Roewerania guduana Kauri, 1961

Kury, Adriano B., Kury, Ian S. & De Oliveira, Ana Beatriz R., 2024, Checklists of extant harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) species for all the countries of the world, Zootaxa 5515 (1), pp. 1-162 : 53

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Plazi (2024-10-10 17:50:58, last updated 2024-10-10 18:32:34)

scientific name

Roewerania guduana Kauri, 1961


Roewerania guduana Kauri, 1961 View in CoL ** Eusidama minima Roewer, 1913 **

Roewerania lignicola Lawrence, 1934 ** Guruia africana (Karsch, 1878)

Roewerania montana Kauri, 1961 ** Guruia longipes Roewer, 1911 **

Roewerania spinosa Lawrence, 1938 ** Guruia quadrispina Roewer, 1911 **

Rostromontia capensis ( Lawrence, 1931) View in CoL ** Hypoxestus bituberculatus Lawrence, 1962 View in CoL ** Rostromontia granulifera ( Lawrence, 1931) View in CoL ** Hypoxestus levis Loman, 1902 View in CoL

Rostromontia truncata ( Lawrence, 1931) View in CoL ** Hypoxestus patellaris (Sørensen, 1910) View in CoL

Speleomontia cavernicola Lawrence, 1931 View in CoL ** Hypoxestus roeweri Staręga, 1992 View in CoL **

Vibone vetusta Kauri, 1961 View in CoL ** Hypoxestus trituberculatus Lawrence, 1962 View in CoL **

Yulella natalensis (Lawrence, 1937) ** Kungwea scabra Roewer, 1961 **

Sudan Lisposidama filipes Lawrence, 1962 ** Metaphalangium sudanum Roewer, 1961 Lossida rugosa Roewer, 1935 **

Tanzania, United Republic of Lossidacola pachytarsus Roewer, 1935 **

Acanthacaca katumbea Roewer, 1961 ** Lukandamila cookei Roewer, 1961 **

Acanthophrysella pectinata (Loman, 1902) ** Lygippulus nigrescens Roewer, 1961 **

Bulobana infuscata Roewer, 1940 ** Mecutina moshinia Roewer, 1940 **

Bundukia nigra Lawrence, 1962 ** Megistobunus funereus Lawrence, 1962 **

Callereca gracilis Roewer, 1940 ** Merucola granulata Roewer, 1935 **

Celimba parvula Roewer, 1940 ** Metabiantes armatus Lawrence, 1962 **

Conomma orientale Roewer, 1949 Metabiantes lawrencei Staręga, 1992 **

Cristina lettowi ( Roewer, 1923) Metabiantes punctatus (Sørensen, 1910)

Cristina pachylomera ( Simon, 1879) Metabiantes teretipes Lawrence, 1962 **

Cristina pteronia (Sørensen, 1910) ** Metabiantes traegardhi Kauri, 1961 **

Dacnopilio scopulatus Lawrence, 1963 ** Metabiantes trifasciatus Roewer, 1915

Dicoryphus ater (Lawrence, 1962) ** Metabiantes unicolor ( Roewer, 1912) **

Dicoryphus furvus Loman, 1902 ** Metasesostris armatus Roewer, 1915 **

Dicoryphus jeanneli ( Roewer, 1913) Metasidama ephippiata Roewer, 1915 **

Dicoryphus melanacanthus (Loman, 1902) ** Metasidama gracilis Lawrence, 1962 **

Doloressus cippatus Roewer, 1935 Metereca abnormis ( Roewer, 1912)

Erebalda cryptostigma Roewer, 1940 ** Metereca papillata Roewer, 1935

Ereca affinis Sørensen, 1910 ** Montereca paucidens Lawrence, 1962 **

Ereca lata Sørensen, 1910 ** Neobaeorix cornutus Lawrence, 1962 **

Ereca maculata maculata Roewer, 1913 Neosidama longipes Roewer, 1915 **

Ereca modesta Sørensen, 1910 Odontobunus armatus (Sørensen, 1910)

Ereca rufa Sørensen, 1910 ** Odontobunus elegans ( Roewer, 1956) **

Ereca simulator Sørensen, 1910 Odontobunus longipes (Lawrence, 1963) **

Ereca soerenseni Lawrence, 1962 ** Odontobunus niger ( Roewer, 1956)

Ereca undulata Sørensen, 1910 Odontobunus punctatus ( Roewer, 1956) **

Erecabia hartmanni Roewer, 1940 ** Parasesostris granulatus Roewer, 1915 **

Erecabia pluridens Lawrence, 1962 ** Rhabdopygella laevis (Roewer, 1935) **

Erecanana lentiginosa Lawrence, 1962 ** Rhabdopygus maculatus Roewer, 1935 **

Erecanana mordax (Sørensen, 1910) ** Rhampsinitus angulatus Lawrence, 1962

Erecanana quadridens Lawrence, 1962 ** Rhampsinitus bettoni (Pocock, 1903)

Erecanana typus (Sørensen, 1910) Rhampsinitus brevipalpis Lawrence, 1962 **

Erecella flava (Roewer, 1935) Rhampsinitus discolor (Karsch, 1878)

Erecomma montanum Roewer, 1940 ** Rhampsinitus quadrispina Roewer, 1911

Erecops multispina Roewer, 1940 ** Rhampsinitus salti Roewer, 1951 **

Erecula leleupi Lawrence, 1962 ** Rhampsinitus soerenseni Mello-Leitão, 1944 ** Erecula marmorata Roewer, 1940 Rhampsinitus spinifrons Roewer, 1915 **

Erecula novemdentata Roewer, 1961 ** Roewereca tenebrosa Lawrence, 1962 **

Erecula pachypes Roewer, 1935 Scabrosidama serratichelis Lawrence, 1962 ** Eubiantes africanus Roewer, 1915 ** Sesostrellus robustus Roewer, 1935

Lawrence, R. F. (1931) The harvest-spiders (Opiliones) of South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, 29 (2), 341 - 508.

Roewer, C. - F. (1912) Revision der Opiliones Palpatores (= Opiliones Plagiostethi). II. Teil: Familie der Phalangiidae. (Subfamilien: Sclerosomini, Oligolophini, Phalangiini). Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften, herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Hamburg, 20 (1), 1 - 295, pls. 1 - 4.

Roewer, C. - F. (1913 d) Die Familie der Gonyleptiden der Opiliones - Laniatores. [Part 2]. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Abteilung A, 79 (5), 257 - 472.

Roewer, C. F. (1923) Die Weberknechte der Erde. Systematische Bearbeitung der bisher bekannten Opiliones. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1116 pp.

Roewer, C. - F. (1951) Uber Nemastomatiden. Weitere Weberknechte XVI. Senckenbergiana, 32 (1 / 4), 95 - 153, pls. 1 - 9, figs. 1 - 83.

Roewer, C. - F. (1956) Uber Phalangiinae (Phalangiidae, Opiliones Palpatores). (Weitere Weberknechte XIX). Senckenbergiana biologica, 37 (3 / 4), 247 - 318, pls. 36 - 43.

Simon, E. (1879) Les Arachnides de France. Tome 7. Contenant les ordres des Chernetes, Scorpiones et Opiliones. Vol. 7. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, 332 pp., pls. 17 - 24.

Starega, W. (1992) An annotated check-list of harvestmen, excluding Phalangiidae, of the Afrotropical Region (Opiliones). Annals of the Natal Museum, 33 (2), 271 - 336.











