Philodromus lanchowensis SCHENKEL, 1936

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P., 2008, A Review Of The Histrio Group Of The Spider Genus Philodromus Walckenaer, 1826 (Araneae, Philodromidae) Of The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (1), pp. 23-73 : 40-42

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585274


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scientific name

Philodromus lanchowensis SCHENKEL, 1936


Philodromus lanchowensis SCHENKEL, 1936 View in CoL

(Figs 13–15, 22–23, 70; Map 7 View Maps 7–8 )

Philodromus lanchowensis SCHENKEL, 1936: 280 View in CoL , fig. 94 (D f; the f holotype in SMNH; examined).

Type material: The f holotype ( SMNH) from China, Kansu [= Gansu, Ganxu] Prov., Lanzhou Prefecture, Huang He [=Yellow] River valley , Lanchow [=Lanzhou], c. 36°03’30”N, 103°47’E, 1500–1600 m a.s.l., G. Söderbom, – 27/04/1928 GoogleMaps .

Other material examined: Material: RUSSIA: Tomsk Area: Kargasok Distr., Vasyugan River valley , nr. Maisk , c. 57°48’40”N, 77°13’E, 90–100 m a.s.l., I. Sokolov, PSU – 3–5/06/1927, 2 f. GoogleMaps Tuva: ‘ Zukuam’, PSU – 1 f; Chaatyg River , S. N. Danilov, earlier det. as P. alascensis, SZMN – 8/05/1990 , 1 f; Kyzyl Distr., Verkhnii Enisei [=Verkhnii Yenisey, Ulug-Khem] River valley , left riverside, 6–7 km WSW of Kyzyl, c. 51°40’25”N, 94°17’30”E, 610–620 m a.s.l., O. V. Lyakhov, SZMN – 19–22/05/1990, 2 f. GoogleMaps Buryatia: Ulan-Ude, the left bank of Selenga [=Selenge] River , c. 51°50’10”N, 107°33’50”E, c. 500 m a.s.l., S. N. Danilov, earlier det. as P. alascensis, SZMN – 05/1989, 1 f; Ulan-Ude Distr. , Ulan-Ude , c. 51°50’N, 107°35’E, 500–700 m a.s.l., S. N. Danilov, ZMMU – 12/09/1992 GoogleMaps , 1 m; same locality, S. N. Danilov, earlier det. as P. alascensis, ZMMU – 12/06/1983 GoogleMaps , 1 f; Selenga [=Selenge] Distr. , NE of Zhirim, S. N. Danilov, earlier det. as P. alascensis, SZMN – 18/05/1983 , 1 f; c. 40 km SW of Ulan Ude, Bryanka River , nr. Iva, S. N. Danilov, ZMMU – 9/06/1990, 1 f. Amur Region: Arkhara Distr., Kundurka River valley, Kundur , c. 49°06’N, 130°45’E, 160–200 m a.s.l., A. Streltsov & E. Malikova, SZMN – 1/08/1996, 1 f. GoogleMaps Khabarovsk Territory: Komsomol’sk-na-Amure Distr. , no exact locality, Tereshko, PSU – 17/05/1987 , 1 m; Baturinka – 21/05/1987, 1 f. Maritime Territory: Khasan Distr., Kedrovaya Pad’ Reserve , Kedrovaya River valley , c. 43°05’30”N, 131°33’40”E, 40–80 m a.s.l., B. P. Zakharov, SZMN – 7/03/1976, 1 f. GoogleMaps CHINA: Qinghai Prov., Haidong Prefecture, Ledu [=Nianbai] Co. , Qilian Shan [=Nan Shan] Mts., SW foothills of Dabang Shan Mt. Range , Sining He [=Xining, Huang Shui] River valley , left riverside, Lan-wha-sja [=Lowacheng, Laoyacheng], c. 36°25’20”N, 102°39’E, c. 1920 m a.s.l., G. N. Potanin, MNHN – 19/04/1885, 1 f. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: PTA proboscis-shaped. RTA thick, with a rounded tip. EA heart-shaped. Spermathecae thick, S-shaped.

