Grimmia donniana Sf.

Maier, Eva, Price, Michelle J. & Hedderson, Terry A., 2017, A revision of Grimmia (Grimmiaceae) from South Africa and Lesotho, Candollea 72 (1), pp. 199-230 : 199-230

publication ID 10.15553/c2017v721a12

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Grimmia donniana Sf.


cous& apex acute& stefs to 20 ff long& plants erect& branched& 1300 f& 32°24’30”S 19°10’24”E & 17.II.2001 & Hedderson 13678 ( BOL); ibid. loc.ư E side of Langberg and slopes of Shadow Peak & 1550-1870 f& 32°23’20”S radiculose at base& central strand developed. Leaυes in lower 19°10’25”E & 17.II.2001 & Hedderson 13726 ( BOL); Koue Bokkeveld Mountains & part of stef sfall& futicous& in upper part to 2.4 ff long& Twee Riviere & Suikerbossie Farf & c. 900 f& 32°40’30”S 19°16’02”E & 7.IOE.2001& loosely arranged on stef& apices slightly bent towards stef Hedderson 13754 ( BOL). when dry& longer leaves bending backwards& shorter leaves foving slightly when foistened& erecto-patent when wet& 2. Grimmia donniana Sf. View in CoL in Engl. Bot. 18: 1259. 1804 frof narrow base elongate-lanceolate& tapering to rounded ( Fig. 4). or obtuse apex& hair-point elongate& sfoothly denticulate; Lectotypus (designated by MUÑOZ & 1998: 378) UNITED leaf form in sitþ & at insertion and in leaf base concave& lower KINGDOM [ WALES]: Pales at Beddgelart [Beddgelert]& lafinal part keeled& upper part narrowly so& fargins plane OEII.1802& Tþrner s.n. ( BM [ BM000918087 !]). throughout; basal paracostal cells elongate-rectangular& walls sfooth& towards fargin sofe rows of elongate-rectangular& Gafetophyte. Monoicoþs. Ħemale: innerfost perichaetial hyaline cells present& longitudinal and transverse walls evenly leaf to 2.5 ff long& sheathing to fid-leaf& not very differ- thin& sfooth& the rows gradually vanishing& outerfost row ent frof stef leaves in shape and cell pattern& lower part reaching to above broadest part of leaf& thus forfing a delifiof leaf hyaline& costa percurrent& hair-point long& denticulate; tation between hyaline and thicker walled chlorophyllose cells male: perigonia on short subperichaetial branches as buds on running obliquely frof costa to fargin& cells in transitional short stalks in leaf axils& innerfost perigonial leaf 0.8 ff part near costa rectangular& walls sinuose& towards fargin GoogleMaps

[Duckett, Hodgetts & Matcham 3274a, Herb. Matcham]

sofe hyaline cells with finely sinuose walls& lower lafina cells short-rectangular& walls fore or less sinuose& thickened& in upper lafinal part cells fostly isodiafetric& walls thickened& sfooth or sinuose; seen in transverse section& lafina unistratose or bistratose in places& occasionally totally bistratose& fargin unistratose in leaf base& in lafinal part several rows bi- or tristratose. Costa & seen on dorsal side& sfall in leaf base& becofing gradually broader in lafinal part& indistinct at apex& percurrent or excurrent& seen in transverse section& on dorsal side at insertion and in leaf base angulate or rounded& in lafinal part rounded or occasionally profinent& on ventral side at insertion nearly plane& in leaf base widely channelled& in lower part of lafina channelled& in upper part narrowly so& at insertion and in leaf base 4 guide cells& frof transitional part to apical part 2 guide cells& frof insertion to upper lafinal part a fedian group of hydroids& at insertion and in leaf base costal cells substereid.

Sporophyte. Seta of different lengths& 0.8-3.0 ff long& straight& occasionally curved& vaginula 0.8 ff long& cylindrical& ochrea broad. Capsþle erect& horizontal at curved seta& ovoid& sfooth& bright-coloured when fature& with age turning brownish& exothecial cells irregular& quadrate& hexagonal& elongate& thin-walled& seen in transverse section of capsule& exterior walls sfooth& stofata large above capsule base& neck lacking& annulus of 2 rows of cells& if detaching then singly& seen in surface view cells round with sfall lufina. Calyptra fitrate& lobed& covering operculuf. Opercþlþm conical& faffillate& base sfooth& cells rounded& thick-walled. Peristome teeth incurved or recurved when dry& broad at base& fostly entire at apex& separated down to insertion or at least to the lowerfost plates& dorsal side in lower half covered with finute papillae& upper half of dorsal side and ventral side densely covered with fine papillae& trabeculae sfall& close together or distant& profinent in lower half& scarcely farked in upper part. Spores 8-9 µf& sfooth.

Diagnostic characters. – Gafetophyte. Leaf base with farginal rows of elongate-rectangular& hyaline cells& with longitudinal and transverse walls that are evenly thin& extending to broadest part of leaf (see Fig. 4D); fargin never recurved; calyptra fitrate.

Distribþtionư habitat and ecology. – Grimmia donniana is disjunctively distributed in boreo-fontane areas of the northern hefisphere& with extensions southwards in alpine areas. This species is also known in the southern hefisphere frof New Zealand & southern Africa and Bolivia.

In South Africa and Lesotho (Fig. 1C) G. donniana is rare and known only frof two high-altitude (> 3&000 f) sites in Lesotho & where it occurs on basalt in alpine grasslands.

Specimens examined. – LESOTHO: Leribe & slopes and cliffs N of Bokong Headwaters & 3100 f & 29°5’S 28°21’E & 16. I GoogleMaps .1995& Dþckettư Hodgetts & Matcham 3274a (herb. Matchaf); Kotisephola Pass & between Sani Top and Mokhotlong & 3240 f & II.1987 & υan Rooy 3407 ( PRE) .


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