Alona weinecki Studer, 1878

Dartnall, Herbert J. G. & Hollwedel, Werner, 2007, A limnological reconnaissance of the Falkland Islands; with particular reference to the waterfleas (Arthropoda: Anomopoda), Journal of Natural History 41 (21 - 24), pp. 1259-1300 : 1267

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Felipe (2021-08-20 19:33:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 05:10:48)

scientific name

Alona weinecki Studer, 1878


Alona weinecki Studer, 1878

Originally described from Kerguelen ( Studer 1878), Rühe (1914) showed that Ekman’s (1905) Falkland Island record of Alona bukobensis v. subantarctica was in fact A. weinecki . Similarly, the records of A. rectangula from South Georgia and the South Orkney Islands ( Dartnall and Heywood 1980) refer to A. weinecki ( Paggi 1987; Frey 1988). It was then supposed that this species was restricted to the subantarctic islands, but Dumont and Martens (1996) have subsequently recorded it from Easter Island, and South Island, New Zealand. The morphology of the specimens examined in this study, especially the shape and armature of the post-abdomen ( Figure 10 View Figure 10 ) and size, 0.5 mm, corroborate that they do belong to this species.

Dartnall HJG, Heywood RB. 1980. The freshwater fauna of South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 50: 115 - 118.

Dumont HJ, Martens K. 1996. The freshwater microcrustacea of Easter Island. Hydrobiologia 325: 83 - 99.

Ekman S. 1905. Cladoceren und Copepoden aus antarktischen und subantarktischen Binnengewassern, gesammelt von der schwedischen antarktischen Expedition 1901 - 1903. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sudpolarexpedition 1901 - 1903 5: 1 - 40.

Frey DG. 1988. Alona weinecki Studer on the subantarctic islands, not Alona rectangula Sars (Chydoridae, Cladocera) Limnology and Oceanography 33: 1386 - 1411.

Paggi JC. 1987. Estudios limnol'ogicos en la isla Decepcion, Shetland del Sur, Antardida: aspectos taxononomicos dw los crustaceos del zooplankton. Contribuciones del Instituto Antarctico Argentino, Buenos Aires 338: 1 - 34.

Ruhe FE. 1914. Die Susswassercrustaceen der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903 mit Ausschluss der Ostracoden. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903 16 (Zoologie 8): 7 - 66.

Studer T. 1878. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte wirbelloser Thiere aus Kerguelensland. Archiv fur Naturgeschicte 44: 102 - 111.

Gallery Image

Figure 10. Alona weinecki, female, post-abdomen.









