Hedyphanes semnanicus, Nabozhenko, 2005

Nabozhenko, M., 2005, New Synonymies And New Species Of The Genus Hedyphanes Fischer Von Waldheim, 1822 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Helopini), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (4), pp. 349-355 : 352-354

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586003

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hedyphanes semnanicus

sp. nov.

Hedyphanes semnanicus sp. n.

( Figs 5–10 View Figs 5–10 )

Type material – Holotype (m) is with the following labels: “ IRAN, prov. Semnan, Byarjamand , 1000 m. 55°49’20”E, 36°15’11”N, 25.IV.1999 ”; “leg. Gy. Fábián, L. Nádai, Z. Rahmé & K. Székely ” ( HNHM) GoogleMaps . Paratype (f) is with the following label: “ IRAN, Prov Semnan Byarjaman , 1000 m 25. IV. 1999 leg. N. Rahmé ” ( HNHM). (The names [ZOLTÁN] and [NIKOLA] RAHMÉ refer to the same person.)

Description – Male ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–10 ). Body slender, black, with greasy sheen. Length 16 mm, width 6.3 mm.

Head widest at level of eyes. Eyes large, convex. Ratio of head width at level of eyes to distance between eyes 1.6. Anterior margin of clypeus straight. Lateral margin of head at junction of gena and clypeus with weak emargination. Genae weakly rounded. Frons weakly convex. Head without transverse depression along frontal suture. Punctation of head coarse, moderately dense (intervals between punctures on frons subequal to puncture diameter). Antennae long, with 3 apical segments nis, ventral view. Scale bars = 1 mm

extending beyond base of pronotum. Segments 9–11 filiform, flattened, asymmetric. Length to width ratio of segments 2–11: 1, 4.9, 2.4, 2.3, 2.3, 2.4, 2.2, 1.6, 1.3, 1.7. 3rd segment of antennae 2 times as long as 4th. Segment 11 1.3 times as long as 10th.

Pronotum weakly transverse, widest at middle. Disc of pronotum strongly convex. Outer margins of pronotum emarginated only near angles. All margins of pronotum weakly rounded. Lateral sides of pronotum finely margined near angles; anterior margin and base very finely margined. Punctation of pronotum moderately coarse, diameter of punctures on the middle of disc about equal to distance between them; diameter of punctures on sides larger than distance between them. Propleura with coarse, not rasp-formed punctation; punctation on lateral portion sparser. Prosternal process weakly projecting.

Elytra oblong-oval. Disc of elytra moderately convex, only narrowly depressed near suture. Striae of punctures weak; interstrial punctation almost the same as punctures in striae. Elytra with transverse wrinkles.

Abdominal ventrites with fine punctation. Spiculum gastrale: Figs 6–7 View Figs 5–10 . Parameres: Figs 8–9 View Figs 5–10 . Penis: Fig. 10 View Figs 5–10 .

Legs long; anterior and middle tibiae straight, posterior tibiae weakly curved inside in basal third. Anterior tarsi of male widened, its segments 1–2 transverse. Middle tarsi weakly widened, with transverse segments. All tarsi with dense rufous hairs.

Body length 13 mm, body width 4 mm.

Female. Body wider and more robust. Antennae shorter, when posteriorly extended reaching beyond base of pronotum with one segment. Elytra without transverse wrinkles. Tarsi not widened.

Diagnosis – The new species is closely related to Hedyphanes besseri FALDERMANN, 1837 , but differs from it in the more widened body and the absence of emarginations on the outer margins of pronotum. Except H. besseri , which has rectangular and transversal tarsomeres 1–4, only H. semnanicus sp. n. has transversal head-shaped tarsomeres 1–3. But H. semnanicus sp. n. also differs from H. besseri by the structure of 11th antennal segment, the later having more elongate and less asymmetric 11th antennal segment.


Acknowledgements – The author is much obliged to Prof. G. S. MEDVEDEV (ZIN), Dr. L. ZERCHE (DEI), Dr. M. Y. KALASHYAN (Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Erevan) and Dr. O. MERKL (HNHM) for providing the material. The author also thanks Dr. A. YU. SOLODOVNIKOV (Department of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA) for reviewing this paper.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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