Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) glauca Macfie, 1939

Huerta, Herón & Grogan, William L., 2017, New species and new records of predaceous midges in the genera, Schizonyxhelea Clastrier and Stilobezzia Kieffer from Mexico (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Zootaxa 4294 (4), pp. 401-418 : 413-414

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Plazi (2017-07-20 12:51:41, last updated 2024-11-26 08:28:09)

scientific name

Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) glauca Macfie


Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) glauca Macfie View in CoL

Stilobezzia glauca Macfie, 1939: 204 View in CoL . Brazil. (male; fig. genitalia); Lane 1947: 198 (female; in key); Mullen & Hribar 1988: 65 (larval habitat); McKeever et al. 1991: 94 (SEM photographs of adult mouthparts).

Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) glauca: Wirth 1953: 77 View in CoL (redescription male, female; fig. male genitalia; distribution); Lane et al. 1955: 84 (pupa; figs.; S. fluminensis Lane View in CoL as synonym; distribution); Lane & Forattini 1958: 211 (notes; fig. male genitalia; distribution); Wirth 1965: 134 (in Nearctic catalog north of Mexico; distribution); Wirth 1974: 44 (in New World catalog south of the USA; distribution); Wirth & Grogan 1981: 81 (female, male, pupa diagnoses; figs; distribution); Wilkening et al. 1985: 526 (Florida records); Ibañez-Bernal et al. 1996: 570 (Chiapas, Mexico); Borkent & Wirth 1997: 111 (in World catalog); Borkent & Spinelli 2000: 54 (in New World catalog south of USA; distribution); Borkent & Spinelli 2007: 87 (in Neotropical catalog; distribution); Borkent & Grogan 2009: 22 (in Nearctic catalog North of Mexico; distribution); Grogan et al. 2010: 40 View Cited Treatment (new Florida records; distribution); Borkent 2014: 224 (reference to pupae); Borkent 2016: 141 (in online World catalog); Cazorla 2016: 187 (new records from Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru); Borkent 2016: 141 (in online World catalog).

Stilobezzia glauca venezuelensis Ortiz, 1950: 199 View in CoL (as new variety of S. glauca View in CoL ; = Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) venezuelensis Ortiz View in CoL ). Stilobezzia fluminensis Lane, 1947: 210 View in CoL . Brazil. (female).

Discussion. This species is widely distributed in the Nearctic region in the USA from Maryland south to Louisiana and Florida, and it is also known in the Neotropical region from Mexico (Chiapas) and Brazil . We provide the first records from Oaxaca and Veracruz, Mexico .

Material Examined. MEXICO, Oaxaca, Municipio San Juan Guichicovi , Localidad El Zacatal , 27–28 jul 2009, en potrero, Trampa CDC, B. Salceda-Sánchez, A. Rodríguez-Atanacio & J. Ordoñez-Álvarez, 1 female, 1 male (OH); Municipio Santo Domingo, Petapa, Localidad La Esperanza, 28–29-Julio-2009, Trampa Malaise, B. Salceda-Sánchez, A. Rodríguez-Atanacio & J. Ordoñez-Álvarez, 1 female (OH) . Veracruz, Municipio Actopan , Localidad El Farallón, 13–14-Ago-2009, en potrero cercano a la localidad, Trampa Malaise, C. Pérez-Rentería & A. Rodríguez-Atanacio, 1 female, 1 male (OH); Alto Lucero, Localidad Arroyo Agrío, LC- 19-12, 20-Feb-2010, en potrero, Trampa Malaise, Entomological Brigade JSV., 2 females (OH); same data except, 19-Feb-2010, en potrero, 1 female (OH) . New Mexico Records.

Borkent, A. & Wirth, W. W. (1997) World species of biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 233, 1 - 257.

Borkent, A. & Spinelli, G. R. (2000) Catalog of the New World biting midges south of the United States of America (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Contributions on Entomology, International, 4, 1 - 107.

Borkent, A. & Spinelli, G. R. (2007) Neotropical Ceratopogonidae (Diptera: Insecta). In: Adis, J., Arias, J. R., Rueda-Delgado, G. & Wantzen, K. M. (Eds.), Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America (ABLA). Fol. 4. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 1 - 98.

Borkent, A. (2014) The pupae of biting midges of the world (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), with a generic key and analysis of the phylogenetic relationships between genera. Zootaxa, 3879 (1), 1 - 327.

Borkent, A. (2016) World species of biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Available from: http: // www. inhs. uiuc. edu / research / FLYTREE / CeratopogonidaeCatalog. pdf (accessed 3 March 2017)

Grogan, W. L. Jr., Hribar, L. J., Murphree, C. S. & Cilek, J. E. (2010) New records of biting and predaceous midges from Florida, including species new to the fauna of the United States (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Insecta Mundi, 147, 1 - 59.

Ibanez-Bernal, S., Wirth, W. W. & Huerta, H. (1996) Ceratopogonidae (Diptera). Capitulo 36. In: Llorente-Bousquets, J., Garcia Aldrete, A. N. & Gonzalez, S. E. (Eds.), Biodiversidad, taxonomia y biogeografia de artropodos de Mexico. Hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Biologia, C. U., Mexico, D. F. pp. 567 - 577.

Lane, J. (1947) Especies Brasileiras de Stilobezzia (Dipt. Ceratopogonidae) e Zygoneura stonei nov. nom. (Dipt. Mycetophilidae). Revista de Entomologia, 18, 197 - 214.

Lane, J., Forattini, O. P. & Rabello, E. X. (1955) Biologia e especies novas de Palpomyia e Stilobezzia (Diptera, Nematocera, Ceratopogonidae). Dusenia, 6, 81 - 88.

Lane, J. & Forattini, O. P. (1958) Neotropical Stilobezzia II. Fourteen new species, chiefly from Panama (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 8, 203 - 224.

Macfie, J. W. S. (1939) A report on a collection of Brazilian Ceratopogonidae (Dipt.). Revista de Entomologia, 10, 137 - 219.

McKeever, S., Hagan, D. V. & Grogan, W. L. Jr. (1991) Comparative study of mouthparts of ten predaceous midges of the Tribe Ceratopogonini (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 84, 93 - 106. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / aesa / 84.1.93

Mullen, G. R. & Hribar, L. J. (1988) Biology and feeding behavior of ceratopogonid larvae (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in North America. Bulletin of the Society for Fector Ecology, 13, 60 - 81.

Ortiz, I. (1950) Descripcion de Stilobezzia glauca venezuelensis n. vr. y Monohelea mayeri n. sp. Memorias de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle, 10, 199 - 204, figs.

Wilkening, A. J., Kline, D. L. & Wirth, W. W. (1985) An annotated checklist of the Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) of Florida with a new synonymy. Florida Entomologist, 68, 511 - 537.

Wirth, W. W. (1953) Biting midges of the heleid genus Stilobezzia in North America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 103, 57 - 85.

Wirth, W. W. (1965) Family Ceratopogonidae (Heleidae). In: Stone, A., Sabrosky, C. W., Wirth, W. W., Foote, R. H. & Coulson, J. R. (Eds.), A catalog of the Diptera of America North of Mexico. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Agriculture Handbook 276, Washington, D. C., pp. 121 - 142.

Wirth, W. W. (1974) Family Ceratopogonidae. In: A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States, Fasc. 14, pp. 1 - 89.

Wirth, W. W. & Grogan, W. L. Jr. (1981) Natural History of Plummers Island, Maryland. XXV. Biting Midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). 3. The species of the tribe Stilobezziini. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington, 5, 1 - 102.


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