Astyliasula phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842 )
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Plazi (2017-07-15 09:41:38, last updated 2024-11-24 23:57:26) |
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Astyliasula phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842 ) |
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comb. nov. |
Astyliasula phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842) View in CoL n. comb.
( Figs 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 8 , 9–11 View FIGURES 9 – 20 , 43 View FIGURES 43 – 50 , 54–59 View FIGURES 53 – 57 View FIGURES 58 – 59 , 61 View FIGURES 60 – 62 )
Mantis (Oxypilus) phyllopus De Haan, 1842: 84 –85, pl. 16, fig. 7 (♂)
Paraoxypilus phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842) . In: Saussure 1871: 158.
Hestias phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842) . In: Wood-Mason 1879: 259.
Hestiasula sarawaca Westwood, 1889 . In: Shelford 1903: 296, 302, fig. 2; Chopard 1938: 366, 419–420.
Pachymantis phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842) . In: Kirby 1904: 287; Werner 1916: 280 –281 Werner 1925: 485.
Pachymantis sarawaca ( Westwood, 1889) . In: Kirby 1904: 288 (partim); Werner 1916: 280 –281 (partim).
Hestiasula phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842) . In: Giglio-Tos 1927: 544; Werner 1930: 8; Werner 1933: 271; Beier 1929: 249; Beier 1934: 17; Beier 1937: 181; Loxton 1979: 108; Ehrmann 2002: 172, 395; Otte & Spearman 2005: 78; Schwarz & Konopik 2014: 140.
Material. 1 ♂, S Burma (= Myanmar), Tenasserim Province, Tenasserim , N 12.05° –E 99.01°, VII.1995, leg. H. Lehmann & S. Steinke (genitalia preparation Schwarz No. 224) (SMNK-03659; pinned); 1 ♂, NW Thailand, Chiang Mai Province, Chiang Dao , N 19.20° – E 98.54°, in the SE part of the Doi Chiang Dao NP, 6 km W Chiang Mai, 09.V.1987, B. Kobner leg. ( SMNK genitalia No. 0 606151, preparation K. Schütte) ( SMNK –03631; pinned) ; 1 ♂, S Thailand, Sura Thani ( Ban Don ), N 09.08° –E 99.19°, IX.1987, S. Steinke leg. (SMNK genitalia No. 0 606231, preparation K. Schütte) (SMNK-03633; pinned); 1 ♂, Malaysia, Malay Peninsula, Pahang, Fraser’s Hill , Silverpark, N 03˚42’54.81”–E 101˚44’07.65”, 1285 m, 22.III–01.IV.2013, A. Vishnyakov leg. (ES; pinned) ; 1 ♀, Malaysia, C Malay Pensinsula, Cameron Highlands , IV.2000, H. Beckmann leg. ( SMNK –03637; pinned) ; 1 ♂, Brunei, Borneo, Ulu Temburong National Park, Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre , II.2013, O. Konopik leg. (CS; pinned) ; 4 ♂♂, captive raised 2013, ex. Brunei, Borneo, Ulu Temburong National Park, Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre , II.2013, O. Konopik leg., ded. D. Döpfner (CS; pinned) ; 2 ♀♀, captive raised 2013, ex. Brunei, Borneo, Ulu Temburong National Park, Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre , II.2013, O. Konopik leg., ded. D. Döpfner (CS; pinned) ; 1 ♂, Malaysia, Borneo, Sabah, Keningau distr., Trus Madi Forest Reserve , 1200 m, 23.IV– 8.V.2006, A. Sochivko leg. ; 1 ♂, same place, 5.–8.IV.2010, P. Udovichenko leg. (ES; pinned); 2 ♂♂, same place, but 1150 m, 28.III–10.IV.2011, P. Udovichenko leg. (ES; pinned); 3 ♂♂, same place, but 1160 m, 19.–20.III.2012, A. Klimenko leg. (ES; pinned); 13 ♂♂, same place, N 05°26’35”–E 116°27’5”, 1250 m, 22.–27.V.2014, E. Shcherbakov leg. (ES; ethanol); 1 ♂, Malaysia, Borneo, Sabah, Pensiangan distr., Pensiangan env., N 04°34.948’ – E 116°19.935’, 516 m, 27.V–2.VI.2014, E. Shcherbakov leg. (ES, ethanol); 1 ♂, Malaysia, Borneo, Sabah, Danum Valley Conservation Area , forest, 220–350 m, lux, 19:30 h, 07.XI.2003, J. Beck leg. (genitalia preparation Schwarz No. 46) (CS; pinned).
