Chlorota paulistana Ohaus, 1912

Carvalho, Tamara Gomes, Duarte, Paulo Roberto M., Fuhrmann, Juares & Grossi, Paschoal Coelho, 2019, Description of the last larval instar and pupa of Chlorota paulistana Ohaus, 1912 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae: Rutelini), Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 63 (3), pp. 245-249 : 246-248

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2019.05.002

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scientific name

Chlorota paulistana Ohaus, 1912


Chlorota paulistana Ohaus, 1912 View in CoL

Third larval instar ( Figs 1 View Fig and 2 View Fig )

Description ( Fig. 1a View Fig ). Total length: 37.35 mm. Color: Yellowish white. Head ( Fig. 1b View Fig ): Length: 6.20 mm, width: 5.45 mm. Color reddish brown. Posterior half of frons reddish brown, anterior half brown, surface densely rugopunctate. Epicranial suture present, each side of epicranium with 3–4 dorsoepicranial setae (des), 1–2 posteroepicranial setae (pes), 3–7 externoepicranial setae (ees), 1 anteroepicranial seta (aes), 1–2 posterofrontal setae (pfs), 1 externofrontal seta (efs), 1 anterofrontal angle seta (aas); anterofrontal setae absent. Stemmata present. Clypeus trapezoidal, densely rugopunctate, each side with 2 externoclypeal setae (ecs); anteroclypeal setae absent. Labrum strongly rugose, lobate, densely punctate, each side with 5 anterolabral setae (als), 2–3 laterolabral setae (lls), 1 mediolabral seta (mls), 2 posterolabral setae (pls). Epipharynx ( Fig.2j View Fig ) oval and wider than long. Corypha ( Fig. 2l View Fig ) with epizygum and clithra absent. Haptomerum with 19 spine-like setae and 12 sensilla, zygum crossbar-like and slightly sclerotized, heli absent. Paria , acroparia with 6–7 setae on each side, acanthoparia with 9 short setae on left side, 11 on right side. Plegmatia and proplegmatia absent. Right chaetoparia with 26 sensilla and 21 spine-like setae, left chaetoparia with 12 sensilla and 8 spine-like setae, phobae absent. Pedium oval. Haptolachus with 2 setae on right side and 12 setae on left side, sensorial cone prominent and acuminate, sclerotized plate indistinct, crepis indistinct. Laeotorma

1 mm

0.5 mm

short, pterotorma rounded, dexiotorma elongate. Mandibles asymmetrical, dark, surface rugose and punctate. Left mandible ( Fig. 2d View Fig ), incisor with three teeth; dorsal surface ( Fig. 2a View Fig ) with 2 longitudinal lateral furrows, 7 dorsolateral setae, molar with 3 tubercles, distal tubercle bigger than other ones, acia indistinct, brustia with 11 setae. Right mandible ( Fig. 2c View Fig ), incisor with 2 teeth; dorsal surface ( Fig. 2b View Fig ) with 2 longitudinal lateral furrows, 6 dorsolateral setae, molar with 3 tubercles, basal tubercle bigger than other ones, brustia with 3 setae. Stridulatory area oval, formed by 24–28 transverse carinae, with a group of setae beside it. Maxillae symmetrical ( Fig. 2e–h View Fig ), mala setose and with a weak dorsal separation between galea and lacinia. Galea with a conical uncus, dorsal surface with 15 setae and a longitudinal row of 6 robust spine-like setae, ventral surface with 13 setae. Lacinia with a truncate uncus, dorsal surface with 32 setae. Palpus 4-segmented: III with 1 seta, IV with several minute apical sensilla. Stipe with stridulatory area bearing a longitudinal row of 7 short and truncate teeth. Labium, each side of submentum with 3–4 setae. Each side of mentum with 1 long posteromedial seta. Prementum with 10 apical setae and 2 posterolateral setae on each side; each side of ligula ( Fig. 2i View Fig ) with 15–19 posterior spine-like setae and 9 lateral long setae, anteromedial area with 6 sensilla, posterior area with 3 sensilla on each side, right side with 1 lateral sensillum. Hypopharynx with hypopharyngeal sclerome asymmetrical with right tooth truncate and short, right lobe with 4 setae in anterior margin, left lobe with 8 setae in anterior margin and a row of 27 setae. Antennae with 4 antennomers, distal article ( Fig. 1c and d View Fig ) with 10 dorsal sensorial spots and 8 ventral sensorial spots. Thorax: Prothorax with tergum and laterotergites pubescent, simply lobed. Thoracic spiracle ( Fig. 1h–i View Fig ) with C-shaped respiratory plate, distance of respiratory plate arms shorter than the dorso-ventral diameter of bulla. Meso- and metathorax dorsally and ventrally with a transverse row of setae. Legs: Surface densely setose, all pretarsi ( Fig. 1e–g View Fig ) with two long setae, metapretarsus relatively reduced and weakly sclerotized. Abdomen: 10-segmented, segments I–VI with 3 dorsal minutely pubescent lobes, some setae short or long, segments VII–X simply lobed, almost smooth, segments IX–X enlarged. Spiracles ( Fig. 1h View Fig ) smaller than thoracic, C-shaped. Raster ( Fig. 1j View Fig ), each palidium with about 25 acute pali, each side of tegillar area with more than 190 spine-like setae. Anal

1 cm ventral lobe with about 157 small and long setae. Anal opening transverse.













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