Monoportula uralensis (Strelnikova) Williams, David M., Sims, Pat A. & Witkowski, Jakub, 2023

Williams, David M., Sims, Pat A. & Witkowski, Jakub, 2023, Notes on the rare Cretaceous species Syndetocystis uralensis Strelnikova leading to the description of a new monotypic genus Monoportula P. A. Sims et D. M. Williams nov. gen., Phytotaxa 595 (2), pp. 219-224 : 220-222

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.595.2.8


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scientific name

Monoportula uralensis (Strelnikova)

nov. comb.

Monoportula uralensis (Strelnikova) P.A.Sims & D.M.Williams nov. comb.


Basionym:— Syndetocystis uralensis Strelnikova 1974, p. 79 , tab. XXVII, figs 1–9

Type:— RUSSIA, Tyumen Oblast: Ust-Manya, N. Sosva River , “Eastern slopes of Pre-Polar Urals, Severnaya Sos’va River, Ust’-Man’ya Core 82, 145– 149.5cm […] diatomite; Campanian, plate XXVII, fig. 4” ( Strelnikova 1974, p. 79), Upper Cretaceous (Campanian), Paleofitol. Lab., VNIGRI (Leningrad), no. 137/3, holotype = Strelnikova (1974, p. 79, pl. XXVII, fig. 4, reproduced as our Figure 1 View FIGURES 1–7 ); SEM images: “Core 82, Ust’Man’ya, basin of river Severnaya Sos’va, Tyumen’sk oblast”, Brigger ex Strelnikova (isotype specimens?), Stub P. 827 [“Pre-Polar Urals”, see Ross & Sims 1985, p. 279] .

Localities:— RussIA, BM 100282–4!: “Pre-polar Urals #8, Campanian, USSR ”; BM 99746: “Pre-polar Urals #10, Campanian, USSR ” (see Chambers 1997, p. 295, “Lwr. [=Lower] to Upr. [=Upper] Camp. [=Campanian] ( Strelnikova, 1974, Pre-Polar Urals)”, no illustration); BM 82242–3!: Kuril Islands, Russia (selected specimens, one per slide, Figs 2, 3 = specimen on BM 82242!: “ U.S. S. R. #1”; BM 82243!: “ U.S. S. R. #8”); SEM images: “ R 122 (ex Strelnikova)”, “ R 116 (ex Strelnikova)”, “ USSR #8”, “ USSR #10”, Natural History Museum 2022); In Strelnikova: “Occurrence: Polar Urals, River S’inya, aleuritic diatom clays, lower Campanian, single specimens. Pre-Polar Urals, Severnaya Sos’va River, aleuritic diatom clays, lower Campanian, diatomites and diatom clays, upper Campanian, single specimens” ( Strelnikova 1974, p. 79).

Illustrations:— Sims et al. (2006, p. 379, fig. 38, “ Syndetocystis uralensis Strelnikova. Core 82, Ust’Manya, Severnaya Sos’va, Campanian” = our Figure 6 View FIGURES 1–7 and 10c).

Frustules cylindrical ( Figs 5, 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ), valve face circular, flat ( Figs 1–6 View FIGURES 1–7 ), diameter 40–90µm ( Strelnikova 1974: 49–94 µm diameter, 27–29μm deep including mantle). Valve face bordered by expanded marginal ridge separating it from vertical mantle, 15–33µm deep ( Figs 5, 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Areolae poroid, on valve face arranged in interrupted radial and sub-radial rows extending from off-centre hyaline area from which a stout spine extends ( Figs 4–7 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Scattered spinules cover valve face disturbing areolar arrangement ( Figs 5, 7 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Mantle areolae in vertical rows situated between conspicuous hyaline marginal ridge up to 5µm deep and hyaline valve margin up to 7µm deep on valve exterior ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Mantle areolae covered by network of anastomosing costae ( Figs 5, 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Internally areolae sunk in rows between hyaline ribs ( Figs 8, 9 View FIGURES 8, 9 ) with ca. 14 areolae in 10µm within each row ( Strelnikova 1974: 15–16 in 10µm), areolae becoming more numerous towards valve margin ( Figs 5–7 View FIGURES 1–7 ). One rimoportula present, its external opening through stout tube expanded at its summit, internally as slit, ca. 6µm long, between raised lips ( Figs 4–7 View FIGURES 1–7 , arrow in Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–7 , LMs Figs 1–3 View FIGURES 1–7 , arrow, Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–7 reproduced from Strelnikova 1974, tab. XXVII, fig. 4 = holotype), internally as slit between raised lips, situated obliquely relative to the valve face ( Figs 8, 9 View FIGURES 8, 9 , arrows in each).


Bristol Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Monoportula uralensis (Strelnikova)

Williams, David M., Sims, Pat A. & Witkowski, Jakub 2023

Syndetocystis uralensis Strelnikova 1974 , p. 79

Strelnikova. Core 1974: 79
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