Distribution. Myanmar, Laos, Thailand (SMNK), Malay Peninsula (MNHN, SMNK; this work), Borneo ( Schwarz & Konopik 2014, see also references therein), Sumatra (MNHN), Mentawai Islands ( Ehrmann 2002), Java (type locality, De Haan 1842).
Measurements in mm. Male: body length 26.5–29.2; head width 4.5–5.0; pronotum length 4.2–4.7; pronotum width 3.2–3.9; metazona 2.1–2.3; fore coxa length 6.6–7.4; fore femur length 8.2–9.1; fore femur width 5.2–6.1; fore tibia length 5.8–6.6; hind femur length 5.3–5.9; tegmen length 26.5–28.9; tegmen width 6.7–7.9.
Female: body length 34.2–34.8; head width 5.2–5.9; pronotum length 6.4–6.6; pronotum width 4.8–5.2; metazona 3.2–3.4; fore coxa length 8.1–9.5; fore femur length 10.5–11.8; fore femur width 7.0–7.6; fore tibia length 7.5–8.4; hind femur length 6.9–7.2; tegmen length 19.9–21.6; tegmen width 7.1–8.1.
Variability. The ratio pronotum length/width is usually 1.20–1.26 in males and 1.29–1.33 in females, but in a male from Danum Valley with an unusually short pronotum this value is only 1.12. While the coxae of males are usually darker than those of females, continental specimens of both sexes are overall slightly larger and darker than Bornean representatives, and have very dark, almost blackish fore coxae ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 – 20 ). This is also the case in the male specimens from Pensiangan and Danum Valley, but as a general rule specimens from Borneo have reddish fore coxae. More material is needed to determine the significance of this character.
Distribution and biology. A. phyllopus is listed here outside the Sunda Islands for the first time since Kirby (1904), who mentioned the species from Penang. Actually, this species is widely distributed over SE Asia, as evidenced by several specimens housed in the SMNK (pers. obs.) and the MNHN (R. Roy, pers. comm.).
On Borneo, A. phyllopus can be encountered at elevations of 0–1300 m in dipterocarp forests, but our data suggest it prefers higher elevations. Observations on Mt. Trus Madi show that A. phyllopus is attracted by light from 1:00 to 5:00 h. However, there seems to be some plasticity across habitats, since the Danum Valley specimen was captured at 19: 30 h.
Some life history information on this species is presented by Shelford (1903, as H. sarawaca ). He describes and figures the cryptic attitude and impressive startling display of an adult female (see also Chopard 1938), and was the first to describe the ootheca.
Beier, M. (1929) Weitere neue Mantiden aus der Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 81 (7 / 10), 245 - 254.
Beier, M. (1934) Mantodea. Fam. Mantidae. Subfam. Hymenopodinae. Genera Insectorum, Fascicule 196, 1 - 37, pls. 1 - 2 [Nachtrage 1937, 3 pp.]
Beier, M. (1937) Results of the Oxford University Expedition to Sarawak (Borneo), 1932. Mantodea. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B), 6 (9), 177 - 181.
Chopard, L. (1938) La Biologie des Orthopteres. Paul Lechevalier, Paris, 541 pp., 4 pls.
De Haan, W. (1842) Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Orthoptera Zoologie. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche Bezittingen door de Leden der Natuurkundige commisie in Indie et andere Schrijvers, 6, 45 - 248, 13 pls.
Ehrmann, R. (2002) Mantodea - Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Munster, 519 pp.
Giglio-Tos, E. (1927) Das Tierreich. 50. Lfg. Orthoptera Mantidae. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin & Leipzig, XL + 707 pp.
Kirby, W. F. (1904) A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera. Vol. I. Orthoptera Euplexoptera, Cursoria, et Gressoria. British Museum (Natural History), London, X + 501 pp.
Loxton, R. G. (1979) On display behaviour and courtship in the praying mantis Ephestiasula amoena (Bolivar). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 65, 103 - 110.
Otte, D. & Spearman, L. (2005) Mantida Species File. Catalog of the Mantids of the World. Publication Number 1. Association of the Insect Diversity, Philadelphia, 489 pp.
Saussure, H. de (1871) Melanges orthopterologiques. Supplement au III me Fascicule. Mantides. Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Geneve, 21 (1), 239 - 337, pl. 7.
Schwarz, C. J. & Konopik, O. (2014) An annotated checklist of the praying mantises (Mantodea) of Borneo, including the results of the 2008 scientific expedition to Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary, Sarawak. Zootaxa, 3797 (1), 130 - 168. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3797.1.12
Shelford, R. W. C. (1903) Bionomical notes on some Bornean Mantidae. Zoologist, 7 (4), 293 - 304.
