Philodromus mysticus DONDALE et REDNER, 1975

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P., 2008, A Review Of The Histrio Group Of The Spider Genus Philodromus Walckenaer, 1826 (Araneae, Philodromidae) Of The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (1), pp. 23-73 : 50-52

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585274


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scientific name

Philodromus mysticus DONDALE et REDNER, 1975


Philodromus mysticus DONDALE et REDNER, 1975 View in CoL

(Figs 30–32, 43–44, 75, Map 9 View Map 9 )

Philodromus mysticus Dondale & Redner, 1975: 377 View in CoL , figs 26–29 (D mf; the m holotype in the Canadian Nationla Collection, Ottawa, Canada; not examined).

Material examined: RUSSIA: without label, PSU – 1 m. Tuva: Mongun-Taiga Distr., Barlyk River canyon, c. 50°29’10”N, 90°44’E, 1800–2000 m a.s.l., O. V. Lyakhov , SZMN – 6/06/1990, 5 f; Tandinskii Distr. , N foothills of East Tannu-Ola Mt. Range , Elegest River valley , nr. Khovu-Aksy, c. 51°07’30”N, 93°41’30”E, c. 1000 m a.s.l., S. N. Danilov, SZMN – 5/05/1990, 1 f. GoogleMaps Buryatia: Kabansk Distr., Khamar-Daban Mts., central part of Khamar-Daban Mt. Range , upper reaches of Pravaya Mishikha River , c. 26 km NNE of Taezhnii (c. 30 km by the road), c. 51°23’50”N, 105°53’40”E, 1110–1120 m a.s.l., S. N. Danilov, SZMN – 10/06/1981, 1 f. GoogleMaps Chita Region: Ulety Distr., Sokhondo State Reserve , confluence of Ubur-Ashaglei and Ingoda Rivers , c. 49°54’20”N, 111°07’10”E, 1350–1400 m a.s.l., D. V. Logunov, ZMMU – 8–9/06/1991, 1 m 1 f. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis: PTA like a rounded clockwise claw. Distal part of the tegulum swollen retrolaterally. VTA and RTA large. CD with lateral notches.

Male (Chita Region: Sokhondo State Reserve): Colouration and pattern is similar to those of females. Measurements (n= 1). Body length 6.5. PsL 2.4, PsW 2.3, OsL 4.05, OsW 2.5. Distances between eyes: (the ocular area is damaged, no measurements were possible. Length of leg segments: FeI 3.25, PaI 1.25, TiI 3.15, MtI 3.2, TaI 2.1, FeII 4, PaII 1.45, TiII 4.05, MtII 3.7, TaII 2.2, FeIII 2.6, PaIII 0.9, TiIII 2.7, MtIII 2.4, TaIII 1.55, FeIV 2.55, PaIV 0.95, TiIV 2.85, MtIV 2.45, TaIV 1.4. Total length of legs: legI 12.95, legII 15.4, legIII 10.15, legIV 10.2. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–1–1–0–1; pl 0–0–1–1–1; v -; rl 0–0–1–1–1. tibia: d 1–0–0–1–0; pl 1–1–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–2ap; rl 1–0–1–0–1. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–0–1–0–1; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 1–0–1–0–1.

Palpus (Figs 30–32). CyL 1.02, CyW 0.5, PTiL 0.28. Embolus medium wide basally, steadily narrowing to its straight tip directed retro-laterad and hidden underneath the membranous, basal part of PTA. The distal part of PTA conspicuous, claw-shaped. The ST is clearly seen in ventral view. The VTA and RTA well-developed, joint each other at bases but their tips (pointed in the RTA and obtuse in the VTA) diverge (Fig. 31).

Female (Chita Region: Sokhondo State Reserve): Prosoma sandy coloured, with the pattern of beige and reddish brown stripes ( Fig. 75 View Figs 67–80 ). Opisthosoma beige, with light and dark brown pattern. Measurements (n= 1). Body length 8.15. PsL 3, PsW 2.9, OsL 5.15, OsW 3.35. Distances between eyes: AME 0.11, ALE 0.10, PME 0.10, PLE 0.11, AME-AME 0.22, AME-ALE 0.11, PME-PME 0.38, PME-PLE 0.22, MOA-AW 0.41, MOA-PW 0.56, MOA-L 0.44, AME-PME 0.27, ALE-PLE 0.25. Length of leg segments: FeI 4.35, PaI 1.2, TiI 4.05, MtI 3.38, TaI 2.2, FeII 5.05, PaII 1.8, TiII 4.8, MtII 3.95, TaII 2.55, FeIII 3.95, PaIII 1.45, TiIII 3.23, MtIII 2.63, TaIII 1.75, FeIV 4.1, PaIV 1.38, TiIV 3.5, MtIV 2.8, TaIV 1.73. Total length of legs: legI 15.18, legII 18.15, legIII 13, legIV 13.5. Spination of leg I: femur: d 0–1–1–0–1; pl 0–1–0–1–1; v -; rl 0–0–1–0–1. tibia: d 1–0–0–1–0; pl 1–1–0–1–0; v 2–0–2–0–2ap; rl 1–0–1–0–1. metatarsus: d -; pl 1–0–1–0–1; v 2–0–2–0–0ap; rl 1–0–1–0–1.

Epigyne and spermathecae ( Figs 43–44 View Figs 39–46 ). The CD wide, with a distal notch on each side. Two bean-shaped EA. The S round. The SO is situated anterio-medially, the ID anteriorly.

Remarks: P. mysticus was identified on the basis of the taxonomic account by DONDALE and REDNER (1975: figs 26–29). This species differs from the rest of species in the histrio group known to us in having the strong, rounded clockwise PTA in males (Figs 30, 31) and the clear notch of the CD in females ( Fig. 43 View Figs 39–46 ). The RTA of Siberian specimens (Fig. 31) is visibly narrower than that of N-American males of P. mysticus (cf. DONDALE & REDNER 1978: fig. 185), but the rest of characters supports our identification.

Habitat: Tuva and Chita Region: coniferous and mixed forests, in the Sokhondo Reserve it was collected from crowns of birch trees (present data). Yakutia: cambric cliffs, rive-side beds ( KOPONEN & MARUSIK 1992). Elevations: 1100–2000 m a.s.l.

Distribution: The Siberio-American temperate range; known from Tuva (present data) in the west, eastward to Chita Region, and via Yakutia ( MARUSIK et al. 1992: sub P. musticus , 1993, KOPONEN & MARUSIK 1992) north-eastward to Magadan Region ( MARUSIK 1991) in the east. In the Nearctic Region, the species occurs from Mackenzie to Nova Scotia, southward to Utah and Colorado ( DONDALE & REDNER 1978); for the collection localities in Siberia see Map 9 View Map 9 .


Portland State University, Vertebrate Biology Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Siberian Zoological Museum


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University














Philodromus mysticus DONDALE et REDNER, 1975

Szita, É., Logunov, D. & O, P. 2008

Philodromus mysticus

DONDALE, C. D. & REDNER, J. H. 1975: 377
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF