Philodromus triangulatus WU et SONG, 1987

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P., 2008, A Review Of The Histrio Group Of The Spider Genus Philodromus Walckenaer, 1826 (Araneae, Philodromidae) Of The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (1), pp. 23-73 : 62-64

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585274

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scientific name

Philodromus triangulatus WU et SONG, 1987


Philodromus triangulatus WU et SONG, 1987 View in CoL

(Figs 53–55, 63–64, Map 5)

Philodromus triangulatus Wu & Song, 1987: 32 View in CoL , fig. 12A-B (D f; the f holotype in the Institute of Zoology, Beijing, China; not examined).

Material examined: Tuva: Kyzyl Distr., Verkhnii Enisei [=Verkhnii Yenisey, Ulug-Khem] River valley , left riverside, 6–7 km WSW of Kyzyl, c. 51°40’25”N, 94°17’30”E, 610–620 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov , ZMMU – 29/05/1989 GoogleMaps , 1 m 1 f; Kyzyl Distr., SE foothills of Uyuk Mt. Range, SW slope of Tuge Mt. , c. 2 km NNW of Kyzyl, c. 51°44’30”N, 94°24’30”E, 630–900 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov , ZMMU – 20/05/1989 GoogleMaps , 3 f; Ovyurskii Distr., S foothills of East Tannu-Ola Mt. Range, Irbitei River canyon, c. 43 km WNW of Oo-Shynaa, c. 13 km WNW of Ak-Chyraa [=Ak-Chira], c. 50°44’50”N, 93°08’45”E, 960–1100 m a.s.l., SZMN, 13–16/06/1995 GoogleMaps D. V. Logunov, 1 f – Yu. M. Marusik, 2 f; Ovyurskii Distr., S foothills of East Tannu-Ola Mt. Range, 37–40 km WNW of Oo-Shynaa, 7–10 km WNW of Ak-Chyraa [=Ak-Chira], 50°43’40”N, 93°11’15”E – 50°43’N, 93°13’30”E, 800–940 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov , SZMN – 18–19/07/1993 GoogleMaps , 2 f; Erzin Distr, SE shore of Tere-Khol’ [=Tore-Khol’] Lake, Eder-Elezin Sands, Sharaa Stand , 50°01’50”N, 95°05’10”E, c. 1150 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov , SZMN, 12/07/1993 GoogleMaps , 1 f; same locality, S. Koponen, ZMTU, 11–12/06/1995, 1 f. GoogleMaps KAZAKHSTAN: Almaty [=Alma-Ata] Region: Zharkent [=Panfilov] Distr. , c. 37 km SSW of Konyrolen, S slope of Aktau Mt. Range , c. 43°57’20”N, 79°04’30”E, 640–680 m a.s.l., A. A. Zyuzin, SZMN – 7/05/1992, 1 f. GoogleMaps KYRGHYZSTAN: Issyk-Kul’ [=Ysyk-Köl] Region: Issyk-Kul’ [=Ysyk-Köl] Distr., S foothills of Kungei-Ala-Too [=Kungei-Alatau, Kühggöy Ala-Too] Mt. Range , Ter- Aigyr River Valley , nr. Toru-Aigyr [=Toru-Aygyr], c. 42°29’40”N, 76°25’30”E, 1610–1800 m a.s.l., A. P. Kononenko, earlier det. as P. histrio, SZMN – 19/06/1970, 1 f. GoogleMaps MONGOLIA: Ösmnögovď [=South-Gobi] Aimak, Bayandalai [=Bayan-Dalai, Dalay] Somon, SE foothills of Zoolen SZMNl [=Dzolengiin-Nuru, Zoolengiin-Nuru] Mt. Range , c. 4 km E of Tsagan-Dersnii-Khurlyn-Tur’ [=Tsagaan Deresenii Hural] ruins, Bayan-Khutel [=Bayan Khotol] Stand , 43°21’10”N, 103°13’E, 1670–1700 m a.s.l., Yu. M. Marusik, earlier det. as P. xinjiangensis, SZMN – 27–30/05/1997, 1 f. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: Embolus small, needle-shaped. PTA swollen, elongated distally.

LGPs wide, projecting upwards.