Werner, F. (1916) Zur Kenntnis afrikanischer und indischer Mantodeen. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen zoologischbotanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 66, 254 - 296.
Werner, F. (1925) Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mantodeen von Niederlandisch-Indien. Treubia, 6 (3 - 4), 476 - 486, pl. 24.
Werner, F. (1933) Funfter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mantodeen von Niederlandisch-Indien. Treubia, 14 (2), 255 - 272, pl. 8.
Westwood, J. O. (1889) Revisio insectorum familiae mantidarum, speciebus novis aut minus cognitis descriptis et delineates. Gurney & Jackson, London, 54 + III pp., 14 pl.
Wood-Mason, J. (1879) On the systematic position of some little known Asiatic Mantodea, with description of two new species belonging to the genus Hestias. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1879, 257 - 259.
FIGURES 1 – 8. Dorsal habitus of Hestiasulini. 1. Male of Hestiasula brunneriana (Sri Lanka) (CS). 2. Female of H. brunneriana (Sri Lanka) (CS). 3. Male of Astyliasula phyllopus from Sabah (CS). 4. Female of A. phyllopus from Brunei (CS). 5. Male of A. sarawaca from Brunei (SMNK). 6. Female of A. sarawaca from Kalimantan (RMNH). 7. Pseudohestiasula borneana, holotype (SMNK). 8. Male of Catestiasula moultoni from Sarawak (CS) (scale bar: 10 mm).
FIGURES 9 – 20. Fore legs of Hestiasulini treated in this paper, anterior view. 9. A. phyllopus, male from the Malay Peninsula (ES). 10. A. phyllopus, male from Brunei, mirrored (CS). 11. A. phyllopus, female from Brunei (CS). 12. A. sarawaca, male from Brunei (CS). 13. P. borneana, holotype (SMNK). 14. H. brunneriana, male from Sri Lanka (CS). 15. H. brunneriana, female from Sri Lanka (CS). 16. A. sarawaca, female from Kalimantan; Photo C. J. Schwarz © RMNH (RMNH). 17. C. moultoni, male from Sarawak (CS). 18. C. moultoni, female from Brunei, mirrored (CS). 19. C. nitida, male from Myanmar (SMNK). 20. C. nitida, male from Sumatra (SMNK) (not to scale).
FIGURES 43 – 50. Genitalia of various Hestiasulini. 43. A. phyllopus from Sabah (CS). 44. A. basinigra from Myanmar (SMNK). 45. C. nitida from Myanmar (SMNK). 46. C. nitida from Sumatra (SMNK). 47. C. sp. from Kerala (SMNK). 48. Ephestiasula amoena from Nepal (ES). 49. E. pictipes from India (CS). 50. H. gyldenstolpei from Thailand (ES) (scale bar: 1 mm).
FIGURES 53 – 57. Life aspect of Bornean Astyliasula. 53. Male of A. sarawaca, Kubah NP, Sarawak, Malaysia; Photo © Fu- Sheng Huang. 54. Female of A. phyllopus in dorsal view, Mulu NP, Borneo, Sarawak, Malaysia; Photo © Paul Bertner. 55. Captive raised female of A. phyllopus in cryptic resting position; Photo © Daniel Döpfner. 56. A. phyllopus, displaying female, Mulu NP, Borneo, Sarawak, Malaysia; Photo © Paul Bertner. 57. A. phyllopus, displaying male, Mt. Trus Madi, Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia; Photo © Evgeny Shcherbakov.
FIGURES 58 – 59. A. phyllopus. 58. Ootheca with hatching nymphs. 59. Displaying first instar nymph. Photos © Jürg Sommerhalder.
Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History) |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
SubFamily |
Oxypilinae |
Genus |
Astyliasula phyllopus ( De Haan, 1842 )
Schwarz, Christian J. & Shcherbakov, Evgeny 2017 |
Hestiasula phyllopus (
Schwarz 2014: 140 |
Otte 2005: 78 |
Ehrmann 2002: 172 |
Loxton 1979: 108 |
Beier 1937: 181 |
Beier 1934: 17 |
Werner 1933: 271 |
Beier 1929: 249 |
Giglio-Tos 1927: 544 |
Pachymantis phyllopus (
Werner 1925: 485 |
Werner 1916: 280 |
Kirby 1904: 287 |
Pachymantis sarawaca (
Werner 1916: 280 |
Kirby 1904: 288 |
Hestiasula sarawaca
Chopard 1938: 366 |
Shelford 1903: 296 |
Hestias phyllopus (
Wood-Mason 1879: 259 |
Paraoxypilus phyllopus (
Saussure 1871: 158 |
Mantis (Oxypilus) phyllopus
De 1842: 84 |