table 1, Fig 2 (52).

Distribution. Gulf of California, Pacific Central to South America.

Material examined. As in [ 3].

Measurements. As in [ 3].

Remarks. The only representative of the genus in the Pacific. Conchologically, it can be readily distinguished from the remaining species by the marked anterior widening of the aperture ( Fig 12A and 12B View Fig 12 ). Most other shell characters such as color, width/height ratio, and general outline overlap with M. zebra in varying degrees. The pair of anterior projections flanking canal relatively short (~1/12 of shell length; Fig 12B and 12C View Fig 12 ), left edge oblique. Inner lip slope with relatively short, spaces teeth, mostly positioned perpendicular to longitudinal axis ( Fig 12E View Fig 12 ). Anatomically, it differs from the remaining species of the genus in having a more anterior origin of the auricle; kidney with ventral lobe bearing a mosaic of pores instead of longitudinal folds; narrower rachidian tooth; narrower seminal vesicle; and a straighter penis with a rounder tip (Simone, 2004). Simone (2004) reported no significant anatomical differences between individuals from the Gulf of California (i.e., M. cervinetta californica ) and the Central-South America (nominal subspecies). Conchological distinctions between the two subspecies were discussed by Lorenz (2017: 290).

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