Male (Buryatia: Ulan-Ude): Colour pattern as in females. Measurements (n= 1). Body length 4.65. PsL 2.15, PsW 2.3, OsL 2.5, OsW 1.75. Distances between eyes: AME 0.08, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.07, AME-AME 0.14, AME-ALE 0.07, PME-PME 0.29, PME-PLE 0.17, MOA-AW 0.32, MOA-PW 0.43, MOA-L 0.34, AME-PME 0.24, ALE-PLE 0.14. Length of leg segments: FeI 3.35, PaI 1.35, TiI 3.25, MtI 3.15, TaI 1.95, FeII 3.93, PaII 1.4, TiII 3.95, MtII 3.7, TaII 2.25, FeIII 3.2, PaIII 1.15, TiIII 2.6, MtIII 2.75, TaIII 1.55, FeIV 3.15, PaIV 1.05, TiIV 2.65, MtIV 2.7, TaIV 1.5. Total length of legs: legI 13.05, legII 15.23, legIII 11.25, legIV 11.05. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–1–1–0–1; pl 0–0–1–1–1; v -; rl 0–0–1–1–1. tibia: d 1–0–1–1–0; pl 1–1–0–1–0; v 2–2–0–2ap; rl 1–1–0–1–0. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–1–0–0–1; v 2–1–1–0–0; rl 1–1–0–0–1.

Palpus (Figs 13–15). CyL 0.98, CyW 0.46, PTiL. 0.41. Embolus wide basally, with a concave at about two-thirds of its length, with a sharp tip. The PTA robust, proboscis-shaped. The ST is poorly visible in ventral view. The VTA poorly sclerotized. Both VTA and RTA with obtuse tips, joint each other (seen in retrolateral view).

Female (Buryatia: Ulan-Ude and Iva): Colour pattern as in Fig. 70 View Figs 67–80 . Measurements (n= 2). Body length 4.95–5.85. PsL 1.95–2.2, PsW 1.95–2.15, OsL 3–3.65, OsW 1.75–2.4. Distances between eyes: AME 0.08–0.09, ALE 0.08, PME 0.07–0.08, PLE 0.08, AME-AME 0.14, AME-ALE 0.06, PME-PME 0.25–0.27, PME-PLE 0.15–0.18, MOA-AW 0.31, MOA-PW 0.39–0.55, MOA-L 0.35–0.39, AME-PME 0.21–0.23, ALE-PLE 0.13–0.20. Length of leg segments: FeI 2.65–2.8, PaI 0.95–1.08, TiI 2.45–2.5, MtI 2–2.1, TaI 1.33–1.4, FeII 3.1–3.1, PaII 1.15–1.23, TiII 2.75–2.85, MtII 2.4–2.45, TaII 1.45–1.6, FeIII 2.45–2.7, PaIII 0.95–1.1, TiIII 1.95–2.08, MtIII 1.7–1.75, TaIII 1.2–1.25, FeIV 2.45–2.85, PaIV 0.9–1.1, TiIV 2.05–2.15, MtIV 1.85–1.95, TaIV 1.05–1.15. Total length of legs: legI 9.43–9.83, legII 10.85–11.23, legIII 8.3–8.83, legIV 8.4–9.1. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–0–1–0–1; pl 0–1–0–1–1; v -; rl 0–0–1–0–1 or 0–0–0–0–1. tibia: d 1–0–1–1–0; pl 1–1–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–2ap; rl 1–1–0–1–0. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–1–0–0–1; v 2–1–1–0–0ap; rl 1–1–0–0–1.

Epigyne and spermathecae ( Figs 22–23 View Figs 16–23 ). The CD narrow, slightly widening anteriorly (handle-shaped), its middle part with a saddle-like concave. The EA heart-shaped. The S ovoid. The ID as robust sack-like structures, visibly bent laterally.

Remarks: The structure of male and female copulatory organs of P. lanchowensis is somewhat similar to those of P. histrio , P. ablegminus and P. xerophilus . The male is easily recognisable by the proboscis-shaped PTA (Fig. 13) and by the thicker and stronger RTA (Fig. 14). The female differs in having the heart-shaped EA, the well-marked epigynal sutures ( Fig. 22 View Figs 16–23 ) and the thick, S-shaped spermathecae and SO ( Fig. 23 View Figs 16–23 ).

Habitat: Tuva and Buryatia: shrubby steppe, birch-poplar and pine forests (present data), larch forest ( DANILOV, 1995: sub P. alascensis ). Elevations: 40–1600 m a.s.l.

Distribution: The Siberio-Far Eastern subboreal range; known from Tomsk Region in the west to Maritime Territory in the east (present data). For collecting localities see Map 7 View Maps 7–8 .

This species was hitherto reported from Buryatia under the name P. alascensis ( DANILOV 1995, 1999). It is very likely that the undetermined Philodromus species reported from Japan by YAGINUMA (1986: fig. 11) and CHIKUNI (1989: 136, fig. 12) is actually P. lanchowensis . As we have been unable to re-examine any comparative material from Japan, the matter needs further attention in the future.


Department of Paleozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Portland State University, Vertebrate Biology Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Siberian Zoological Museum


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Philodromus lanchowensis SCHENKEL, 1936

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P. 2008

Philodromus lanchowensis

SCHENKEL, E. 1936: 280
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF