Hoplopleura heinrichi, Musser, Guy G., Durden, Lance A., Holden, Mary Ellen & Light, Jessica E., 2010

Musser, Guy G., Durden, Lance A., Holden, Mary Ellen & Light, Jessica E., 2010, Systematic Review of Endemic Sulawesi Squirrels (Rodentia, Sciuridae), with Descriptions of New Species of Associated Sucking Lice (Insecta, Anoplura), and Phylogenetic and Zoogeographic Assessments of Sciurid Lice, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2010 (339), pp. 1-260 : 1-260

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/695.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hoplopleura heinrichi

sp. nov.

Hoplopleura heinrichi , new species

HOLOTYPE: Male and allotype female ex male Hyosciurus heinrichi (AMNH 225477; Rodentia , Sciuridae , Nannosciurinae, Nannosciurini, Hyosciurina) collected by G.G. Musser at 7500 ft (2287 m) on Gunung Nokilalaki (1 ° 169S, 120 ° 109E; see gazetteer and fig. 35), Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia on 21 March, 1975. The holotype is deposited in USNM.

REFERRED SPECIMENS: An additional female specimen from the same pelt as the holotype and allotype; one female ex female Hyosciurus heinrichi (AMNH 225486) collected by G.G. Musser at 5100 ft (1555 m) on Gunung Kanino (1 ° 179S, 120 ° 089E), central Sulawesi on 13 May , 1975 ; one female ex sex unknown Hyosciurus heinrichi (AMNH 101309) collected by G. Heinrich at 2200 m on Pegunungan Latimojong (3 ° 319S, 119 ° 569E), in the central core of Sulawesi on 10 June , 1930 ; one female ex female Hyosciurus heinrichi (BM 40.650 No. 7a) collected by W.J.C. Frost at 4200 ft on ‘‘ Molengraff Range [5 Pegunungan Takolekaju, see gazetteer] Mid. Celebes’ ’ in December , 1938 ; one male ex female Hyosciurus heinrichi (BM 40.691b) collected by W.J.C. Frost (date and elevation not given) at ‘‘ Talamanti [5 Tamalanti, see gazetteer], W. Celebes’ ’; one male, one female ex male Hyosciurus heinrichi (BM 40.644 No. 10a) collected by W.J.C. Frost (date and elevation not given) on ‘‘ Molengraff Range [5 Pegunungan Takolekaju], Mid. Celebes.’’ Paratypes are deposited in AMNH, BMNH, LAD, and USNM .

DISTRIBUTION: Hoplopleura heinrichi has been recorded only from Hyosciurus heinrichi , which is endemic to the western mountain block in the central core of Sulawesi (see fig. 35 and table 4).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet of the host has been used to name Hoplopleura heinrichi .

DIAGNOSIS: Hoplopleura heinrichi can be distinguished from all other species of Hoplopleura using the following combination of characters: (1) the shape of the thoracic sternal plate; (2) the shape and proportions of the male genitalia; (3) the shape and setation of the female genitalia; (4) the shape and setation of the paratergal plates (one long apical seta and one seta of intermediate length on plate II in both sexes, two apical setae of intermediate length on plates III–VI, and two long apical setae on plates VII and VII in females; both apical setae are progressively longer on plates III–VII in males).

DESCRIPTION: Male (fig. 56A–D). Length of holotype 1.01 mm (mean for series 1.02; range 1.01–1.05; N 5 3). Head, thorax, and abdomen well sclerotized.

Head. Longer than wide with broadly rounded anterior apex; 2 SuHS, 4 DMHS, 1 DAnCHS, 1 tiny DPoCHS, 1 SpAtHS, 1 VPHS, 1 OrS, 2 ApHS, and 3–7 AnMHS on each side; DPHS long, extending to base of DPTS, with one small DAcHS medial to DPHS. Antenna 5-segmented with basal segment much larger than second segment, about as wide as long.

Thorax. Broader than long; thoracic sternal plate (fig. 56B) with broadly rounded lateral, anterior, and posterior apices; mesothoracic spiracle moderate in size (0.022 mm in diameter) with one small DMsS medial to spiracle; DPTS (0.141 mm long) extending beyond anterior attachment of paratergal plate II. Legs. Mid-coxae subtriangular; forelegs small, each with narrow acuminate claw; hindlegs robust, each with large, relatively narrow, acuminate claw; midlegs (missing except for coxa on one side of holotype) intermediate in size between fore and hindlegs.

Abdomen. Wider than thorax; one plate per segment dorsally on segments 3–8; two plates per segment ventrally on segments 4–6; first row of dorsal setae with 2 DCAS, second and third rows each with 4 DCAS, followed by 6–10 TeAS on plates 1–5; 1 DLAS on each of segments 3–7; some lateral tergal setae and DLAS thickened; first ventral plate without setae; second and third ventral plates each with 8 StAS (including two long lateral robust setae on each side on third plate) and partly extending to articulate with corresponding paratergal plates; ventral plates 4–10 each with 6–8 StAS; 1 VLAS on each of segments 3–7. Paratergal plates (fig. 56C) present on segments 1–8: plate I without setae; plates II–VIII each with two long apical setae; plates II–IV subtriangular; plates V and VI also subtriangular except for squarish anterior borders; both apical angles of plates II–VI produced into points; plates III–VII each with moderate-size spiracle.

Genitalia (fig. 56D). Aedeagal basal apodeme slightly longer than parameres; parameres curved and tapering apically; pseudopenis extending beyond apices of parameres.

Female (fig. 57A–D). Length of allotype 1.33 mm (mean for series 1.34, range 1.20– 1.44, N 5 6).

Head, thorax, and legs. As in male unless indicated otherwise. 1–2 DAnHS distinct on each side. Thoracic sternal plate (fig. 57B) more elongate than in male and with less distinct lateral apices.

Abdomen. Wider than thorax; one broad plate ventrally on each of segments 1–3; three narrow plates ventrally on each of segments 4–7; one plate dorsally on each of segments 3 and 8; three narrow plates dorsally on each of segments 4–7; first ventral plate without setae, second ventral plate with 8 StAS, third ventral plate with 7 StAS (including two lateral robust setae on each side), and ventral plates 4–15 each with 6–9 StAS; 2 DCAS in first row of dorsal setae, 4 DCAS in each of dorsal rows 2 and 3, followed by 4–9 TeAS on each dorsal plate; few VLAS and DLAS present; some abdominal setae thickened or dagger-shaped. Paratergal plates (fig. 57C) as in male but with both apical setae on plates V and VI of intermediate length and with setae on plate VII shorter than in male.

Genitalia (fig. 57D). Subgenital plate with deep lateral indentation on each side, lightly sclerotized posteriorly; two long setae attached to each anterior arm of subgenital plate and four smaller central setae between these; gonopod VIII with three setae (two medial setae of intermediate length and one longer and thicker lateral seta); gonopod IX with one long stout seta; vulvar fimbriae evident.

REMARKS: Hoplopleura heinrichi is distinct from the new species Hoplopleura ileile (see below), a pattern concordant with the presence of two distinctive species within Hyosciurus .













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