Lipotactes laminus, Shi, Fu-Ming & Li, Rui-Lian, 2009

Shi, Fu-Ming & Li, Rui-Lian, 2009, A review of the genus Lipotactes Brunner v. W., 1898 (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Lipotactinae) from China, Zootaxa 2152, pp. 36-42 : 38-40

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Plazi (2016-04-19 20:12:10, last updated 2024-11-27 10:42:22)

scientific name

Lipotactes laminus

sp. nov.

4 Lipotactes laminus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–2, 5–7 View FIGURES 1 – 8 , 10 View FIGURES 9 – 12 , 14 View FIGURES 13 – 16 )

Male. Body small. Fastigium verticis narrow, distinctly furrowed above, declined laterally and towards vertex. Eyes globular, protruding outwards and forwards. Pronotum short, saddle-shaped, anterior margin straight, posterior margin obtusely rounded, convexly raised in metazona, humeral sinus inconspicuous. Thoracic auditory spiracle of subequal size with first stigma. Procoxa with one spine, all femora on ventral margins without spines, pro- and mesotibiae on ventral margins with 5 pairs of long spines; postcoxa with a process on ventro-internal margin, triangular; posttibia on internal and external sides of dorsal margin with 19–21 spines, 2 pairs of apical spurs on ventral margin, and 1 pair of apical spurs on dorsal margin; lateral sulci of first and second tarsi obvious. Protibiae with auditory organs covered with short, thin bristles. Knees of postfemur on both sides with apical spine. Tegmen short, for most part covered by pronotum, reaching the middle of third abdominal tergite.

Tenth abdominal tergite broad, roundly incised in the middle of apex. Supra anal plate triangular, apex obtuse. Cerci broad and short, base thick, apex slightly truncate, lamellar, curvate, with a small triangular lobe curved inwards on ventral margin of subapical area. Subgenital plate slightly longer than wide, basal margin, apical margin with ovoid notch; style relatively long.

Coloration. Head yellowish brown, frons with some inconspicuous light red spots, fastigium verticis with a longitudinal light brown stripe. Disk of pronotum yellowish brown, dorsal margin of lateral lobe black, ventral margin yellowish brown. Pro- and mesofemora with small blackish brown spots on external margin; protibia brown, spines on internal side light yellowish brown, external spines brown, mesotibia with irregular brown spots, tarsi of pro- and mesolegs brown. Postfemur yellowish brown, basal area of external margin with a broad longitudinal blackish brown stripe, knee lobes light brown, posttibia brown. Abdominal tergites blackish brown, near dorsal margin of apex light. Cerci light yellowish brown.

Female. Pronotum short, disk comparatively flat. Tegmen absent. Tenth abdominal tergite slightly concave at posterior margin. Supra anal plate triangular, apex acute. Cerci conical, apex acute. Ovipositor curved upwards, base stout, apex acute. Subgenital plate comparatively short, apex obtusely rounded, middle of posterior margin slightly concave. Disk of pronotum light yellowish brown, lateral lobe with a broad longitudinal black stripe on dorsal margin, ventral margin light.

Holotype. 3, Hainan: Ledong, Jianfengling, 17 May, 2007, collected by Ba Yi-Bin and Lang Jun-Tong. Paratypes: 13, Hainan, Qiong’zhong, 22 July, 2006, collected by Ba Yi-Bin and Lang Jun-Tong; 1♀, Hainan ledong, Jianfengling, collected by Liu Hao-Yu; 1♀, Hainan, Jianfengling, 13 November, 1991, collected by Ma En-Bo.

Measurements (mm). Body: 38.9–10.5, ♀11.0; head width: 34.7–5.0, ♀4.8; interocular distance: 31.5–2, ♀1.5; fastigium verticis width: 30.4, ♀0.5; fastigium frontis width: 30.55–0.7, ♀0.5; pronotum length: 33.8–4.0, ♀2.9; pronotum width: 33.5–3.6, ♀3.4; tegmen length: 31.3–1.8, ♀0; postfemur: 310.4–11.0, ♀10.6; posttibia: 39.6–12.0, ♀9.6; thoracic auditory spiracle length: 3 2, ♀ 0.2; thoracic auditory spiracle width: 31.6, ♀1.5; first stigma length: 30.2, ♀0.25; Ovipositor: 7.1.

Etymology. The new species name refers to the morphology of the male’s cerci.

Discussion. The new species differs from the known species of Lipotactes by the short curved male cerci with stout base, lamellar apical half, truncate apex, and provided with a small, triangular, inwards curved lobe on ventral margin of subapical area.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 8. New species of Lipotactes from China: 1 - 2, 5 - 7 L. laminus sp. nov., 3 - 4, 8 L. truncatus sp. nov. 1. male cercus, apical view; 2. apex of male abdomen, dorsal view; 3. male cercus, lateral view; 4. male cercus, internal view; 5. female subgenital plate, ventral view; 6, 8. male subgenital plate, ventral view, 7. ovipositor, lateral view; scale bars: 1 mm

Gallery Image

FIGURES 9 – 12. Pronotum of the genus Lipotactes from China, male in dorsal view: 9. L. truncates sp. nov.; 10. L. laminus sp. nov.; 11. L. dorsaspina Chang, Shi & Ran; 12. L. tripyrga Chang, Shi & Ran

Gallery Image

FIGURES 13 – 16. Pronotum of the genus Lipotactes from China, male in dorso-lateral view: 13. L. truncatus sp. nov.; 14. L. laminus sp. nov.; 15. L. dorsaspina Chang, Shi & Ran; 16. L. tripyrga Chang, Shi & Ran













