Odontoscelio echion ( Nixon, 1936 )

Veenakumari, Kamalanathan & Mohanraj, Prashanth, 2021, Review of Odontoscelio Kieffer, 1905 (Platygastroidea, Scelionidae) with the description of two new species from India, European Journal of Taxonomy 739 (1), pp. 51-91 : 68-69

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2021.739.1267

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scientific name

Odontoscelio echion ( Nixon, 1936 )


Odontoscelio echion ( Nixon, 1936)

Figs 11–12 View Fig View Fig

Macrogryon echion Nixon, 1936: 190 (holotype, ♂, NHMUK).

Macrogryon echion – Masner 1965: 99 (type information).

Odontoscelio echion – Masner 1976: 72 (transfer from Macrogryon ).

Material examined

Syntype (images only) SOUTH AFRICA • 1 ♂; Eastern Cape Province, Wild Coast, Pondoland, Port St. John ; Dec. 1923; R.E. Turner leg.; NHMUK 013379413 About NHMUK [5 other syntype ♂♂ with the same collection data not examined] .



BODY LENGTH. 5.4 mm.

COLOUR ( Figs 11 View Fig , 12A–D, F View Fig ). Body black; tegula and mandibles brown; interantennal process dark brown; radicle brown, A2 a shade darker than radicle, remaining antennomeres dark brown; legs in shades of brown; anterior T1 reddish brown.

HEAD ( Figs 11 View Fig , 12A, C–D, F View Fig ). Head 1.15 × as wide as high, 1.65 × as high as long; IOS 0.66 × head width, 1.84 × eye length; OOL>POL>LOL in ratio of 30.8: 16.8: 8.0; OOL 3.3× OD; eye (L: W = 44.5:34.2) setose; frons with oblique carinae extending towards centre; carinae in upper and lower frons do not converge medially; carinae present in medial frons, converge medially and are further connected with each other by a longitudinal carina; space between carinae smooth with long brown setae; interantennal process weakly foveate; vertex, interocellar area and occiput with setigerous punctae; occipital carina weakly foveate; ocelli not raised above surface of vertex; gena longitudinally carinate with setigerous punctae; length and width of antennomeres A1–A 11 in ratio of 56.3: 14.6, 8.3: 8.3, 52.1: 12.5, 37.5: 13.5, 33.3: 12.5, 41.7: 14.6, 43.8:14.6, 47.9: 13.5, 47.9: 13.5, 50.0: 13.5, 45.8: 13.5, respectively.

MESOSOMA ( Figs 11 View Fig , 12A, C View Fig ). Mesoscutum (L:W = 68.7: 114.2) with longitudinal carinae, space between carinae smooth, with setigerous punctae and sparse weak foveae; pronotal shoulders without a spine laterally; lateral pronotal area dorsally foveate and setose, medially smooth; pronotal cervical sulcus weakly foveate, with additional sparse foveae anteriorly; netrion not distinct; dorsal mesopleuron with a triangular, transversely carinate patch beneath tegula; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum transversely carinate; mesepimeral sulcus foveate, foveae elongate; femoral depression with three transverse carinae beneath medial smooth area; anterior episternum and ventral mesopleuron with setigerous foveae, interspersed with transverse carinae; metapleuron anteriorly with setigerous foveae, posterodorsally foveate, posteroventrally smooth with short transverse carinae; scutoscutellar sulcus laterally with large foveae; mesoscutellum (L:W = 50:100) areolate; median keel not distinct; metascutellum foveate and posteromedially with a triangular spine, metanotal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area laterally densely setose, remainder with longitudinal rows of foveae; propodeum anterolaterally with a spine; posterolateral margin of lateral propodeal area extending posteriorly as a blunt, straight spine. Fore wing (L: W = 352.9:97.0) and hind wing (L: W = 300.0:58.8) weakly infuscate.

METASOMA ( Figs 11 View Fig , 12B View Fig ). L:W = 264.7: 122.1; T1 anteromedially smooth with sparse foveae, remainder longitudinally costate, space between costae foveate; T2 with basal foveae, remainder longitudinally costate, space between costae with shorter costae posteriorly; T3 predominantly longitudinally costate, space between costae foveate; T3 laterally with setigerous punctae, posteriorly with a row of setigerous punctae followed by a smooth patch; remaining tergites setigerous punctate, punctae dense laterally on T4–T6; T1 and T2 with sparse long setae laterally, T3–T6 densely setose laterally; length and width of tergites T1–T 7 in ratio of 45.6: 36.8, 64.0: 63.2, 77.9: 117.6, 36.8: 120.6, 20.6: 89.7, 11.8: 58.8, 7.4:36.8, respectively.














Odontoscelio echion ( Nixon, 1936 )

Veenakumari, Kamalanathan & Mohanraj, Prashanth 2021

Odontoscelio echion

Masner L. 1976: 72

Macrogryon echion

Masner L. 1965: 99

Macrogryon echion

Nixon G. E. J. 1936: 190
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