Crinipellis birhizomorpha Antonín, R. Ryoo & K.H. Ka, 2014

Antonín, Vladimír, Ryoo, Rhim, Ka, Kang-Hyeon & Sou, Hong-Duck, 2014, Three new species of Crinipellis and one new variety of Moniliophthora (Basidiomycota, Marasmiaceae) described from the Republic of Korea, Phytotaxa 170 (2), pp. 86-102 : 90-92

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.170.2.2

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scientific name

Crinipellis birhizomorpha Antonín, R. Ryoo & K.H. Ka

sp. nov.

Crinipellis birhizomorpha Antonín, R. Ryoo & K.H. Ka View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figures 1A View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Mycobank MB 807007

Pileus 4–10 mm broad, conical-convex or plano-convex, papillate, dark brown to orange-brown. Stipe 3–10 × 0.5–0.75 mm, hairy, dark brown or black-brown. Basidiospores 7.5–9.0(–9.5) × 4.25–5.25(–5.5) μm, ellipsoid, ellipsoid-fusoid, sublacrimoid. Cheilocystidia 12–25 × 5.0–8.0 μm, clavate, with apical projections. Rhizomorphs of two types; their presence, together with a combination of other characters, distinguish it from all similar species.

Holotype:— REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Haenam , Mt. Dalmasan, 16 August 2012 V. Antonín, R. Ryoo, K.- H. Ka and H.- D. Sou ( BRNM 751593 About BRNM ).

Etymology:—Having two types of rhizomorphs.

Basidiocarps single. Pileus 4–10 mm broad, conical-convex, then plano-convex, with slightly to distinctly depressed centre with a very small papilla and inflexed to straight margin, distinctly adpressedly radially hairy (slightly tomentose at centre), most dense around centre, rather sparse toward margin (especially in old specimens), margin hairy, background whitish yellowish (up to 3A2 but mostly paler), hairs orange-brown (7D–E7), especially toward centre and toward margin, paler between them, papilla dark brown (7F7 when young, later paler). Lamellae rather distant, L = 16–19, l = 2(–3), emarginate and shortly attached or almost free, horizontal to subventricose, white to pale cream, with uneven, concolorous, finely pubescent edge. Stipe arising from substrate and rhizomorphs, rather short, 3–10 × 0.5–0.75 mm, cylindrical, insititious, entirely distinctly strigose when young, coarsely longitudinally fibrillose at very apex and hairy in old specimens, concolorous with lamellae at very apex when young, in old specimens entirely dark brown to black-brown (7F3–4), apparently paler, up to orange-brown (7C–D7), due to hair colour, sometimes even paler, almost whitish greyish in upper part. Context with slightly farinaceous-fungoid smell. Rhizomorphs of two types, (1) ‘normal’, cylindrical, smooth and glabrous, black-brown, (2) black-brown, densely pale greyish hairy, with erect, narrowly clavate, whitish, then apically pale brownish, white to whitish hairy upper part, terminating with 0.5–1.5 mm broad, radially hairy, brown abortive pilei.

Basidiospores 7.5–9.0(–9.5) × 4.25–5.25(–5.5) μm, average 8.2 × 4.8 μm, E = 1.50–1.95, Q = 1.70, ellipsoid, ellipsoid-fusoid, sublacrimoid, thin-walled, non-dextrinoid, rarely slightly dextrinoid. Basidia 25–29 × 7.0–8.0 μm, 4-spored, clavate. Basidioles 15–28 × 4.0–9.0 μm, clavate, cylindrical or fusoid. Cheilocystidia 12–25 × 5.0–8.0 μm, clavate or (sub)cylindrical, thin-walled, with digitate, obtuse, thin-walled projections (broom cells) up to 9.0 × 2.0 μm. Pleurocystidia absent. Trama hyphae cylindrical or subinflated, slightly thick-walled, smooth, non-dextrinoid, up to 15 μm wide. Pileipellis (hypotrichium) composed of short-celled (cells fusoid, ellipsoid), slightly thick-walled, dextrinoid, up to 17 μm wide hyphae. Pileus hairs up to 500(–600) × 3.0–7.0(–8.0) μm, cylindrical, thick-walled (walls up to 2 μm), often septate and with obliterated lumen, often with irregular base, obtuse to acute, dextrinoid with yellow-olivaceous walls in 5 % KOH; mixed with scattered short ones. Stipitipellis a cutis of cylindrical, parallel, thick-walled, dextrinoid hyphae up to 4.0(–5.0) μm wide. Stipe hairs similar to pileus ones, mostly acute, mixed with infrequent smaller, sometimes branched, dextrinoid hairs; medulla hyphae dextrinoid (apex). Abortive pilei covered with setoid or subulate, thick-walled (walls up to 1.2 μm) acute hairs up to 250 × 6.0 μm, mixed with frequent short, obtuse hairs similar in other characteristics. Rhizomorphs comprised of similar hyphae as in stipitipellis and covered with similar acute hairs, 30–150 × up to 7.0 μm. Clamp connections present in all tissues.

Habitat:—On twigs of Quercus acuta .

Material studied:— REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Haenam, Mt. Dalmasan, N 34º22’43’’, E 126º34’35’’, elev. 220– 250 m, 16 August 2012 V GoogleMaps . Antonín (12.95), R . Ryoo , K.- H . Ka and H .- D. Sou ( HOLOTYPE, BRNM 751593 About BRNM ) .

Remarks:— Crinipellis birhizomorpha is characterized as having a rather small pileus, a rather short stipe arising from both substrate and rhizomorphs, a context with farinaceous-fungoid smell, rhizomorphs of two types, one forming abortive pilei, moderately large, non-dextrinoid, rarely slightly dextrinoid basidiospores, cheilocystidia in the form of broom cells, no pleurocystidia, and growing on twigs.

The presence of the second type of rhizomorphs with an erect, narrowly clavate upper part, terminating in brown abortive pilei is a rather unique character in Crinipellis . Only one species having such rhizomorphs, Crinipellis cupreostipes Kerekes et al. (2009: 116) is found in the literature. This species differs in having a copper-coloured stipe, longer and narrower basidiospores with a different Q value (9–11 × 4–4.5 µm, Q = 2.4) ( Kerekes & Desjardin 2009). For a discussion of other similar taxa not forming abortive pilei and stipes arising from rhizomorphs, see notes in this paper about C. wandoensis . Crinipellis tabtim Kerekes et al. is phylogeneticaly placed close to C. birhizomorpha . It differs in a violet-brown to dark ruby coloured pileus, the absence of rhizomorphs, larger basidiospores (8–11 × 4–5.5 µm), and only 70–140 µm long pileus hairs ( Kerekes & Desjardin 2009).


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