Gorceixia decurrens Baker (1882: 225)

Loeuille, Benoît, Semir, João & Pirani, José R., 2019, A synopsis of Lychnophorinae (Asteraceae: Vernonieae), Phytotaxa 398 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.398.1.1

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scientific name

Gorceixia decurrens Baker (1882: 225)


1. Gorceixia decurrens Baker (1882: 225) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais:Antonio Pereira [for details about the type locality see Hind et al. 2006], A.F.M. Glaziou 12803 (lectotype: K e! [K000497127] designated by Hind et al (2006: 129); isolectotypes: C [not seen] photo at US, K e! [K000497128], P [P02536173, P02536174]) ( Fig. 17 B View FIGURE 17 , 18 A–B View FIGURE 18 ).

Distribution and habitat: — Brazil ( Bahia , Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais). Semideciduous and deciduous forests, caatinga arbórea; 250– 820 m.

Taxonomic Notes: —An uncommon species. Easily recognized by its winged branches, pedunculated syncephalia with secondary involucre of reduced leaf-like bracts ( Hind et al. 2006).

Representative specimens: — BRAZIL. Bahia : Rio de Contas , estrada real, 13°36’46”S, 41°48’55”W, 25 January 2001, A. M GoogleMaps . Giulietti & R. M . Harley 54071 ( HUEFS, MBM). Espírito Santo: [Vila Pavão], Barra da Rapadura , 18°42’26”S, 40°35’35”W, 155 m, 16 February 2014, R GoogleMaps . Forzza et al. 7869 ( RB, SPF, VIES). Minas Gerais: Leme do Prado , 17°05’36.6”S, 42°42’55.2”W, 820 m, B GoogleMaps . Loeuille et al. 821 ( BHCB, K, RB, SPF, US).

VIII. Heterocoma Candolle (1810: 190 , t. 7). Type:— Heterocoma albida (DC. ex Pers.) DC. Sipolisia Glaz. ex Oliver (1894a : t. 2281). Type:— Sipolisia lanuginosa Glaz. ex Oliv. (= Heterocoma lanuginosa (Glaz. ex Oliv.) Loeuille ,

J. N. Nakaj. & Semir). Alcantara Glaz. ex Barroso (1969: 1) , non Alcantarea (E. Morren ex Mez 1894: 516) Harms (1929: 802) . Xerxes Grant (1994: 287) .

Type:— Alcantara petroana Glaz. ex G.M. Barroso (= Heterocoma ekmaniana (Philipson) Loeuille, J. N. Nakaj. & Semir ). Bishopalea Robinson (1981: 211) . Type:— Bishopalea erecta H. Rob. (= Heterocoma erecta (H. Rob.) Loeuille, J. N. Nakaj. & Semir ). ( Fig. 18 C–F View FIGURE 18 , 19 A View FIGURE 19 ).

Coarse subshrubs or shrubs, rarely treelets; stems simple to poorly branched. Indumentum densely white lanate or tomentose, rarely sericeous, composed of stellate, 3- to 5-armed, rarely unbranched trichomes, commonly geminate, porrect and/or side-armed. Leaves alternate, sessile, with semi- to amplexicaul sheath, blade membranaceous to chartaceous, discolorous or concolorous, margin commonly crenate, flat (not revolute), marcescent, venation eucamptodromous or actinodromous. Inflorescence an axillary, sessile or pedunculate glomerule of capitula or panicle of capitula, seldom a solitary capitulum. Capitulum sessile or rarely pedunculate, subinvolucral bracts foliaceous. Involucre campanulate; phyllaries 3–6-seriate, weakly imbricate, persistent, pubescent; receptacle fimbrillate and/or paleaceous. Florets 20–75; corolla purple, tube longer or shorter than limb; corolla lobes apices densely pubescent or seldom spiculiferous; anthers calcarate; style lacking a basal node. Cypsela cylindrical or prismatic, walls with phytomelanin, glabrous; carpopodium usually inconspicuous; pappus biseriate, series equal or subequal, caducous, subpaleaceous or paleaceous, stramineous to whitish, seldom outer series reduced, coroniform and persistent, inner series sometimes twisted. Chromosome number: unknown.

Taxonomic notes: —A genus of six species from the Brazilian Central Plateau. The present expanded concept of the genus is discussed in detail by Loeuille et al. (2013). A synapomorphy of the genus is the presence of phytomelanin on the walls of the cypselae.


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Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Universidade de São Paulo


Federal University of Espírito Santo


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Royal Botanic Gardens

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