Phausis californica Fender, 1966

Hodson, Alicia M. & Branham, Marc A., 2024, Revision and Phylogeny of the Genus Phausis (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) with the Description of Three New Species, Zootaxa 5458 (1), pp. 1-52 : 13-15

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5458.1.1

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scientific name

Phausis californica Fender, 1966


Phausis californica Fender, 1966 View in CoL

( Figs 5 View FIGURE 5 ; 17B View FIGURE 17 ; 22D–F View FIGURE 22 ; 24B View FIGURE 24 )

Phausis californica Fender 1966: 89 View in CoL

Diagnosis. Male. Phausis californica differs from its congeners by the following characters: long, simple, plumose setae covering base of mandibles; pronotum entirely flavus ( Fig. 17B View FIGURE 17 ); basal piece of aedeagus is entire, reniform in shape; parameres with proximal flanges (extensions of parameres that curve or extend outward from inner margin) present, linear, extending apically to proximal base of parameres ( Fig. 22D View FIGURE 22 ). This species looks similar to Phausis riversi except for the following characters: Phausis californica has shorter antennae than P. riversi by extending to the anterior end of the metathorax versus extending to the middle of metathorax; pronotum entirely flavus without a medial dark brown spot on central pronotal disc; elytral costae absent; aedeagus with basal piece entire, reniform, and moderately sclerotized (light brown); median lobe lanceolate, with apex rounded (45 degrees); median lobe inner basal margin cordate; dorsal opening absent, ventral opening present only.

Redescription. Male ( Figs. 17B View FIGURE 17 ; 22D–F View FIGURE 22 ). Length 4.5–6.0 mm. Width 2.5–3.0 mm. Color. Body dark brown to piceous; eyes black; mouthparts flavus to brunneous; antennae brunneous, with scape and pedicel paler; pronotum entirely flavus; scutellum, thorax, and legs brunneous, however forelegs are paler than the mid and hind legs; elytra brunneous to piceous, with lateral margins paler than elytral disc; prothorax flavus; photic organs absent on abdominal segments VI, VII and VIII; lateral margins of abdominal segments VII and VIII flavus; pubescence cupreous, fine, and sparse. Anterior vitreous areas (spots) present on pronotum.

Head small and transverse (frontal view); vertex not concave, with fine punctures dorsally. Eyes small and separated, not obstructing labium postventrally. Mandibles long (more than apices of mandibles crossing frontally), falcate, begins tapering at half the length of mandible; incisor region less than half the total length of mandible; outer margin convex versus straight as in other taxa ( P. marina , P. nigra , P. skelleyi , and Phausis milleri ); basal angle approximately 90 degrees dorsally. Maxillary palps with three palpomeres, last palpomere securiform; Labial palps reduced, with three palpomeres.

Antennae filiform ( Fig.17B View FIGURE 17 ),long, extending to anterior end of metathorax.Scape as long as pedicel.Antennomere 3 1.5× the length of pedicel. Antennomere 3 as long as to slightly longer than antennomeres 4 to 10. Antennomeres 4 to 10 approximately same size and length. Antennomere 11 short and truncated at apex. Flagellomeres feebly compressed, but not as compressed as in Lucidota or Ellychnia . When viewed laterally, flagellomeres are wider than in ventral view. Sensorium present on the distal end of antennomere 11, semi-transparent, small, and subulate.

Pronotum subquadrate ( Fig. 17B View FIGURE 17 ), semicircular; median carina present, extending from base to apex of pronotum, more elevated medially; all margins strongly reflexed, becoming explanate toward the hind angles; basal margin undulate; hind angles dentate. Central pronotal disc present; convex; surface shiny and coarsely sparsely punctured. Anterior vitreous areas (spots) present; small (more than one width of spot between them); subfalcate; finely sparsely punctate throughout.

Scutellum spatulate, sides curving inward and posterior apex truncately rounded without longitudinal groove ( Fig. 17B View FIGURE 17 ); surface shiny and coarse-finely punctate.

Elytra well developed; slender; confusedly punctate basally to finely rugose apically, with both large and small punctation in the middle ( Fig. 17B View FIGURE 17 ). Elytral costae absent medially on each elytron. Longitudinal elevated and transverse lines feebly present, transverse lines somewhat irregular in the interstitial spaces, but not reticulated as in P. reticulata , P. luminosa , and P. christineae .

Venter. Thorax transverse, rhomboidal. Metathorax with posterior apex notched; medial line present; surface shiny and impunctate. Tergal apicolateral angles strongly lobed. Abdominal segments VI and VII not bearing photic organs; with fine transverse rugae. Photic organ absent on abdominal segment VIII. Abdominal segment VII quadrate (as long as wide), apical margin emarginated. Abdominal segment VIII same as abdominal segment VII, except apical margin pointed.

