Parataenius derbesis (Solier)

Stebnicka, Z. Teresa & Skelley, Paul E., 2009, Taxonomic redefinition of the genera Parataenius Balthasar and Pseudataenius Brown, with descriptions of three new species (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini), Insecta Mundi 2009 (66), pp. 1-18 : 6-7

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Felipe (2021-08-06 16:33:19, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 19:02:47)

scientific name

Parataenius derbesis (Solier)


Parataenius derbesis (Solier)

Figure 4 View Figure 1-6 , 10 View Figure 7-12 , 14 View Figure 13-17

Aphodius derbesis Solier 1851: 72 . Euparia rubripes Boheman 1858: 51 – Chalumeau 1992: 191 (as synonym of P. derbesis ). Euparia cribricollis Burmeister 1877: 411 – Chalumeau 1992: 191 (as synonym of P. derbesis ). Ataenius laborator Harold 1869: 102 – Schmidt 1922: 439-440; Chalumeau 1992: 191 (as synonym of

derbesis ). Ataenius cribricollis – Schmidt 1908: 90; 1922: 123. Parataenius mirabilis Balthasar 1961: 121 – Chalumeau 1992: 191 (as synonym of P. derbesis ). Parataenius derbesis – Dellacasa 1988: 120 (catalogue); Chalumeau 1992: 191; Smith and Skelley 2007:

49, fig. 16, 18.

Diagnosis. Clypeal margin rounded each side of deep median emargination, surface up to median convexity with more or less coarse transverse rugulae. Pronotal posterior angles obtusely rounded, surface punctures fine, equal in size, evenly distributed, separated by about one their diameter. Abdominal sternites minutely fluted along sutures. Meso- and metatibiae moderately expanded apically; basal tarsomere of metatarsus arcuate, subequal in length to upper tibial spur.

Description. Length 4.5-5.0 mm. Body dark castaneous, shiny, elytra usually lighter than disc of pronotum ( Fig. 4 View Figure 1-6 ). Clypeal margin slightly reflexed, rounded each side of deep median emargination, surface up to median convexity with more or less coarse transverse rugulae. Pronotal posterior angles obtusely rounded, lateral edge with short setae; surface punctures fine, equal in size, evenly distributed, separated by about one time their diameter ( Fig. 10 View Figure 7-12 ). Elytra slightly arcuate, humeral denticles small; striae narrow and shallow, punctures inside fine, in some striae invisible; intervals flat, each with minute close punctures from base to apex. Ventral sclerites smooth, intercoxal carina obtuse; abdominal sternites minutely fluted along sutures with scattered, setigerous punctures, eroded disc of pygidium finely granular. Femur smooth with few setae; meso- and metatibia moderately expanded, metatibia at apex with short setae and slender spurs, upper spur arcuate; basal tarsomere of metatarsus arcuate, subequal in length to upper tibial spur and to 3 following tarsomeres combined. Male genitalia as in Fig. 14 View Figure 13-17 .

Type material. Aphodius derbesis : Neotype ( Chile) designated by Chalumeau (1992), in IRSN. Euparia rubripes : lectotype (Buenos Aires) designated by Chalumeau (1992), in NHRS. Euparia cribricollis : holotype and allotype (Buenos Aires) revised by Chalumeau (1992), in MACN. Ataenius laborator : lectotype (Montevideo) designated by Cartwright (1973), in MNHN. Parataenius mirabilis : holotype ( Argentina, prov. Cordoba) in NMPC (coll. Balthasar).

Specimens examined. Name-bearing types of Aphodius derbesis , Euparia rubripes , Ataenius laborator , and Parataenius mirabilis and other specimens (114). Argentina – Prov. San Luis: 18 km S Arizona, 250 m, 18-23.I.1982, H.& A. Howden; Prov. Cordoba: St Vincente; Prov. Jujuy: Humahuaca ( CMNO); Prov. Mendoza: Reserva La Payunia, Valle del Saino, 36.07S, 68.48W, 1706 m, 6.I.2003. Brazil – (MS) Campo Grande, 3.VII.1995, F. Koller; Selviria, 13.X.1991, leg. Rodriguez, 30.V.1992, C. Flechtmann; Tres Lagoas, 2, 9.XI.1993, C. Flechtmann ( CFCB). Chile – Prov. Arica, Putre, II.1947, R. Gutierrez ( NMNH). Paraguay – Asuncion; San Bernardino ( SMTD). Uruguay – 90 km SW Artigas, Pampa del Lavalleja, 27-30.IX. 2001 (numerous specimens), Z. Linek ( ISEA, MSNP).

Remarks. Parataenius derbesis is externally similar to, and may be confused with, Ataenius lenkoi Petrovitz ( Stebnicka 2007 a, Fig. 96, 96a) but it differs from that species by the presence of clypeal rugulae, the pronotum with posterior angles obtuse, not truncate, and the metatibiae more expanded apically. Specimens examined were collected at black light traps and in pastures in cattle and guanaco droppings.

Distribution. Southern part of South America.

Balthasar, V. 1961. Eine neue Gattung und neue Arten der Unterfamilie Aphodiinae. (104. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 8: 121 - 130.

Boheman, C. H. 1858. In ' Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden under Befall af C. A. Virgin, Aren 1851 - 53 '. Vetenskapliga Jakttagelser Pa H. M. K. Oscar den Forstes. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademie; Stockholm. p. 1 - 217.

Burmeister, H. C. C. 1877. Die Argentinischen Aphodiaden. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 38: 401 - 414.

Cartwright, O. L. 1973. Additional lectotype designations in the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Coleopterists Bulletin 27: 41 - 43.

Chalumeau, F. 1992. Eupariini du nouveau monde: un mise au point (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N. S.) 9: 189 - 206.

Dellacasa, M. 1988. Contribution to a world-wide catalogue of Aegialiidae, Aphodiidae, Aulonocnemidae, Termitotrogidae (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea). Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana 66: 3 - 455.

Harold, E. 1869. Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen. Coleopterologische Hefte 5: 94 - 104.

Schmidt, A. 1908. Zusammenstellung der bis 1906 beschriebenen Aphodiinen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Beilage [supplement]: 33 - 141.

Schmidt, A. 1922. Coleoptera, Aphodiinae. Das Tierreich. Walter de Gruyter and Co.; Berlin. 45, 614 p.

Smith, A. T., and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa 1458: 1 - 80.

Solier, A. J. J. 1851. Zoologia: Coleopteros. In: C. Gay (ed.). Historia fisica y politica de Chile. C. Gay; Paris. 5: 72 - 73.

Stebnicka, Z. 2007. The genus Ataenius Harold, 1867 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of New World. Iconography. Institute of Systematics & Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences; Krakow. 155 p, 12 + XXVI pl.

Gallery Image

Figure 1-6. Parataenius spp., dorsal habitus. 1) P. selvae, holotype. 2) P. estero, holotype. 3) P. simulator. 4) P. derbesis. 5) P. brunneus. 6) P. martinezi, holotype.

Gallery Image

Figure 7-12. Parataenius spp., anterolateral view of head and pronotum. 7) P. selvae, holotype. 8) P. estero, holotype. 9) P. simulator. 10) P. derbesis. 11) P. brunneus. 12) P. martinezi, holotype.

Gallery Image

Figure 13-17. Parataenius spp., male genitalia. 13) P. simulator. 14) P. derbesis. 15) P. brunneus. 16) P. selvae. 17) P. martinezi.


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


National Museum Prague


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo di Scienze Naturali











