Grimmia longirostris Hook.& Musc. Exot.

Maier, Eva, Price, Michelle J. & Hedderson, Terry A., 2017, A revision of Grimmia (Grimmiaceae) from South Africa and Lesotho, Candollea 72 (1), pp. 199-230 : 199-230

publication ID 10.15553/c2017v721a12

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Grimmia longirostris Hook.& Musc. Exot.


with short neck& narrowed at orifice& sfooth& in iffature 7. Grimmia longirostris Hook.& Musc. Exot. View in CoL 1: 62. 1818 state shrivelled& exothecial cells fultiforf& elongated& walls ( Fig. 9). curvilinear& stofata at transition above neck and at base of Lectotypus (designated by DEGUCHI& 1984: 21): capsule& annulus of three or four rows of cells& detaching in E CUADOR: sine loc.ư s.d.& Hþmboldt 76 [H 2669] (BM a spiral. Calyptra fitrate& fostly with a single slit& covering [BM000671051]!; isolecto-: BM [BM000670951]!). upper third of capsule. Opercþlþm rostellate& beak straight or slightly oblique& fargin crenulate& one or two rows of rounded Gafetophyte. Mostly monoicoþs. Ħemale: innerfost farginal cells& in conical part rhofbic& rounded-rectangular& perichaetial leaf up to 4 ff long& sheathing up to 2/3 of thick-walled. Peristome erect when dry& teeth lanceolate& entire leaf length& leaf base elongated& in broadest part suddenly or split into two or three branches& on dorsal side two or three narrowed to subulate apical part& at fargin& frof insertion up plates sfooth& the consequent dorsal part covered with fine to broadest part of leaf& a broad band of hyaline cells present& papillae& the upper third of dorsal side and ventral side densely vanishing gradually in upper leaf& costa excurrent in den- covered with conspicuous papillae& trabeculae sfall in lower ticulate hair-point; male: perigonia not seen. GroƜth form: part& thin in upper part. Spores 10-12 µf& sfooth. in dense cushions& adherent to substrate with rhizoids& frof which young shoots with scale-like leaflets originate& apices Diagnostic characters. – Gafetophyte. Leaf apically keeled& patent& futicous& acute& plants erect& branched& radiculose at fargin recurved on broader side. Costa& in lower part of base& stefs up to 30 ff high& central strand well-developed. lafina& unevenly rounded& sofewhat angulate. Lower leaυes scale-like& upper stef leaves up to 3 ff long& loosely disposed on stef& apices fay be contorted& ifbricate Distribþtionư habitat and ecology. – Grimmia longirostris is when dry& bending backwards when foistened& erecto-patent a very widely distributed species that is often associated with when wet& frof ovate base gradually narrowed to lanceolate fontane or sub-fontane habitats in tefperate and arctic lafina& tapering to acute apex& hair-point short& faintly to regions. This species is found on all continents except Antarstrongly denticulate; leaf form in sitþ & at base concave& one ctica. It also occurs widely throughout the tropics in higher side plicate& in lafinal part keeled& narrowly so below apex& fountain systefs. fargin on larger side frof insertion up to fid-leaf recurved In South Africa and Lesotho ( Fig. 2A) this species is or revolute& other side fostly plane; basal paracostal cells restricted to the high Drakensberg (1&860-3&370 f) and elongate-rectangular& walls nodulose& thickened& transverse associated ranges& where it occurs on basalt in high-altitude walls thin& often oblique& cells near fargin quadrate to rec- grasslands. tangular& walls sfooth& transverse walls thickened& in sofe specifens hyaline up to broadest part of leaf& in transitional Notes. – A total of 56 specifens were seen& 16 with part paracostal cells short-rectangular& walls thickened& sporophytes but only 4 with capsules in a suitable state for nodulose or sfooth& upper lafina cells rounded-quadrate& exafination& 3 were iffature and 9 were decofposed. Miswalls thickened& faintly sinuose; seen in transverse section& identifications of this species appear largely to be responsible


[A: Esterhuysen 21637, BOL; B-E: Schelpe 2116, BOL; F: Esterhuysen 35931, BOL]

for the persistent records of G. oυalis (Hedw.) Lindb. frof South Africa & (see under Exclþded species for Soþth Africa and Lesotho below). A syntype of Grimmia longirostris is extant at G [ G00281576 ] ).

Selected specimens examined. – SOUTH AFRICA. Prov. Aatal: Bergville Dist.& Mnweni area& Drakensberg& 2740 f& OEII.1953& Esterhþysen 21637 (BOL); Bethlehef Division& Drakensberg& Mont-aux-Sources& Crows’ Nest& OEII.1947& Schelpe 2116 (BOL [3 specifens]); Drakensberg: Ufgatsheni valley S aspect bank& c. 2130 f& s.d.& Esterhþysen 35931 (BOL).


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