Male Genitalia. Basal piece (dorsal view; Fig. 22D View FIGURE 22 ) wider than long, reniform, segment entire (segments fused into a single structure), and moderately sclerotized (light brown). Median lobe (dorsal view) exceeds tips of parameres, lanceolate and rounded (greater than 45 degrees) at apex; parallel to parameres ( Fig. 22E View FIGURE 22 ); sensilla absent; dorsal inner-basal margins cordate; dorsal opening absent; longitudinal dorsal carina present; lateral line absent (lateral view); ventral opening present, comprising of the apical fourth of medial lobe ( Fig. 22F View FIGURE 22 ), curvate. Parameres (dorsal view; Fig. 22D View FIGURE 22 ) short and robust; margins sub-parallel; inner lateral margins parallel; outer lateral margins broadly convex; apex rounded (lateral view; Fig. 22E View FIGURE 22 ); proximal flanges (extensions of parameres that curve or extend outward from inner margin) present, linear, extends from apical half to proximal apical margin of paramere (dorsal view). Sensilla present, sparse along proximal apical margins (dorsal view). Number of sensilla varies from 1 to 3, if absent then pores can be detected from which the sensilla originated.

Female. Unknown.

Larva. Unknown.

Eggs. Unknown.

Etymology. Named after the state of California.

Specimens Examined. Type Material. Holotype ( Figs. 17B View FIGURE 17 ; 24B View FIGURE 24 ). USA: CALIFORNIA: “ LAKE Co. Cal., Van Dyke Collection, Type No 16800”, 1 ♂ ( CAS). Paratype. CALIFORNIA: “TUOLUMNE Co., Cal., Coll. E.C. Van Dyke, Van Dyke Collection,” 1 ♂ ( CAS) .

Other material. USA: CALIFORNIA: CALAVERAS Co., Calaveras Big Trees St. Park , 38°15’ N, 120°15’ W, 4658 feet, malaise trap in meadow, 8–15.VIII.2005, Coll. A.R. Cline & S.D. Gaimari, Det.A.M. Hodson, 1 ♂ ( CSCA); GoogleMaps same except malaise trap on hillside, 4 ♂ ( CSCA); same except malaise trap near Beaver Creek , 9 males ( CSCA); GoogleMaps same except 38°14.9’ N, 120°15.45’ W, 4600 feet, malaise in sequoia forest, 7 ♂ ( CSCA); GoogleMaps same except 38°15.4’ N, 120°15.29’ W, 4658 feet, FIT/ malaise trap, Coll. A. R. Cline, Det. A.M. Hodson, 3 ♂ ( CSCA); GoogleMaps DEL NORTE Co., Mill Creek Campground, Del Norte Redwoods , 24.VI.1978, Coll. A.J. & M.E. Gibbert, 1 ♂ (CSCA); GoogleMaps EL DORADO Co., 1 mi E. of Pacific House , 20.V.1992, sieving flume, Coll. William D. Shepard, 1 ♂ (CAS); GoogleMaps same except 5 mi W. Phillips , 1.VII.1961, Coll. H. & A. Howden, Det. J. Cicero 1985, 1 ♂, (CAS); GoogleMaps same except China Flat C.G. 2 mi S. Kyburz , 4300 ft., 21/ 25.VI.1979, Coll. W & A.R. Hardy, Det. Unknown, 1 ♂, ( CSCA); GoogleMaps TULARE Co., Mt. Silliman , 900010000 ft., 17.VII.1981, Coll. D. Giuliani, Det. Unknown, 1 ♂ (CSCA); GoogleMaps same except Sequoia National Forest, Freeman Creek Grove, 36.146°N, 118.493°W, 23.VI.2003, Coll. M. Caterino, Det. A.M. Hodson 2011, 1 ♂, (CA Beetle Project CBP0012598, SBMNH); GoogleMaps same except Upper Freeman Creek Grove , 36.146°N, 118.493°W,beaten from Ceanothus , 23.VI.2003, Coll. M. Caterino, Det.A.M. Hodson 2011, 1 ♂, (CA Beetle Project CBP0012972, SBMNH). GoogleMaps

Distribution. Known only to occur within the state of California, United States of America ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Phenology. Occurs in May to middle of July.

Remarks. Some characters described above are not congruent with Fender’s description of the species ( Fender 1966). The characters we found are as follows: pronotum is semicircular rather than subelliptical and 1/5 longer than wide, anterior vitreous areas (spots) are subfalcate rather than falcate in shape, and pronotal carina extends entire length of pronotum rather than from basal fourth to apical sixth.

Variation. Identified. Coloration of mouthparts varies from flavus to brunneous depending on specimen examined. One specimen examined did not have pronotal anterior vitreous areas (spots), but had other diagnostics characters of P. californica , including characteristics of the aedeagi. Specimen label data: CALIFORNIA: DEL NORTE Co., Mill Creek Campground, Del Norte Redwoods, 24. VI .1978, Coll. A.J. & M.E. Gibbert, 1 ♂ ( CSCA); EL DORADO Co., 1 mi E. of Pacific House , 20. V .1992, sieving flume, Coll. William D. Shepard, 1 ♂ ( CAS) .

Biology. Unknown.


California Academy of Sciences


California State Collection of Arthropods


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Phausis californica Fender, 1966

Hodson, Alicia M. & Branham, Marc A. 2024

Phausis californica

Fender, K. M. 1966: 89
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