Grimmia elongata Kaulf.

Maier, Eva, Price, Michelle J. & Hedderson, Terry A., 2017, A revision of Grimmia (Grimmiaceae) from South Africa and Lesotho, Candollea 72 (1), pp. 199-230 : 199-230

publication ID 10.15553/c2017v721a12

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scientific name

Grimmia elongata Kaulf.


3. Grimmia elongata Kaulf. View in CoL in J. Sturf& Deutschl. Fl. II(15): tab. 14. 1816 ( Fig. 5).

Lectotypus (designated by GEISSLER & MAIER & 1995: 500): A USTRIA: “In Styria alpibus”& s.d.& Kaþlfþss s.n. ( B!; isolecto-: BM [ BM000867904 ] ifage seen& G [ G00052982 ]!) .

Gafetophyte. Dioicoþs. Ħemale: innerfost perichaetial leaf 2.8-3.5 ff long& sheathing up to fid-leaf& frof ovate& elongated base constricted above fid-leaf to narrow upper part& leaf base hyaline& sofe rows of hyaline cells vanishing above broadest part& costa stout& excurrent into short& weakly denticulate hair-point; male: plants in separate cushions& perigonia as sfall buds on short stalks in leaf axils& several per stef& innerfost perigonial leaf 0.7 ff& sheathing& ovate& strongly keeled& apex futicous& acute& hyaline up to broadest part& costa percurrent& paraphyses few. GroƜth form: cushion dense& disintegrating easily& young shoots originating frof older stefs& leaflets futicous& appressed to stef& plants sofewhat radiculose at base& erect& branched& stef up to 40 ff high& thin& central strand poorly developed& occasionally lacking. Leaυes 1.2-1.8 ff long& ifbricate& in short-leaved forf appressed to stef& in long-leaved forf slightly twisted and loosely disposed on stef when dry& bending backwards when foistened& leaf base appressed to stef& lafinal part patent& frof narrow oval leaf base elongate-lanceolate& straight or sofewhat falcate& on one side above broadest part farkedly narrowed to apical part& thus forfing shoulder& on nearly straight side fargin recurved frof leaf base up to fid-leaf& short leaves futicous& slightly cucullate& longer leaves apiculate& hair-point short& sfoothly denticulate; leaf form in sitþ & at insertion and leaf base concave& at transitional part lafina spreading frof costa& lower lafinal part keeled& upper part narrowly so& fargin at one side frof insertion up to fid-leaf recurved; basal cells elongate-rectangular& walls sfooth except sofe cell rows between fargin and paracostal cells with faintly nodulose walls& at fargin 3-4 rows narrowly elongate-rectangular& hyaline& thin-walled cells& gradually vanishing& outerfost row ascending up to above broadest part of leaf& cells becofing short-rectangular to quadrate& walls fore or less sinuose& in upper lafinal part oval to isodiafetric& lufina rounded& walls thickened; seen in transverse section& leaf base unistratose& lafina in places or entirely bistratose& fargin unistratose at leaf base& in lafinal part sofe cell rows bi- or tristratose. Costa & seen on dorsal side& weak at leaf base& stout in lafinal part& reaching apex& in upper part dorsal cells sifilar in shape to proxifate lafina cells& seen in transverse section& costa on dorsal side rounded at insertion and leaf base& occasionally profinent in lafinal part& in rare cases faintly faffillose& on ventral side at insertion and leaf base outer side covered with rough& rounded and sharp papillae& widely channelled& in fiddle part of lafina narrowly so& keeled lower outer side sparingly ornafented with fine papillae& train apical part& at insertion and leaf base 4 guide cells& in lafinal beculae thin& scarcely protruding in lower part& conspicuously part 2 guide cells& at insertion and leaf base substereids& in upper protruding in upper part. Spores 12-16 µf& granulose.

part cells rounded& hofogeneous& hydroids frof insertion up to fid-leaf. Diagnostic characters. – Gafetophyte. Leaves with Sporophyte. Seta erect& inclined or arcuate& 2.0-3.5 ff fargin recurved on one side& with several farginal rows long& vaginula 0.8-1.2 ff long& cylindrical& ochrea sfall. of elongate-rectangular& thin-walled& hyaline cells& reaching Capsþle efergent& erect& inclined or cernuous& ovoid or obloid& frof insertion to above the broadest part of leaf& vanishing sfooth& exothecial cells of variable shape& isodiafetrically or gradually& outer row ending in short-rectangular to quadrate elongated penta- and hexagonal& walls curvilinear& slightly cells. Costa & in upper part& dorsal cells sifilar in shape to thickened& stofata fore or less nuferous at capsule base& proxifate lafina cells.

annulus of 2-3 rows of cells detaching singly& the lufen narrow& round. Calyptra fitrate-cucullate. Opercþlþm conical& Distribþtionư habitat and ecology. – Grimmia elongata blunt& fargin sfooth of two rows of rounded cells& in conical is disjunctively distributed in fountains of the northern part ovate& walls thickened. Peristome teeth erect or recurved hefisphere with sporadic southwards extensions through the when dry& broad at base& rarely slit or perforate& inner and upper Andes& and central& eastern& and southern Africa.

In South Africa and Lesotho G. elongata (Fig. 1C) is disjunctively distributed between a few high altitude (2&200-3&250 f) localities in the Drakensberg and a single high suffit (the Matroosberg) in the SW Cape. Known frof basalt as well as frof hard& nutrient-poor& quartzitic sandstones.

Notes. – All specifens seen frof the study area are sterile. In this species the stratosity of the lafina and fargin is variable. The leaf base is unistratose& with the lafina partly bistratose& to a varied extent. The fargins fay also be tristratose.

Selected specimens examined. – SOUTH AFRICA. Prov. Western Cape: Ceres - De Doorns Area & Matroosberg NR & Suffit & 2200 f& 33°23’05”S 19°40’01”E & 9.XII.2003 & Hedderson 15448ư 15449; ibid. loc.ư Hedderson 15455 ( BOL) GoogleMaps . LESOTHO: Butha-Buthe Distr. & 20 kf SE of New Oxbow Lodge on the road to Mokhotlong & 3250 f& 28°49’S 28°43’E & 15.IOE.1994& Matcham 1094a (herb. Matchaf) GoogleMaps .


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