Labidostomis bcharrensis Bezděk, 2018

Bezděk, Jan, 2018, Contribution to the knowledge of the Clytrini of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Near East and the Arabian Peninsula, with descriptions of four new species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 481, pp. 1-37 : 4-7

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Valdenar (2020-05-13 18:47:41, last updated 2024-11-26 04:51:37)

scientific name

Labidostomis bcharrensis Bezděk

sp. nov.

Labidostomis bcharrensis Bezděk sp. nov.

Fig. 1 View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Labidostomis bcharrensis sp. nov. is characterised by the peculiar elytral colouration with a large blackish spot covering most of the disc of each elytron including the humeral calli. A similar colouration is known in the females of Labidostomis limbata ( Lacordaire, 1848) from Syria and Israel but the suture is yellow in Labidostomis bcharrensis sp. nov. while the spots are united and the suture is metallic black in females of Labidostomis limbata . The males of Labidostomis limbata have a different elytral colouration with separated small humeral spots ( Bezděk 2018). Both species also differ in the punctation of the head pronotum (lustrous, covered with small fine punctures in Labidostomis bcharrensis sp. nov.; dull, densely covered with larger punctures in Labidostomis limbata ).


Named after the Lebanese city of Bcharre.

Material examined


LEBANON: 1 ♂, “ LEBANON, Northern gov., / Bcharre env., 4 km E Ariz, / singled, 34°14,645′ N, / 36°5,166′ E, 2830 m, [w, p] // 24.VI.2016, leg. M. Boustani, / A. Kotán, P. Nemes, T. / Németh, M. Rehayem / & W. Yammine (No. 19) [w, p] // HOLOTYPUS, / Labidostomis / bcharrensis sp. nov., / J. Bezděk des., 2018 [r, p]” ( HNHM).


Type locality

LEBANON: Northern gov., Bcharre env., 4 km E Ariz, 34°14,645´N, 36°5,166´E.


Male (holotype, Fig. 1 View Fig )

BODY LENGTH. 5.6 mm ( Fig. 1A View Fig ).

COLOURATION. Metallic blue with small brownish spot behind each eye, labrum black with thinly pale anterior margin, mandibles black with dark brownish apices. Antennae: antennomeres I–IV yellow, I with largely darkened dorsal side, II–IV with infuscate dorsal side, V black with yellow base, VI–XI black. Pronotum and scutellum metallic blue. Each elytron with large blackish spot covering most of the disc and widely connected with humeral spot, all margins narrowly yellow. Ventral side of body and legs black with slight metallic sheen.

HEAD AND MANDIBLES. Enlarged ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). Labrum covered with fine microsculpture, anterior margin almost straight with small notch in middle, several pale setae on anterior margin, several additional setae along anterior margin near medial notch. Clypeus laterally with small triangular processes, with divergent apices. Anterior clypeal margin between processes distinctly widely rounded. Clypeal surface almost impunctate and glabrous except several setigerous pores on base of each lateral process bearing long pale seta. Genae large, subtriangular, with large punctures and microsculpture. Frons wide, glabrous, slightly uneven but without any median impression, 4.6 times as wide as transverse diameter of eye, covered with a mixture of large and small punctures. Vertex moderately convex, around eyes with a thin furrow, in middle with an indistinct longitudinal impressed line, surface lustrous, covered with small sparse punctures, glabrous. Mandibles relatively short and robust, dorsal keels sharp and moderately elevated, lateral side distinctly rounded, surface of inner slopes concave, lustrous and impunctate. Lateral side of left mandible subtriangular with slightly rounded upper margin, surface lustrous, covered with small sparse punctures. Antennae short, 0.32 times as long as body, length ratios of antennomeres I–XI equal to 14–6–7–8–9–6–5–5–5–5–9, antennomere I club-shaped, distinctly flattened; II subglobular, III and IV elongate, subparallel, antennae serrated from antennomere V, apex of antennomere XI bidentate.

PRONOTUM. Pronotum lustrous, glabrous, transverse, 1.70 times as wide as long, covered with small punctures, punctation more intensive along anterior and posterior margins. Anterior margin straight, lateral margins slightly rounded, posterior margin slightly rounded and moderately thickened in scutellar area. Lateral and posterior margins narrowly bordered, anterior margin bordered only in lateral thirds, border in middle part form shallow rounded impression along the margin. Posterior angles nearly rectangular, distinctly elevated upon elytral level. All angles with setigerous pore with long pale seta. Scutellum subtriangular with widely rounded tip, lustrous, glabrous, in basal half covered with small punctures, apical half almost smooth, scutellar apex not elevated upon elytral level.

ELYTRA. Elytra semicylindrical, parallel, 0.57 as long as body, 1.45 times as long as wide, glabrous, semiopaque, covered with dense confused small punctures and with microsculpture, elytral apices almost impunctate. Basal margin with border disappearing near scutellum. Epipleura glabrous, impunctate, wide in humeral area, suddenly disappearing in basal 1/5 of elytral length. Lateral margin of elytra concave in lateral view.

LEGS. Protarsi and protibiae prolonged. Protarsi: protarsomere I elongate, almost parallel, narrowed in basal fifth, subparallel in apical half, 2.44 times as long as wide, protarsomere II subpentagonal, basal third narrowed, apical two thirds parallel, 1.45 times as long as broad, length ratios of protarsomeres I–IV equal to 22–16–14–17. Protarsomeres II and III distinctly wider than I. Length ratios of protarsomeres I–IV equal to 19–10–9–16. Claws narrow, simple, with angulate base.

AEDEAGUS. Aedeagus small ( Fig. 1D View Fig ), with apical part triangular with almost straight margins and obtuse tip. Dorsal median impression of shield-like shape, without median keel. Apex of aedeagus with inward triangular crooked folds and with small cavity between folds. Operculum transversely semicircular with basal margin slightly rounded. Non-everted anterior sclerite visible as thin process. In lateral view, ventral side distinctly vaulted.





Bezdek J. 2018. Revision of Labidostomis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae: Clytrini) with large united elytral spot from Iran and adjacent countries. Zootaxa 4457: 501 - 519. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4457.4.1

Lacordaire J. T. 1848. Monographie des coleopteres subpentameres de la famille des phytophages. Tome second. Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences de Liege 5: I-VI, 1 - 890. Available from https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 54930 # page / 9 / mode / 1 up [accessed 13 Nov. 2018].

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Labidostomis bcharrensis Bezděk sp. nov., holotype, ♁, 5.6 mm (HNHM). A. Dorsal view. B. Head. C. Labels. D. Aedeagus in dorsal and lateral views. E. Habitat (photo by Tamász Németh).


Hungary, Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)



