Male (Tuva: Kyzyl): Colouration and colour pattern as in females. Measurements (n= 1). Body length 4.7. PsL 1.9, PsW 1.75, OsL 2.8, OsW 1.85. Distances between eyes: AME 0.08, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.07, AME-AME 0.13, AME-ALE 0.07, PME-PME 0.25, PME-PLE 0.15, MOA-AW 0.28, MOA-PW 0.36, MOA-L 0.34, AME-PME 0.22, ALE-PLE 0.20. Length of leg segments: FeI 3.13, PaI 1.1, TiI 2.7, MtI 2.2, TaI 1.4, FeII 4.05, PaII 1.33, TiII 3.9, MtII 3.1, TaII 1.78, FeIII 2.5, PaIII 0.8, TiIII 2, MtIII 1.75, TaIII 1. Total length of legs: legI 10.53, legII 14.15, legIII 8.05. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–1–0–1–1; v -; rl -. tibia: d 0–0–1; pl 1–0–1; v 2–0–2–0ap; rl 0–0–1–0–1. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–0–1–0–0; v 2–2–0–0-ap; rl 1–0–1–0–0.

Palpus (Figs 53–55). CyL 0.80, CyW 0.28, PTiL. 0.39. Embolus short and thin, hidden beneath the large membranous PTA. Distally, the PTA with two torn-shaped claws, one directed mediad, another dorsad (Fig. 54). The palpal tibia longer than wide. The VTA narrow in ventral view, triangular with the rounded tip in retrolateral view. The RTA small and almost invisible.

Female (Tuva: Kyzyl): Prosoma beige, with the pattern of reddish brown stripes and patches. Opisthosoma pale beige, with the pattern of dark brown and beige stripes. Measurements (n= 4). Body length 5.45–6.05. PsL 2–2.3, PsW 1.85–2.18, OsL 3.45–4, OsW 2.25–2.65. Distances between eyes: AME 0.11–0.12, ALE 0.08–0.09, PME 0.08–0.09, PLE 0.08–0.09, AME-AME 0.14–0.15, AME-ALE 0.07–0.08, PME-PME 0.25–0.29, PME-PLE 0.17–0.20, MOA-AW 0.34–0.36, MOA-PW 0.39–0.46, MOA-L 0.39–0.41, AME-PME 0.23–0.26, ALE-PLE 0.17–0.21. Length of leg segments: FeI 2.65–3.25, PaI 1–1.25, TiI 2.35–2.7, MtI 1.98–2.55, TaI 1.3–1.65, FeII 3.2–3.85, PaII 1.2–1.38, TiII 2.9–3.55, MtII 2.45–3, TaII 1.35–1.6, FeIII 2.45–3, PaIII 0.95–1.2, TiIII 1.95–2.45, MtIII 1.75–2.25, TaIII 1.08–1.45, FeIV 2.8–3.4, PaIV 0.95–1.15, TiIV 2.3–2.73, MtIV 2.2–2.6, TaIV 1.05–1.35. Total length of legs: legI 9.28–11.4, legII 11.25–13.23, legIII 8.25–10.35, legIV 9.45–11.05. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–0–1–1–1; v -; rl 0–0–0–0–1 or –0–1–0–1. tibia: d 0–0–1; pl 1–1–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–2ap; rl 1–1–0–1–0. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–0–1–0–1; v 2–0–2–0–0-ap; rl 1–0–1–0–1.

Epigyne and spermathecae ( Figs 63–64 View Figs 59–66 ). The area between LGPs, including the CD, concaved; the CD is poorly-marked. The LGPs conspicuously arose. The latero-posterior part of S cone-shaped, the SO is situated medio-posteriorly, the ID runs laterally and anteriorly around the S.

Remarks: P. triangulatus was identified on the basis of the illustrations by SONG and ZHU (1997: fig. 141). This species displays a unique conformation of the copulatory organs in both sexes: the diminutive, needle-shaped embolus is shifted backward and is almost invisible from the ventral view (Figs 53 & 55); the PTA is swollen and strongly elongated distally (Fig. 53); the LGPs wide, subparallel and conspiciously projecting upwards ( Fig. 65 View Figs 59–66 ). The male of this species is described herein for the first time.

Habitat: Tuva: dry nanophanerophyte ( Nanophyton erinaceus ) stony steppe (present data). Elevation : 600–1800 m a.s.l.

Distribution: The Central Asian subboreal range; known from NE Kazakhstan and Kirghizia (present data) in the west, eastward throughout Tuva and Mongolia (present data) to NW China (Inner Mongolia; WU & SONG 1987, SONG & ZHU 1997, SONG et al. 1999) in the east; for the collection localities see Map 5.


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Philodromus triangulatus WU et SONG, 1987

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P. 2008

Philodromus triangulatus

WU, L. T. & SONG, D. X. 1987: 32
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF